Showing posts with label The flash Reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The flash Reviews. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Flash : S3: Ep15 - The wrath of Savitar (2017) episode review

Starring…… Candice Patton, Grant Gustin and Danielle Panabaker

Director ……….. Alexandra Le Roche


While training with Barry, Wally starts to have visions of Savitar, which he hides from team. A dangerous secret threatens Barry and Iris”s happiness.

Spoilers ahead warning

My review

The flash reviews return I am ready to get back to reviewing and get though season 3 once and for all so here is the review of episode 15 of season 3 of the flash.

Episode starts off with a few highlights then starts off with 3 speeders and Wally is now fast but memory serves me right wasn’t Wally kidnap bye Savitar at end of episode 14 kidnap what the heck is going on here maybe this Savitar game playing with Wally not sure would be silly if writers forget about no they did not after being attacked by him Savitar is now messing with Wally head and this could be dangerous as well.

Because he may now know what team flash plan so they talk though Julia to Savitar who says he create himself and he try to scare team flash he did some he is good at playing mind games then Barry goes to find people worshipping Savitar wtf indeed brainwashed they are.

For some reason Nash and Wally want to go to future to see if they find more info on Iris death it was too much for Wally to see well did find a out a huge secret that Iris was not wearing ring so that she and Barry problems grow now later Joe try to go talk to her but does not help much after that again the gang talks to Savitar same way as before they are sure going down this way they do find some info.

Then later whole talking to Jesse Wally see his mom telling him to stop you know this has to be Savitar here and it was so now he going after him along better get Barry help but in a bit as he iron out his problems with Iris first he did but now bad news is Wally has stone and if he gives Savitar that part of stone he will be free from speed force well some how Savitar got Wally trapped to speed force and bad news it is Wally bad news now Savitar is free so we get a little fight at the end barry gets stab by Savitar and almost dies but bad news they lost Wally for now tough way to end episode very good acting though.

Not a bad episode ending was tough to watch with Wally being trapped in speed force they will now have to find a way to get him out next episode look like it could that way so next week will be reviewing episode 16 of the flash season 3 so for now have a good rest of your night.

The flash S3: Ep15 rating 7/10

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The flash S3: Ep14- attack on Central city (2017) episode review

 Starring………….Grant Gustin , Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Directed by…………….. Dermott Downs


Grodd and his army bring their battle to earth 1 , which the team must find a way to stop.

Spoilers ahead warning

My Review

Ready to see how story ends good chance it will with grodd so how does this episode start off with Iris waking up and Barry making breakfast lots of food then after that wells talk to Nash weird it like he talking to his Nash thinks throw a party called friends day sounds can of lame right now is not the time since trouble Is ahead then out of no where gypsy comes out and attack everybody this is grodd play now he on earth 1 and again not looking good for team flash here who can help them stop grodd and his army before they destroy Central city so Cisco goes to gypsy who mind is now clean of grodd she doesn’t want to help sounds like just let her go for now maybe she come back later on.

So they use Cisco and his powers to find him but grodd takes over and sends a message though Joe a warning message as well barry is indeed doubtful he can beat him it not going to be a easy one he wants to kill grodd for good so to try and reach him they use Joe and he is drawing a person turns out man in the picture Is general and now grodd using his mind is going to nuke central city team flash better figure out who he is quick before grodd nuke the city they find out he in change of the nuke so how does flash stop it he has to find right code he was lucky to stop weapon but not grodd is ready to attack.

So Cisco goes to gypsy for help come on Gypsy you better help him please hopefully this talk will get her to help

Back on earth it is 3 vs lots of grodd army hate to say team flash is indeed out number here not looking great they try using speed but did not last long though then out of nowhere help comes as Cisco and gypsy comes with grodd worst enemy solovar so now it’s grodd vs solovar here what a battle this will be pretty much a good battle as solovar wins and grodd is toast as they all head back to earth 2 so everything fine for now but still got Iris death to worry about so how does episode ends with Jesse staying on earth 1 with Wallly going to get a big belly burger for Jesse but then Savitar Is show up attacking wally  wow what a ending there look like he back.

Well pretty great episode and battle at the end I worder if this end of grodd they better hope that for sure but now that out of way no rest Savitar Is back and has Wally as well should be something to see how that plays out in the next episode will say in the end indeed enjoy this episode.

Well that it for this review going to go bed soon so have a good rest of your Wednesday night.

The flash S3: Ep14 rating 7/10

The flash : S3: EP13 - Attack on Gorilla City (2017) episode review

 Starring …………..Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Director………… Dermott Downs


Barry and the team travel to earth-2 to rescue Harry from Gorilla city , where they”re captured and brought to Grodd, who claims he needs their help to stop solovar.

Spoilers ahead warning

My review

Episode starts off with highlights from last episode ending after that wells from earth 2 is see running from grodd but he was grab and n by now look like they are heading back to earth 2 so the one going is Barry, Cisco ,Caitlin and Julian .

Wally , Jesse , Iris and Joe stay back on earth 1 and look like Jesse is not talking to Wally much wonder if she jealous maybe hmm.

On eartb 2 the crew continues someone nails them it was grodd look like they be taking a trip to the city after all then they woke up in the cage and wells see walking but grodd has taking over wells mind to talk to the flash sounds to kill another gorilla name Solovar hmm later on Barry said fight me if I win you let go free and solovar accept so it now the flash vs solovar good luck Barry and let say does not start off well so Cisco tells him to running fast and use lighting bolt to slow him down does work for a bit but he throw a huge big crash so how does Barry beat bye use reverse flash move nice work Barry too him big win for them but will he let them go now is question.

