Sunday, December 31, 2023

Home improvement :S1: Ep1 - Pilot (1991) episode review

 Starring…………… Tim Allen, Patricia Richardson and Earl Hindman

Director………..John Pasquon


Tim makes the dishwasher more powerful. Jill has a job interview.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

We’ll figure I review this one the very show of classic tv shows I watched back in the days called home improvement one of my favorite Tim Allen shows and probably one his best as well.

This also first time that I see this show well in years so probably forgot so first few mins is Tim and family watching some highlights funny show tool time is as well after that Tim try to get out of babysitter as Jill has a job interview.

Then Jill tells Tim do not touch the dishwasher does he listen nope his ego gets to him way to much that he is planning to fix dish washer this just going to make wife more mad if something happens here he does mess up a lot which is funny so can’t wait to see Jill reaction too this if he mess up.

So later Jill comes him thinking she got job and well she finds out about Tim fixing the dishwasher he try it but did not work and Jill not getting job so them two pretty much fight as time goes to one of my favorite character of series Wilson he the guy that lives next too then and he gives them good advice as well for some reason his face was never show all much as they hide it which is interesting as well.

So show ends with Tim and Jill making up but she has one more plan telling Tim to go get naked in the garage and locking the door funny ending with Tim being locked as guy fixing the dishwasher look on funny.

This was indeed a funny start to a show that did well for many seasons it has acting that you don’t see too much today that for sure I Don’t even watch comedy’s shows much so if I want to laugh have to go back and watch classics like this one which I did like.

Home improvement S1: Ep1 rating 7.5/10

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