Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Forever knight S2: EP13- Beyond The Law (1995) episode review

 Starring ……………….. Geraint Wyn Davies , Catherine Disher and Nigel Bennett

Director………… Michael Levine


When an Ambassador is the prime suspect in a murder investigation, Nick ignores his orders and wrongly accuses the powerful politician.

Spoilers ahead warning

My review

Episode starts off with 2 people talking about loving making in a weird way it was guy talking to doctor dirty then it shows him getting out question is will he kill again now?

Well after intro there was a murder my guess it was that girl before intro went down Nick goes to talk to doctor and when she talking he has a flashback and after there was another murder so that 2 and has not been 15 mins in seem like a pattern anybody close to doctor gets killed my guess this is a game go after one’s she is close too and then go right after her after that Nick goes to doctor for more info but she feeding something in Nick head that crave for blood so he calls Janet and bites her Nick is having a hard time being a vampire.

I wonder if story is still finding the killer after 20 days mins or Nick see the psychiatrist and her opening doors In Nick head well turns out both just as he was going to kill Nick and his friend get him but there has to be more who set him free and help him as well my guess it is doctor or one of her patient is what I think.

Turn out it was doctor is was the whole time she try to kill another one but Nick was there to stop it as doctor give her self a drug overdose look like probably the end there that for sure. Episode ends with Nick telling his friend what happen this doctor was not here to help but make things worst anyway episode ends with Nick and Jen kissing they be back together again?

Well not a bad episode guess I got wrong killer should of know it was doctor anyway not a bad episode it was good not best though that is it one more episode review left before Christmas break of reviews it will be up soon.

Forever knight S2: EP13 rating 7/10

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