After he questions turns out he put Barry back in the cage turns out grodd wants to attack earth oh this not good he mad grodd is and looking for revenge the flash is going to need all help he can get but first they need to find a way out of the so Barry is somehow playing death by not breathing nice move Barry it got him out but better hurry up and lucky they got out very quick so they got wells back to his daughter I still don’t think this is end of grodd attacking central city Wally and Jesse put there problems a side as well.

So how does episode ends well I was right grodd story is not this time he using the one that was looking for wells early and now she open up a a breach that now leads grodd and lots of his friends into central city it is indeed not over better be ready team flash.

This probably one of best one I see build up for story of grodd indeed like sure will be something to see in the next episode how story continues and now grodd bringing his friends over and also how team flash will try and stop him is the question so get ready and see what I think of part 2 in my reviewing coming up in a hour so see you then.

The flash S3: EP13 rating 7.5/10

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The flash S3: Ep12- Untouchable (2017) episode review

 Starring………….Grant Gustin , Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Director…………… Rob Hardy


A criminal meta - human is causing people to decompose at an accelerated rate.

Spoilers ahead warning

My review

Episode 12 starts off with highlights of last episode then Barry and kid flash training as it going to be kid flash vs the flash in a speed race who wins Barry for now because he went though walls and kid flash doesn’t know how to yet to move though walls time for training on that as well but they also have a villain going around turn people into dust by one touch which is something to keep a eye out that for sure.

Then meta shows up and goes after Joe lucky kid flash show up or else Joe would have been ash as well. Then Barry and Iris tell Joe about future of Iris and he gets mad for not them telling and then Iris was attack by meta only way to save her is for you know who to use her powers but that could be risk but she did it Iris is ok for now for some reason wells what Cisco to vibe flashpoint again and it does work and Cisco see future and a cop name stone Need to find her quick before Meta gets to her so think he going after everyone now there even more bad news nothing working on Iris and Caitlin is losing it and become killer frost again but Julian calms her down thank god she good for now.

Bad news is now meta is on train with Joe and stone Barry use up all his powers to save people on train so up to Wally to take down the bad guy and he did by vibe or running though him that his first big win nice and Iris will be again for now as for future is still a ? Mark as episode ends with Barry and Iris talking about what ahead which maybe not good as kid flash was trying out his new powers jesse quick returns and tells Wally that her dad is kidnapped by grodd look like big gorilla is back now what a ending.

Well good episode not best one I see but good as we see Wally slowing learn his speed powers and being trained to save Iris in future and Jesse quick returns in the end was something as well as she comes to right place to help her out but now grodd may have friends so this will be a tough one for team flash anyway in the end did like this episode.

Been a long day and I hope the right of your night goes well.

The flash S3: Ep12 rating 7/10

The Flash S3: Ep11- Dead or Alive (2017) episode review

 Starring………….. Grant Gustin , Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker.

Director……………Harry jiejian


Barry Allen and Cisco must work together to save Harrison wells from Inter- Dimensional bounty Hunter who seeks to kill him, as it is a crime on Earth- 19 to transport yourself to another earth. Cisco and Barry must fight against the bounty Hunter in a fight to the death to save Nash or Harrison’s life.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

Eoisode starts off with wells telling story on fighting bad guys on his earth then Barry shows up along with Nash up to take the bad guys out but it he was just say dreaming and then Barry and kid flash saves about cheerleadiers and Barry let’s kid flash take the fame for now and after that bounty Hunter shows up and touch money and see she wells she got save powers of Cisco look like and then bounty Hunter show up and Cisco thinks she got hot oh boy wells tell them he will be killed by them for breaking rules now it up to team flash to either save him or send him back which they think may change Iris future this will be a battle for Cisco that maybe not easy to beat just as she was getting close to take wells Cisco good luck again she be tough better get training Cisco.

He has to learn to upgrade his powers some to take on gypsy not going to be easy this is a fight for wells and Barry and wells had a plan but it backfired now she has wells for unit Cisco fights her the stakes now got interesting some. .

After all this going on kid flash and his sister go to catch bad guys but was a dumb move as Iris was almost shot and Joe was not happy either and Iris tells Barry why she taking risk was sad some but now battle on between Cisco and bounty Hunter is on for some reason the battle goes from different universe to universe and then Cisco takes her down and win but will change wells future now she agrees to tell everyone over there he died and not come back to earth ever again least wells is ok hopefully good.

So how does episode ends with wells and Cisco talking as wells say thank you the friendship between wells and Cisco has gone up so episode ends with Barry see kid flash he said up to kid flash to save Iris that a black buster but good way to end episode.

Not a bad episode the gypsy vs Cisco fight was good also hopefully no one on earth con comes for him he is safe anyway did enjoyed this episode even if it was not best on to hour number 2 of the flash reviews which will be up in the next hour.

The flash S3: Ep11 rating 7.5/10

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

The flash : S3: Ep 10 - Borrowing problems from the future (2017) episode review

 Starring………… Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Directed by Millicent Shelton


Barry I’m very intense flash try to figure out a way to change the future to save Iris from her death. Maui West will be soon as it can flash as a teams up with Barry will there will you guys be succeeded in changing the future?

