Sunday, December 31, 2023

Three company S1: Ep2 -And mother makes Four (1977) episode review

 Starring…………….John Ritter , Joyce DeWitt and Suzanne Somers

Director……….. Bill Hobin


On Jack’s move in day, Chrissy mother, who doesn’t know about him moving in , drops by unexpectedly for a visit.

Warning spoilers aga

My review

Up next as we get close to new year and ending this long day of reviews is a show that I be reviewing another one of my favorite shows three’s company so here my review of episode 2.

Episode starts off with Chrissy and Janet getting ready for Jack to move in Chrissy worried about her father finding out then Mr roper comes to fix the door he and Mrs roper are very funny together that good comedy couple there he grumpy and she nice I laugh she also put him in place if he mouths off funny stuff.

So things get interesting as Chrissy get a phone call from her mom who coming for a visit as Chrissy so now she worry that she figure out Jack has move in and she go crazy over things get worst as her mom is staying night so they come up with a plan with all 3 of them staying in room oh boy Jack is lucky though lol.

So does her mom find out yes and everything is fine so all that worry turn out to be nothing as her mom is ok with Jack staying there so in the end he try to go back with ladies to stay in there room but winds up on the couch funny way to end episode.

Funny episode this was very good writing and acting as well they did a good job I laugh it was indeed funny one as well Is all I have to say about this one.

Three’s company S1: Ep2 rating 7/10

Lexx : S1 : E4 Giga Shadow (1997) Episode review

 Starring…………… Brian Downey, Eva Haberman and Michael McManus

Director……………. Robert Sigl


The cleaning of the Cluster and is complete and the birth of Giga Shadow is progressing. These events are unknown to the crew of the Lexx when decide to journey to the cluster for one last attempt to get the proto- blood Kai needs to continue his existence.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Another Lexx episode review this is 4th episode of S1 called Giga Shadow review is indeed below.

Starts off with a cool intro and story on what happen in episodes before and how it started so cool they should of keep it or maybe not does take 4 mins to get to start of episode though it is a little longer so maybe it best they did not stick it with it though.

So the episode starts with a lady talking about the cleansing of the shadow or something is interested she was telling the story the stuff in the first five minutes is disgusting and disturbed as well this is pretty weird show though for some reason find it interesting though even if it is a little odd though.

So after intro and story telling they get into xav and Stan at around 16 mins mark they are talking about getting Kai more pro type blood or else he die so xav goes to Kai and ask him he say it is very dangerous.

Then we see Stan story on how he meet two weird guys old ones by the way they are creeping and in love with Stan as well again story of this show is weird.

Whole taking a shower xav turns water off on him and attack saying we going back wonder if this will change his mind or not.

Well it passed 30 and so far ok but weird stuff again say that word anyway Kai and xav try to find out how to get more pro blood so they try to talk to shadow they do get some info but not much as pro type blood is broken cause Kai life now cut in half.

So after some tear up to Stan it bug him enough to go back so they go back to dark zone and xav and Kai go to get more prototype blood by going back to where it start in first episode whole they are looking for that stan send a message to everyone and look like them 2 creepy guys hear him they are going after him for some reason they like him in a creepy way in past they meet before which was show early on in the first episode.

1 hour in Kai is pass out guess that end of his blood but xav finds more and sends the baby cluster to give him to wake up Kai he does but xav trying to get back to Lexx but Stan is in trouble with 2 guys who are creepy so not looking good for xav here that for sure where does she go now is the ?.

Kai is now heading to brain to stop his rebirth but the shadow try stop him and then for some reason Stan got away from creepy bad guys and try to blow up shadow but did not work Kai try to stop the shadow but was boot out as xav and Stan pick him down to last 10 mins anything can happen here as they have 1 move left to get the him to chase him in the worm hole it does work sort of but his tail gets on Lexx as he has now take over look like it was going to be end of them but baby cluster save the day biting into his brain as it ended the shadow for now and episode ends with Stan telling the story and how he set up them 2 guys it was good plan I guess Stan know they were coming for him least now they find a place where they should be they are never heard again after this so before rolling to end credits Kai said start looking for go look for a home last min shows Kai and xav kissing and Kai eye glowing black think he is part shadow is he or not is ?

