Sunday, December 31, 2023

The Three Stooges :S4: Ep4 - Brideless Groom (1947) episode review

 Starring………………. Moe Howard , Larry Fine and Shemp Howard

Director………… Edward Bernds


To inherit a fortune, Shemp must get married by 6 o “ clock that very day , but finding a willing bride proves a challenge.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

For first time doing a review of my favorite episode of the three stooges as well it is very funny what this episode brings for a short time.

Episodes start off with him teaching Shemp that is a woman who has too loud of a voice after that moe tells him his uncle died and left him big money but he can only get it if he married oh boy. So he starts woman who turn him down at moment there is a moment I laugh when both got stuck in phone booth funny comedy this why I like it they find a way to make you laugh.

He try’s everything no woman will unit woman at starts will but moe put in a ad and well all woman turn him down find out I guess they read the paper so last few mins features all 3 being attacked by woman it was funny see then being attacked don’t see that much so after all that he gets married by 6pm as episode ends with him saying help help funny ending.

Quick episode but great one still one of favorite but would have like to see him get money sure did as well so in the end did enjoyed watching this episode again too funny.

The Three stooges S4: Ep4 rating 7/10

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