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

Episode starts with flashbacks of last episode where Barry see Iris being killed it was a nightmare though this will be tough on him he going to have to tell them truth soon that in 5 months this will happen soon then he wakes up with Iris then there and fire downtown better run Barry and Wally and Barry took fire down fast as wally goes to see Joe and has lunch with him but over hears kid flash is not getting love but hate for now from police as a coward.

And Nash has create a museum of star and a hologram of Cisco was funny because he did not want to be a tour it was funny though Caitlin ask Julian to join the team he said he think about it.

Barry goes after robber as look like Barry was in trouble as kid flash saves Barry and well he not happen think this death of Iris is bugging him some and Nash museum is not working out and then Julian said he accept the offer but others don’t sound they agree though they will think about.

Then Barry tells Iris the truth about her death and team flash about her death as well this is good because maybe they can help and too start Cisco use his vibe powers as him and Cisco see what happen to Iris now Cisco see it.

First move to try and change the future is too have kid flash and it worked but does it change Iris death is question got to try anything to change it.

So how does episode ends with house party of Iris and Barry home a little party and they said yes to Julian as team mate guess he is team flash now and so does how episode ends with a woman from another universe looking for Nash hmm interesting ending.

Well it was not bad episode it force on Iris death in future more but did have a little action and team flash finding about Iris death was something question is will they stop her death what they are doing now is question and that ending was good wonder why she looking for Nash should be interesting for next episode though.

That it for this episode review coming up in a bit will have info on a scheduling change forever knight reviews which is now moving to another night which one will it be you find out In a bit.

The flash S3: Ep10 rating 7/10

The flash S3: EP9 - The Present (2016) episode review

 Starring…………… Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Director……………… Rachel Talalay


Barry heads to Eartb Three to get advice from Jay Garrick on how to stop Savitar. Wally tells Barry that he has been training with H.R.. Old wounds are reopened as Cisco faces Christmas without Dante.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Episode starts off with Julian story finding something In a cave which probably start on how he was possessed it does show something nail him after that Nash is in hoilday spirit guess on his earth they celebrate Christmas after all barry goes to talk to Julian in his old office look different since Barry left now Barry ask him questions but things didn’t go well after Barry left the voice of alchemy is heard look like it is time for him to change into him then it goes to earth 3 where tricky is Rob a bank how many versions of trickys are there must be a lot on different then we see Jay Garrick this brings me a flash back to the 1990 series that for sure great see them two back it look like trouble for Jay but.

The flash shows up and ties up tricky and he needs to talk to Jay about Savitar here and Jay gives us one heck of story does not reveal who he is yet that will be for later that for and it well mind blowing on who is well Cisco keeps see his brother everywhere it is still tough for him because it is Christmas time or could his brother trying to send him a message from other side.

Jay and Garrick go after alchemy but he bring a friend Savitar shows up and goes after Jay he took a beating as the flash knock out and Barry finds out Julian is him so he get locked in and also Barry show him he is the flash so both know the truth maybe now he won”t lash out at him more now.

Cisco start see more of his brother and talks to him his brother tells him to open the stone don’t do it Cisco and he did this was a trick now Savitar is out and going after Barry and Wally both Cisco better close the box or it will be too later thank god Caitlin got him to close the box question is what to do with the box now?

Team flash has a machine to try and reach alchemy though Julian and it worked and his mad at Barry and makes predict about team flash futures he know. Pretty scary stuff for team flash.

So what do they do about box will throw in another universe or earth they try but somehow it sent Barry into future look like and he see a death of someone close to him and then returns home he ask Jay where was and he said the future so for first time barry run to future and not looking good barry and Jay get into a fight about going back or forward in time least they had a talk about it.

So how does episode ends well with a Christmas party and a guest who was invite by Caitlin shows up Julian and he gives Barry his old job back if he wants it so is there any twist at end well barry give Iris a home and it is nice but that was it no cliffhanger though.

Not a bad episode at all got more of Savitar this episode also found out he is release in a box as long as you keep it close he will not get out for now but one day think he be free they give us a small tease on who he is a little not much they are still building it up slow on though have least it was a nice Christmas episode good time as well as hoildays are near get to review a Christmas episode of the flash here.

Well that it for this episode 9 review next will be episode 10 review so stay turned.

The flash S3: Ep9 rating 7/10

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The Flash S3: Ep7 - Killer frost (2016) episode review

 Starring…………….. Grant Gustin , Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Directed by…………. Kevin smith


The team is in for a shock as Caitlin is forced to reveal her killer frost powers- But she not the only one with a secret.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Episode starts off with highlights from last episode where Barry was attacked by Savitar he will be a big part of series going forward now so him so episode starts with Barry getting butt kick by Savitar he seems tough then Barry it was so bad lucky he was saved from his friends who saved him bye Caitlin using her powers well later look for it to get crazy as her character and well killer frost has started as she is now killer frost with powers she also has Julian now looking for alchemy for some reason.

And she reveal a huge secret that to Cisco was When barry reset the timeline he killed his brother this is not good news for Barry and Cisco friendship it might go sour after this don’t blame Cisco though everything Barry changed was sometimes not all things turn out good and trust me this will last a while though.

Episode got interesting as Cisco took our killer frost I don’t like see this but if it has to come down this let’s go he also save flash life too then again took out killer frost with vibe powers as they cage her for now after she try to smart talk to them.

