Sunday, December 31, 2023

Smallville : S1: E19- Crush (2002) review

 Starring……………… Tom Welling , Kristin Kreuk and Micheal Rosenbaum

Director…………. James Marshall


After Justin Gaines romances Chole, she learns that he has telekinesis ability. Clark angers Chole by speculating that Justin is responsible for some mysterious accidents, to get revenge for his own hit and run injuries.

Spoilers ahead warning

My review

Finally get to review another episode of smallville and this one is called crush so episode starts off witb Justin that is character name who is painting a face on paper then someone walks in my guess a doctor and ask him how he is doing I think he made Justin mad he doesn’t look happy then later Justin draws that same guy and puts blood marks from a red pin and then the guy gets killed in a elevator accident then after goes to intro.

After intro after an mis error about signing up for something which Clark did not this made chole mad so first five moments they are fighting.

After that lex visit his mom grave and he runs into a familer face a lady he knows for a long long time things didn’t go well between them though at first then later she shows up at his house turns out she a old babysitter of Lex still doesn’t like her at all.

The feud between Clark and chole sorts of heats up as he look for info behind Justin back well Justin finds out about this and things between them went sour this is not good news for friendship between chole and Clark is torn apart more while that going on Justin see a fax come in with some info on who run him over turns out it was principal and boy Justin goes go after him and well kills him justin is not who is he chole better watch out.

Clark does try to warn her later but well chole not buying it more drama chole is going to have figure out on her so she goes to his house and well finds something about justin and well Justin goes after her now she in trouble Clark better get there fast and good thing he did show Justin and him had a good fight short but in the end Clark win and saves chole.

After that lex visit lady who took care of him turns out she is die so was nice of lex to go see her after that chole and Clark talk and made up but the ending was not force on them it was around Whitney dad who passed and then music good song to fit in the last few mins where everybody was at the funeral in the rain with everybody looking at each no word was said but pretty good camera angle on Clark, Lana and chole as episode ends with Clark walking away very sad ending there.

Not a bad episode not best too much drama in this one but that ending made up for it there some but I would of left drama out some even that ending there was tough to watch total sad but was good for camera angles though that nice way to end it though.

Anyway off to next one which show will be that I reviewing next could be anyway so stay turned:

Smallville S1: E19 rating 7/10

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