Well what a weird episode that was but was interesting what happen in the end for shadow storyline after this was very surprised they keep going after this must of had a good fanbase so how was writing it was not bad but did add up so in the end did indeed enjoy this episode some.

Lexx : Giga shadow rating 6/10

Home improvement :S1: Ep1 - Pilot (1991) episode review

 Starring…………… Tim Allen, Patricia Richardson and Earl Hindman

Director………..John Pasquon


Tim makes the dishwasher more powerful. Jill has a job interview.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

We’ll figure I review this one the very show of classic tv shows I watched back in the days called home improvement one of my favorite Tim Allen shows and probably one his best as well.

This also first time that I see this show well in years so probably forgot so first few mins is Tim and family watching some highlights funny show tool time is as well after that Tim try to get out of babysitter as Jill has a job interview.

Then Jill tells Tim do not touch the dishwasher does he listen nope his ego gets to him way to much that he is planning to fix dish washer this just going to make wife more mad if something happens here he does mess up a lot which is funny so can’t wait to see Jill reaction too this if he mess up.

So later Jill comes him thinking she got job and well she finds out about Tim fixing the dishwasher he try it but did not work and Jill not getting job so them two pretty much fight as time goes to one of my favorite character of series Wilson he the guy that lives next too then and he gives them good advice as well for some reason his face was never show all much as they hide it which is interesting as well.

So show ends with Tim and Jill making up but she has one more plan telling Tim to go get naked in the garage and locking the door funny ending with Tim being locked as guy fixing the dishwasher look on funny.

This was indeed a funny start to a show that did well for many seasons it has acting that you don’t see too much today that for sure I Don’t even watch comedy’s shows much so if I want to laugh have to go back and watch classics like this one which I did like.

Home improvement S1: Ep1 rating 7.5/10

Smallville : S1: E19- Crush (2002) review

 Starring……………… Tom Welling , Kristin Kreuk and Micheal Rosenbaum

Director…………. James Marshall


After Justin Gaines romances Chole, she learns that he has telekinesis ability. Clark angers Chole by speculating that Justin is responsible for some mysterious accidents, to get revenge for his own hit and run injuries.

Spoilers ahead warning

My review

Finally get to review another episode of smallville and this one is called crush so episode starts off witb Justin that is character name who is painting a face on paper then someone walks in my guess a doctor and ask him how he is doing I think he made Justin mad he doesn’t look happy then later Justin draws that same guy and puts blood marks from a red pin and then the guy gets killed in a elevator accident then after goes to intro.

After intro after an mis error about signing up for something which Clark did not this made chole mad so first five moments they are fighting.

After that lex visit his mom grave and he runs into a familer face a lady he knows for a long long time things didn’t go well between them though at first then later she shows up at his house turns out she a old babysitter of Lex still doesn’t like her at all.

The feud between Clark and chole sorts of heats up as he look for info behind Justin back well Justin finds out about this and things between them went sour this is not good news for friendship between chole and Clark is torn apart more while that going on Justin see a fax come in with some info on who run him over turns out it was principal and boy Justin goes go after him and well kills him justin is not who is he chole better watch out.

Clark does try to warn her later but well chole not buying it more drama chole is going to have figure out on her so she goes to his house and well finds something about justin and well Justin goes after her now she in trouble Clark better get there fast and good thing he did show Justin and him had a good fight short but in the end Clark win and saves chole.

After that lex visit lady who took care of him turns out she is die so was nice of lex to go see her after that chole and Clark talk and made up but the ending was not force on them it was around Whitney dad who passed and then music good song to fit in the last few mins where everybody was at the funeral in the rain with everybody looking at each no word was said but pretty good camera angle on Clark, Lana and chole as episode ends with Clark walking away very sad ending there.

Not a bad episode not best too much drama in this one but that ending made up for it there some but I would of left drama out some even that ending there was tough to watch total sad but was good for camera angles though that nice way to end it though.