After that Joe try to cut Wally cocoon but it blow up and Wally flash out of there guess he has his speed now after that barry free killer frost and ask her too kill him and some how Barry got to Caitlin for now welcome back but killer frost thing didn’t last long though but they did find Wally he does indeed have powers don’t think Joe is happy though.

Anyway Barry try his best to patch things up with Cisco here but things didn’t go well as Cisco still has a beef with him. So how does how episode ends well with a reveal of who alchemy is and a huge name is revel as well.

Not a bad episode killer frost wasn’t too bad can of short but she did do enough to damage Barry and Cisco friendship after revel the huge secret to Cisco that should be interesting also good to see they did not last long with Wally in cocoon seem can of weird that he just got powers and still be normal I thought there be some effects with it anyway did not mind this episode it was great now I have some info about hour number 2 review and why it is a pass so.

Next episode is cross over event episode so will be passing on that for now but will do a later date also will be only doing 1 review of the flash due too that I do on planning to be reviewing the cross over invasion episodes soon hopefully before the end of year will see for now I got to go get them forever knight episodes reviews up it will be 2 by the way and good thing my internet is working or else you probably get no reviews tonight but for now be back later on tonight for crime time after primetime reviews.

The flash S3: Ep7 rating 7.5/10

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The Flash : S3: E6 - Shade (2016) Episode review

 Starring………………. Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Director …………….. J.J Makaro


Wally starts to have visions of him being Kid Flash so Barry tells him the truth about his powers in Flashpoint. Meanwhile, the rest of the group find out about Caitlin’s Killer Frost powers.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

This one starts off with Wally telling his story on his speed turn out it was a vision so he having visions of saving people I think it is time for Barry to tell him the truth about flashpoint with him having speed and that what Barry doing things did not go well as he seems to want his power bad but Joe and Barry are right they could be dangerous for him if he got powers.

While that going on a shadow monster or something is killing people as well also Caitlin goes to Cisco and tells him about her powers and she ask Cisco to vibe her and he see her and him fighting like killer frost vs vibe hmm that sound interesting a little tease that for sure.

The gang goes to a movie turns out to be a nightmare as shadow man invade the movie while that going on alchemy is invade Wally head as well he try to leave and try to hit Iris lucky she nail him as well knock him out.

As for shadow man well barry took him out fast good they having biggest problems now with Wally and someone turning into Meta well Cisco tells everyone the big secret so now they all know she become killer frost and things heat up that for sure.

So how does last 5 mins go down has Wally and crew leading them to alchemy and there he is so him and Wally have a talk and him and Barry fight each other and then Wally grabs the stone that turns him into a cocoon then Barry was attacked from evil Savitar first look and that how episode ends.

Wow what a episode force on her telling them about her powers and Wally trying to get speed back think they force on that Wally story more at the end which is interesting on how it ended leading up to next episode which I be reviewing next week.

Will be back later for forever knight episodes stay turn for that later.

The flash S3 E6 rating 7/10

The flash :S3 :ep5 - Monster (2016) episode review

 Starring…………….Grant Gustin , Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Director………….. C. Kim Miles


Caitlin visits her mother to help her understand her growing meta- Human powers, Barry ties to convince Julian to let him help investigate a new meta human attacking Central city.

Spoilers ahead warning

My Review

On to episode 5 review of season 3 of the flash here is what I think of episode below.

Episode starts off with recup of the last episode after that a nice shot of the city then Barry making Cisco breakfast guess they are roommates for a bit after that Caitlin goes to see her mom her mom turns her down at first then she gets mad and things go cold and then mom drop everything on her list to help her daughter out.

Then a huge monster goes down city and it is big one then out of no one it just disappeared then we see Caitlin do her first pretty much she pass it from cool down that thing very well then her mom get into a small fight.

So Cisco and wells are they getting along well he being bugged bye him give him time though.

Caitlin try to go home bye one of guy says no stay to due more testing and well see lose her mind and things start to cold on him lucky her mom stop her that for sure as she told her go ahead and go.

So there a huge monster out there pop up how do they stop this one might not be easy turns out it a Hologram run by a kid lucky the flash save him from getting shot question why this kid cause so much fear in the city well he told Joe the story on why and Joe had a nice talk hopefully to clear this kid head he is still trouble that for sure.

So the Gang has a meeting with this wells on being fake or not he has to prove he not if so go back him then after that Julian and Barry have a nice talking as episode ends with her mom telling her to stop using powers because it will get hard and hard to stop as it ends with her freeze the computer might be too late now.

Not a bad episode lots and lot of talk and again drama but hologram monster was kind of cool turns out it was run by a kid looking for attention well he sure did and cause lots of trouble that for sure again good Joe had a talk with and hopefully he do well after this that for sure also do like Caitlin turning into frost story more as well they force on it some as well along with Nash story the question is will he prove he worth or not will see.

Well that it for this episode get ready for more in the next hour.

The flash :S3 : Ep5 rating 7/10

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

The Flash S3: E3 - Magenta (2016) episode review

 Starring…………… Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Director……….. Armen V. kevorkian


Just as wells and Jesse returns from Earth 2. Central City is attacked by a new meta with powers to control metal.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

9ff to number 3 review episode of the flash of season 3 here is what I think below.

Episode starts off with Barry and Julia fighting some sort of like a Draco type character with him being rude well actor did play him haha after that Barry and Iris go on a date but Iris wants Barry no flash or speed tonight can Barry follow the rules is question I wonder if he didn’t change timeline would she still go by them rules then we see the returns of earth 2 wells along with his daughter who now has super speed and you can tell Wally not happy oh boy little drama too much this why season 3 wasn’t best of the flash much.

Because Wally wants speed and there little drama between Jesse and wells here over the speed then Barry and Joe don’t want Wally to get it that pretty much first 10 mins.

Then it goes to a girl who dad is mean to her well somehow she has super powers that move stuff her name is Frankie who has one heck of a power to kill and move stuff when her eyes light up writers should of force on that then Wally being sad over powers and Joe and Barry still trying to make sure he does not get it also the whole Jessie and wells drama can of drag the episode a lot down yeah this super hero show not a drama show it ok to have some but not almost the whole hour which the show is about them drama parts can of make you want to skip them sometimes to good parts but I don’t I just shake my head and wait unit something good.

Then Jesse tells Wally her story on how she got her powers and Wally try to start them bye doing a dumb thing yeah more odd writing there.

So after all drama does it lead up to something good or not well it does get sort of interesting as magenta goes after her step dad i think it he with a full attack in hospital with a huge giant tank or ship oh boy this not good news and will be tough for team flash to figure this out in time better hurry problem is Barry can’t be at 2 places so wells did the right thing and send Jesse out there to keep tank then while Barry goes to talk to the teen Barry lucky talks her out of it thank god that was close thanks to Jesse and the flash day.

So how final mins go down well it has Jesse and wells iron out there problems and wells give her first super hero costume look for nice after that goes to Iris and Barry going on a date well so much for that as Joe needs him back so Joe there is something that attack the guy in jail that no one there look like just a flash as that where episodes ends.

So what did I think of this episode it was ok little bit too much drama but last 15 mins was probably the best of episode too me but first 30 did lag to me some which why I say this was indeed not best episode but again 👍🏼.

The flash S3 E3 rating 6/10

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

The flash : S3 - E4 : The new Rogues (2016) episode review

 Starring………… Grant Gustin, Danielle Panabaker and Candice Patton

Director…………… Stefan Pleszczynski


Mirror Master joins old partner, Top and looks to even score with Snart, Jesse joins the chase, but her decision to defy one of Barry orders results in terrible consequences.

Warning spoilers ahead

Here hope this episode is a little better then the last one though this one is called the new rogues so here is what I think below.

Episode starts off with a fight between snart and some couple this was a flashback on how explosive went down giving the guy look like powers to go though mirrors and he wants to go after smart.

Then crew is showed talking wells wants to go home but Jesse gets him to stay a little longer as next training is a test to see who faster between Barry and Jesse it was Barry he give her a few tips after that team try to get wells to stay but he said there are many others wells out that can help so guess the search for next wells is on.

So question is which wells will they get well first hook up they get everything set up and then wells said that we can go get big belly burger funny moment there.

Jesse and Wally relationship heats up a little maybe too late as she going to head home soon they agree to be friends then crew gets a beep from wells machine look like they may get there wish to find one maybe we’ll they end up with cowboy wells first then a few more then earth 19 wells show up his name is Nash wells didn’t like him.

After that Jesse and the flash go after mirror you and his girlfriend things didn’t go well as now Barry is trapped in mirror this one is tough one sure they help him find a way out cold is needed so how do make cold to crack the mirror can of funny Barry gets in problems like this one is difficulty though so far all plans have failed and nothing is working well Caitlin use killer frost to free him nice move Barry didn’t see her though so least he free and can go after the bad guys but how does Barry beat them is the ?.

So they set them up thinking snart is back in town turns out it was not him but Barry set up after that Jesse and Barry pretty much taking out the bad guys with another win.

At the end here we get to meet Nash wells to get to know the team as wells and Jesse are heading home saying good bye it was quick exit as well bye earth 2 wells and Jesse.

Episode ends with a killer frost tease nice one as she coming soon she should tell crew soon though. A better episode this one then last Barry getting trapped to mirror was funny but least he got out from a friend who slowing turned into a meta that has cold powers they did not saying anything after that maybe later episodes though anyway in the end did like this episode a little bit better as well.

The flash episode 4 of season 3 rating 6.5/10

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

The Flash S3 : E2 : Paradox (2016) episode review

 Starring…………….. Grant Gustin , Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Director…………… Ralph Hemecker


Barry discovers that effects from Flashpoint are greater than he thought. In the meantime . He meets his new co worker who has an immediate disdain for him.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Well after last episode here is my review of episode 2 of the flash after what happen at the end of season 3 ep1.

Episode starts off with intro of Barry saying he mess up the timeline and blame himself and boy oh boy team flash is a mess now Joe and Iris is not talking to each other he does go to Felicity and tells her about his story so sort of green arrow crossover and also Cisco brother is dead in timeline so ouch there and also Eddie is having visions of another life must be effect of flashpoint as well.

Do meet new character as well someone that hates Barry as well seems like Barry is getting cold shoulder treatment now but once he tells them about flashpoint here it will get worst and everybody will probably hate him but right now he force on getting team flash back on same side and fix problems with Joe and Iris not talking and it did not work much.