Anyway off to next one which show will be that I reviewing next could be anyway so stay turned:

Smallville S1: E19 rating 7/10

The Three Stooges :S4: Ep4 - Brideless Groom (1947) episode review

 Starring………………. Moe Howard , Larry Fine and Shemp Howard

Director………… Edward Bernds


To inherit a fortune, Shemp must get married by 6 o “ clock that very day , but finding a willing bride proves a challenge.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

For first time doing a review of my favorite episode of the three stooges as well it is very funny what this episode brings for a short time.

Episodes start off with him teaching Shemp that is a woman who has too loud of a voice after that moe tells him his uncle died and left him big money but he can only get it if he married oh boy. So he starts woman who turn him down at moment there is a moment I laugh when both got stuck in phone booth funny comedy this why I like it they find a way to make you laugh.

He try’s everything no woman will unit woman at starts will but moe put in a ad and well all woman turn him down find out I guess they read the paper so last few mins features all 3 being attacked by woman it was funny see then being attacked don’t see that much so after all that he gets married by 6pm as episode ends with him saying help help funny ending.

Quick episode but great one still one of favorite but would have like to see him get money sure did as well so in the end did enjoyed watching this episode again too funny.

The Three stooges S4: Ep4 rating 7/10

Arrow: S3: E1: The calm (2014) Review

 Starring……. Stephen Amell, Katie Cassidy and Willa Holland

Director……….. Glen winter


As a new enemy emerges seven months after Slade’s attack upon Starling City. Oliver battles with the help of teammate Roy. However, with Arrow’s presence elsewhere someone he had loved Deadly is hurt.

Spoilers warning ahead

My Review

This was very first episode where Oliver meet Barry in before he had his powers I think yep but when does Barry show up not at start though as it started off with arrow in action great way to start as arrow has took out another bad guy.

After that goes to a flashback of Oliver in Hong Kong trying to get out but it backfired though after that someone who is tough plans to kill arrow that won’t be easy one.

So far 12 mins in no Barry yeti my guess he be a waiter at restaurant where Oliver on a date he tells her the truth about him to her bad news is bad guys there and then some shot a huge missle and a huge explosion goes down and every is hurt but Oliver does go after bad guy but he gets drug for a few seconds and takes a beating lucky didn’t last long as another character makes his first appearance as well ray Palmer a name that will be another big one down the line so this will be ray and Grant if shows up first appearance as well.

My guess grant will have a small part before episode ends probably be a quick one though anyway bad guys plan to attack and blow up a place where people are team arrow better hurry and stop them before bomb goes on lucky guy freeze the bomb as arrow gets his guy .

So well 5 mins left no Grant funny says his name at start but have not see him yet good news is John wife give birth and now he is a father though.

Then last few mins he get a phone call from Barry saying he woke up so I guess this was after he got his powers and needs to talk to Oliver that was pretty much it as episode ends with someone shooting Sara and die so who shot her is the question.

Not a bad episode so they made you wait unit end too see Barry and there he was not much though least he show up at end but the big ending turn out not to be that but the death of Sara and someone killing here very interesting to see how that play out anyway that it for this episode of arrow see you in next hour for next tv show episode review.

Arrow S3: Ep1 rating 7/10

Family matters : S3 : E9 : Born to be mild (1991) episode review

 Starring……………….. Reginald VelJohnson, Jo Marie Peyton and Rosetta LeNoire

Director………….. John Tracy


A street gang named the Dragons begin causing trouble at Rachel’s Place, breaking things and sexually harassing employees. Carl arrives just in time to chase them out. That night, after closing time. The gang breaks in and heavily vandalizes the teen hangout.

Spoilers ahead warning

My review

Episode starts off with Steve trying to get Laura attention bye asking her how he smells she bugs him off after that some gang comes in and cause trouble look like after intro they do start to do that picking on Steve and Laura as and then Steve got mad he funny when he gets that but there no way he can beat them guys who bigger then and look like things were going to get out of hand lucky Carl show up or else things would indeed get out of hand unfortunately later they trash her restaurant not good then Eddie try to fight them but got beat up so how is family going to fight them and busted them.

Well Steve said wire me I am going in too me this where I shake my head and saying is a good idea I guess sending him into danger might be only way to get him or they find out and kill him have to say it was funny see Steve trying to bad to bone whole that going on Carl and his boss are playing with handcuffs bad news is there no key or boy how heck did his cop because top boss funny.