Now he got big problems the rival from flashpoint is in his timeline and blames him for messing up his life Iris ask him and Barry said he going to try and fix this so he starts running and oh boy here we go again but someone stop him as in Jay Garrick who has a nice talk with him he is someone that can help Barry out and boy he teaches him a lesson and things Jay said was right good talk with Jay there.

After talking to Jay he went and told the truth to team flash oh boy it got worst Cisco took it worst do too his brother don’t blame him barry mess up his life with timeline and he has every right to mad that for sure.

Got to wonder if team flash will help Barry now or not as the flash goes after the Rival he now got another villain so now the flash is out number here but Cisco does show up so things are ok for now between them but could get worst later.

So how does episode end with Caitlin getting killer Frost powers which is a tease of what yet to come and it ends with Iris and Barry talking and episode ends with someone attacking Eddie in jail.

Well that was tough episode to watch but this what he gets for changed timeline more problems hopefully he iron out some but will take a bit for team flash to get on same page with him again and the whole killer Frost is a nice tease that coming soon so did I like this episode it was ok was not one of top favorites as season 1 or 2 here is what I think stay turned for reviews of episodes 3 and 4 next week.

I give the flash season 3 ep2 a rating of 6/10

The flash : S3 : E1 Flashpoint (2016) episode Review

 Starring………….. Candice Patton, Grant Gustin and Danielle Panabaker

Directed by…………..Jesse Warn


The reverse-flash taunts the flash and warns of repercussions if Barry continues to forget his old life. When disaster strikes, Barry must decide whether to live as Barry Allen or return to his universe as the Flash.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Back to doing the flash reviews let go with season 3 E1 called flashback.

After season 2 finale where he changed the timeline I was wonder how much he changed because he changed not only his life but others as well soon as I see season 2 finale I said the writers are taking a huge risk by going there so see what I think of the flash season 3 right now as I go back and rewatch this season and see what I think of this weird season by the way.

Episode starts off with Barry trying to meet Iris yet again now time line is changed she does not even know Barry this has to suck for him but he choose to go back in time and mess things up and trying to fix his life right now he is not the flash in this timeline Wally is as kid flash and in this timeline he caged reverse flash as well but he does make a point this is flash point and soon it will catch up to Barry and soon he said you will be asking me to kill her yet again.

At least he get to see his mom and dad but he did not changed his life others as well Joe is lazy and now does not want him dating his daughter I wonder where is Caitlin now and Cisco what life’s are they now after timeline change well least he found out what Wally is kid flash now the hero and he taking on the villain name the rival.

Also then Cisco here brought starlabs and turn out to be rich and is greedy as well while all this is going on Barry is started to lose his memory’s this is effect that reverse flash was saying he was right as much as he happy now it will catch up with him and soon will need you know who help in the end too change timeline yet again.

So with help of different team flash now he and kid flash try to take down the RIVAL but he keeps losing his memory and has weak him and again this time it happens using his speed which is a downer. Unfortunately Wally got hurt so this another letdown so in the end here what will Barry pick this timeline or will return to the real timeline.

So he says goodbye to his mom and dad and his memory’s are fading fast so he does the right thing which I hate to say and is have reverse flash help him kill his mom yet again and I hate too say it reverse flash was right he gets to be hero here and then they show him killing Barry mom again so is everything fixed now or not well things are but still bad now Iris and Joe does not talk to each other as episode ends with someone talking to Eddie the Rival in Barry timeline this must be effects revenge Flash said here at end:

Start of season 3 was ok not best of writing but ok but it was weird one see well barry number 1 villain being the hero at end here but again Barry choice this timeline while his villain did help him at the end not all timeline is fixed and still has problems leading up to season 3 episode 2 see what I think of season 3 episode 2 review in the next hour.

I give the flash season 3 ep1 a rating of 6/10

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The Flash: S2: Ep 22 : invincible (2016) Review

 Starring…………… Grant Gustin, Danielle Panabaker and Candice Patton

Director………Jesse Warn


Zoom unleashes an army of earth 2 Meta- humans, the leader of which is Black canary’s doppelgänger, Black Siren, Joe worries when Wally goes out to help The Flash.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

After the way episode ended last week it was not looking good after Zoom unleashed a big arm of meta Humans against central city they started off showing highlights of and how they took them down it was fast take down but Christina was in trouble as black Canary try to take her down in building lucky flash was there to save her and she knows Barry secret as well.

Wally is trying to help out but Joe yell at him some so Wally think he doubt him some little bit of drama Speaking of that team flash thinks the way Barry is acting after coming back as well too me I find out interesting for writing.

Black Siren earth 2 is Laurel lance from earth 2 and boy she took down the flash easy lucky Wally was there to help after flash told him not too.

Cisco finds a way to Distract black Siren whole he try to down the Army of zone with big sound boom that will kill all zoom friends so Caitlin and Cisco dress up as frost and vibe it did work lucky they got it working super sound took all them down but not zoom he got away which team does not know but for now Caitlin and rest are ok yes she got away from him but she be fine.

So they think zoom is gone and go ahead and throw Henry a party Tina was there and boy see them two together brings back flash 90’s vibes very cool moment for writers to throw that in just when things was looking ok you know they throw something huge for leading up to season finale and they did Cisco has a vibe see earth 2 being Destroyed and then we see zoom grab Barry father then there I know something bad was going to happen was right boom that ending was tough to watch a not too bad episode.