Bad news is the gang figures out he was wired all long Carl better get there fast or he is toast lucky they got in there in time so they win so how does episode ends with them celebrated a big win and thank everyone as Steve say he has a new sandwich and Laura joke about it funny way to end the episode.

Well this was a tough one to watch see gang beat up her place and Eddie as well they were lucky to get gang at the end or else things would get worst the reason why I like this is show is acting which is good almost feel like it real and not them in character they are but characters of show is best as well that why this one is indeed a classic show will say.

Family matters : S3 :Ep9 rating 7/10

Beauty and Beast : S1 : Ep 9 : Dark Spirit (1987) episode review

 Starring…………… Linda Hamilton , Ron Perlman and Roy Dotrice

Directed by……………… Thomas J. Wright


Investigating a mysterious death makes Catherine a target of a voodoo cult.

Spoilers ahead warning

My Review

Another episode review of any tv series review here on new years next one is another Beauty and Beast series review from season 1 called Dark magic episode name sounds can of scary .

Also this one should be interesting for Catherine and Vincent as well bond because dark magic can cause problems so will be something how they fight off evil bond and what effects take place this one will indeed be a dark one that for sure.

Episode opens up with nice view of city with a nice camera angle there for a few seconds but nice then it goes to a dinner party people eating and one guy pass out with bugs in cup I think this dark magic and then falls out window can of scary start there I was wrong this was voodoo very powerful the guy who Catharine here look to be the guy from start he into voodoo as well so that probably hint on what going to happen next.

Vincent starts having a dream of her death not good Catharine better be careful this is a powerful voodoo group as soon as she gets home someone broke in with a power message something in blood on wall look like Vincent but it was not just a message that scary.

Vincent try’s to get information from his father but he needs more so he have to take a trip to find a friend who knows a lot about voodoo father warn him though so Vincent goes to place look very dark place with wind and sounds then she tells him the truth turns out so under a curse now dark magic.

Oh yeah this is started to me chills only a tv episode but very powerful one that for sure so when does effect started hitting Catherine first sign was a snake Vincent should ask his friend how to stop this powerful curse before it gets out of hold and drives her crazy seems like when she getting close to guy bad things happen it is possible he is leader why else things get worst after see him yep he was the leader Catherine is indeed in troubled up to Vincent to try and stop it .

This when Catherine starts freak out some and acting here is something from Linda she is very good at taking roles like that for sure then does get scary she start see blood in papers and then starts freak out some as see Vincent you can tell she in freak out mode she even was freak over Vincent very powerful vooodoo this sucks for Vincent but it best you leave her for now after telling him she hates oh yeah she indeed under a spell here that cause her do things of hate after this was only 8 mins left so what going to happen here in final 8 mins will be something to see and how Vincent will find a way to stop them and cure Catherine from this spell who is in a red dress so best idea right is Vincent to visit his friend the lady in parts of tunnels to help him and that what he does she said she will die if she takes the powder what and so Vincent goes to fight him even if she warn him.

The voodoo guy plan was to have a powerful force to posses her after Vincent came and rescued her the guy thought fire could not stop him what a fool he walked into the fire and well was burned what a fool.

So will Catherine be ok yes she was clean out of dark magic and bond between her and Vincent are ok it was cool ending did not say a word and had Vincent toss something in air that look neat it was hopefully good magic as they huge each other as show ends good ending to a very dark one.

Wow story on this was scary some with Catherine freak out some as well even turning on Vincent was scary that how powerful voodoo is or cursed in the end that guy thought he gain power but burn to death he was a fool after all and it ending beautifully as well no talking each just great soundtrack and them looking at each other there nightmare is over now they been though a lot that for sure a great episode sort of horror type with snakes and blood will say this one was indeed dark as well.

Well that ends this review stay turned for next show review of any tv show episode.

Beauty and the beast S1 : E9 : Dark magic rating. 7/10

Hercules: The legendary Journeys S1: E12 episode review

 Starring………….Kevin Sorbo , Lucy Lawless and Robert Bielak

Directed by…………. Jack Perez


Xena is back. A captured Salmoneus sees good in her. She butts heads with a lieutenant in her army, saves a baby and has walk the gauntlet Hercules is hot on her heads, which leads a confrontation between the two.