Would like a out war between zoom friends and team flash see that with police who could not win so they find a way to take them out easy the flash zoom story just picked up more with that ending it was tough to see barry lose someone he loved again in same house ouch will give that too writers who wanted to added more heat to zoom for finale of season 2 will be reviewing that here in a bit get ready season 2 of finale of the flash review coming up in the next hour.

I give the flash S2 Ep22 a rating of 8/10

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

The Flash S2: E21 : The Runaway Dinosaur (2016) review

 Starring…………. Candice Patton, Danielle Panabaker and Grant Gustin

Director…….. Keith smith


Iris Volunteers to act as the belt in a plan to trap Girder in S..T..A.R labs, Barry struggles to go back to his old life.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Last episode left us in sort of cliffhanger ending it was huge with team flash see Barry Vanish out of no and Jesse and Wally getting knocked out you got to wonder what next for team flash well here is next episode review we almost to end of season as well.

Episode starts with the Reaction to what happen to Barry lots of Anger and sadness as well as wells try to call Jesse and Wally no one was answer it so they find them in hallway on the floor they were a little knock think Jesse

Took the worst it knock her out pretty good so how to cure her is the question.

Later on Cisco vibes by the flash suit and see him trapped somewhere this where it gets interesting because now he trapped in speed force and he meets the one behind his power as Joe and force tell him his must catch something they had a talk Barry must pass the test and catch something very fast outside to get his powers back Barry though episode is doubt himself as speed force takes many forms of people his knows even his father as well.

While the going on team flash has a huge problem Tony Todd is back as zombie this time and is after Iris so now team flash has to figure out a way to stop him without the flash will be tough one.

Barry better hurry and pass the test and get back to save them the final test is talking to Barry mom they are trying to get him to accept his powers this going to be a tough one and hard but can Barry pass test this was probably a tear jerker writers did a great job on this moment too there but after a few talks he catch the thing and Iris does get him out but Barry can’t rest yet since zombie Tony was tough but flash beat him again welcome back Barry welcome back so cool.

After that he saves Jesse with 1 small bolt of lighting on the hand very cool think Barry got better speed now to face Zoom Speaking of zoom last few moments are bone chilling with zoom giving Caitlin a chance to stick with him or leave but warn her what happens to her if she leaves will give her something to think about after that zoom is see talking to his friends which is a whole meta Army of bad guys this will give team flash a test next episode but will say that way is a good way to end episode since there only 2 episodes left will say this probably the best episode yet of the flash will tell you what I think in my final thoughts below.

Great episode with speed force teaching Barry a lesson that helped him to get his speed back and what better way is to take everybody he knows in true form it was indeed tough to watch though even I tear up but was a great moment see Barry mom alive even though it was speed force to do that there good writing. The other thing got to keep team flash even more busy with the return of Tony Todd as a zombie make it kind of cool it was a test for team flash without Barry for a short time lucky Barry pass the test there now hopefully he ready to fight zoom because after that mind blowing ended he and team flash better be sure they come up with something thumbs up too this episode it was great for writing and acting as well.

That it for this week review sorry it was little late Tuesday was busy but next Tuesday the final 2 episodes reviews of season 2 will be up before taking a break so get ready for final 2 episodes review on Tuesday of next week for now have a good rest of your week.

I give the flash S2: E21 a rating of 8/10

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

The flash :S2 : E20 : Rupture (2016) episode review

 Starring……….. Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Director……….. Armen V. Kevorkian


Just as wells comes up with a plan to defeat Zoom, Zoom returns hellbent on destroying Central city. Meanwhile, Cisco has a vision of his brother, and Iris come terms with her feelings.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

Episode starts with team flash making a Hologram flash to trick the bad guys working good at first but for how long wells was right someone will figure it out and it will not fool zoom long so team flash had a little talk and didn’t go long so Barry goes and visits his dad up at cabin and when Barry told him about Jay there was interesting moment could name Jay Garrick then he goes back to lab and saying he staying around this time but bad news Zoom is back in the city and more dangerous then and also Cisco brother from earth 2 has showed up as well so team flash better make a Decision fast.

Later on Iris comes out for her feelings which is ok but now not the time right now try and get speed back and fight zoom who going to attack police with his plan his plan failed after Caitlin warn team flash about attack but zoom got his revenge on police he killed a lot of them and sending a message to him so they going to need the flash back fast they so going to try wells plan and this is accelerator but as they getting ready Wally and Jesse who dumb got out of safe room they should of listen but never do listen last 3 mins see Cisco do a Harry Potter wand Mention nice little Easter egg there or quote and lighting hits his wand zoom see it and runs better hurry and lighting hit Barry and Vanished and zoom says the most painful thing just to rub it so episode ends with you wonder if Barry is gone or not music ends episode like a cliffhanger for season finale good thing it was not.

Very good episode of the flash another one without Barry powers and attempt there at end to get it back but failed so ending makes you wonder where Barry goes it is good and What happen to jesse and Wally they should of listen but hopefully they be ok zoom was more of threat here then any episodes he been one heck of Villain for season 2 here probably the best one yet and again added Tony Todd voice as zoom makes him more scary as well next episode will be important one of season 2 as we close to end of season so after this one next week there be lots more to talk about next week so to everybody have a good rest of your week.

I give the flash :S2 : E20 a rating of 8/10

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

The Flash S2 : E19: Back to Normal (2016) Episode review

 Starring……… Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Director………… John F. Showalter


As Barry adjusts to life without his superpowers, a super-strong meta-human abducts Harrison, and Wally pesters Joe for a meeting with the flash.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Back to normal it is Barry has no speed and it is back to normal and now zoom got Caitlin does not look good for team flash right now they got a lot of figure out too do like he get his powers back and get her back the episode opens up with Barry riding the bus and waiting to get coffee slowing good music too fit in well with Barry being normal again.

Later on Caitlin meets killer frost which is interesting she try to get her to free her but will Caitlin trust her or not is ? I would not trust.

Then also wells go see Jesse who is still mad at him so he leaves and someone from the wells past who now ages fast he is 18 so he got wells just what team flash don’t need now but anything can help in this meta city huh.

Caitlin later on goes ahead and free killer frost but it was mistake as she almost kill her but zoom kill frost giving her a warning and then zoom out very interesting writing there.

After that we see the team go after grey or Griffin as he continue to age more with each punch this was there plan have him to keep doing that unit the end flash took a small beating it does work as team flash took down a easy but small dangerous guy with superpowers. After that Jesse and wells talk it over and are good now.

Zoom has handcuffed Caitlin she said she wants to go back to earth 🌍 but zoom has indeed other plans which is interesting to see where that goes in the next episode.

The episode ends with wells talking to Barry to do a reboot on how he got his speed by rebuilt that machine that give him the powers in first episode oh boy that will be either good or by but what a cliffhanger there leading to the next episode.

Good episode this was with Barry having no powers some drama but good writing on meta but he may of been easy but he still give them one heck of a fight so probably not the best episode but good is what I think.

I give the flash S2: E19 a rating of 7/10

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

The Flash S2: E18 : Versus Zoom (2016) episode review

Starring………. Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Director………. Stefan Pieszcynski


Barry, having now learn how to travel between the different earths, decides to take the fight to zoom.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

In this episode starts off with a kid that is Hunter trouble past story his mom was killed by his father seem like a bad life or trouble past .

After that we see Barry used that speed thing on his chest that can make him fast sure did he went so fast this here you take a peck when he run too supergirl earth and back he does tell anybody about supergirl world not yet later down the road they will meet her so now that Barry has more speed he has to find a way to find him and get back to earth 2 this where it gets interesting later they asked wells about Cisco Doppelgänger Evil version and ask him about his powers then they come up with idea that Cisco can use them to open the Portal or Breach only problem is can’t for some reason at first time 2nd time he was close but this got zoom Excited when he was opening it but Cisco didn’t want to do it for reason maybe he a little scared of being evil.

Later Joe invites Wally to stay with him and he says yes good moment there

And Cisco later on open the gate and Zoom did come out and look like plan was working it backfired later as zoom got Wally now he wants Barry speed for Wally life so Barry has big decision there.

So what does he do after a talk with zoom and the gang he goes ahead and give up the speed that fast and zoom now has his speed and to make things worst Caitlin as well to end the episode there which I was not a fan of there.

Not best episode but ok that last moments was indeed tough to watch now Barry don’t have his speed he will be a human yet again which should be interesting how it goes and how he get his speed back that is in future episodes ahead least we find out some of Hunter story though and how he become zoom and his past as well good thing they give us that as well so this will end this week review see you next week for the next review.

I give this the flash :S2 E18 a rating of 7/10

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

The Flash S2: E17 : Flash Back (2016) episode review

 Starring…………. Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle panabaker

Director…………. Alice Troughton


To become fast enough to beat zoom, Barry travels back in time to consult with Dr. Wells/ Eobard Thawne but incurs the wrath of a time Wraith.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Episode starts with Barry talking about being Betrayed by Jay and wells good opening there after that the team is still trying to get Barry to be faster then Zoom so he can beat him so Barry comes up with idea to go back into time team flash think he crazy doing it I was as well but if it only way give it a risk then later he does jump back into time and wells you can tell he acting odd this flash is after he knock out the flash of this time then later wells figures out guess you can say his plan may of backfired but also another problem is evil looking monsters time Wraiths are mad at Barry for time travel they hates speeders who mess with time so now they out to get rid of Barry.

Also wells does help him with his problem with a chip that could make him faster if he can get home the other flash does wake up and had a odd moment see 2 flashes side by side pretty cool moment there so Barry does go back in time but time Wraiths ugly looking things try to stop him lucky he got back but things was looking bad when Hartley save him wow so now in Barry time he a good guy ok I can deal with that I guess he may of change that back in time there but again cool episode ends with Barry showing Iris a record from Eddie when he went back in time he said he found it so maybe this will help Iris move on and it did pay off later as see in episodes ahead the episode ends with Barry who now figures out the key 🔑 to more speed by saying I am coming for you as episode ends.

Great episode of the flash there he did something I would not but he was lucky it payed off with evil wells knowing stuff and the time Wraiths things after him was real threat somehow he got RF to cave and give him the key to be faster at the end when he put in machine it would not work but it did now it is time to figure out how to get it which will be address in next episode pretty good episode of the flash not the best will still say great though.

That is it for this week review see you next week for more reviews of this great show.

I give the flash S2 E17 a rating of 7/10

Tales from Darkside : S2: Ep19- The Last Car (1986) Review

Starring……..Begonya Plaza, Mary Carver and Louis Guss Director……….John Strysik Synopsis A pretty University student named Stacey waits to bo...