A episode where xena start off bad but after she rescues a baby you can tell she was started to turn good but they did a good job on with story making you wonder if she go that way on being good or not because she still had a beef with Hercules though but after fighting him and Hercules give her some advice he asks her to join she turn him down and leave and thought she be back.

Also there was a moment where Xena was force to take on her army in a brutal match look like she was done but got up Xena is tough but to go though that and survive was something that for sure.

After Hercules and Xena fight will she join forces with Hercules and take on her army with him well after Hercules try take them on there self they got out number and other no way Xena came and knock most of them over and then it happen Xena good and from there stay good Xena and Hercules was a good team as Xena killed her lieutenant as well it was tough fight though she was lucky so pretty much they took down the bad guys for now that is and Xena and Hercules iron out there problems for now as episode ends with lieutenant who dead comes back to life with help of someone who hates Hercules a lot the evil Hera pretty creepy ending but good episode that is for sure.

Well this was episode I wanted to see it was when xena turn good they did hint it a lot after she save the baby and her boss was giving her crap and almost killed her as well she made the right choice so this get my vote as one of top favorites Hercules episode that for sure I would watch this one indeed over and over again.

Hercules : the legendary Journeys S1: E12 : rating 8/10

Dr Quinn medicine Woman S4 E19 Deal with the devil (1996) episode review

 Starring……………….. Jane Seymour, Joe Lando and Chad Allen

Director……………. Bobby Roth


News from his former mentor’s upcoming visit has Reverend Johnson rushing to ensure he makes a good impression. He quickly attempts to raise enough money to fix up his dilapidated church.

Spoilers ahead warning

My Review

I find this episode of Dr Quinn very good acting in so figure to re watch it again and give it a review for any tv shows reviews new year Eve marathon so here my review of Dr Quinn deal with devil.

Episode starts off with dr Quinn about making something for her baby that coming soon and then Reverend Johnson gets word that his former mentor will come for a visit so with church being out of shape this worry’s him because church means so much to him so what will he do to fix the church before his mentor’s sully does give him some advice him but for some reason he needs stuff to fix church now so he goes to bank not much help.

So hank who I don’t like ask him to have me help him sort of deal thing well he does take he sounds help to me he should never took but a deal done and his happy but I wonder how he pay hank all this money back because it shows town people little late paying him back so you can tell he started to get worried some because if he don’t pay hank back hank will own the church as episode goes on you can see him started to go down hill like sweating told you was not a good idea to a deal with no care hank you can tell it eat him alive he will have to tell truth soon soon it does as first people he tells about is sully and Dr Quinn and then pretty much town found out so everybody was mad at him but Dr Quinn talks to town about helping him out not sure if it will help or not.

The mentor turns out to be Fred Rogers or Mr Rogers how cool is that pretty much everybody show up to help him as hank give him another month to pay up sometimes he can be ah but least he did right thing as episode ends with mentor saying he did right and sully finish up the church with them going into service with rev Johnson ringing the bell a great way to end this episode.

Well have to say sometimes if your in a hurry to fix up church and make a bet or a deal be careful because it might come back to bite you like rev in this almost cost him his friends as well lucky Dr Quinn talk them into helping him out in the end and everything is ok very good episode for acting this show is very good on and good storytelling they don’t have many shows like that a whole lot today that I see yet but this episode is one of favorite Dr Quinn episodes as well.

I give Dr Quinn medicine woman S4 ep19 a rating of 8/10

Beavis and Butthead : S9 E1 : Escape room/ The special one (2022) review

 Starring……….. Mike Judge, Chris Diamantopoulos and Piotr Micheal

Writers……… Mike judge and Lewis Morton


Beanie and Butthead try to solve an escape room only to wind up trapped in the bathroom. / Beavis meets his Greatest hero fire.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

They have return with new episodes after 2011 one didn’t think they return and with mtv being crap now not sure at first how will this work in 2022 they did put new episode on YouTube and figure for first time give this goofing show a review I used to watch this back in the days too so I know how them two are they can be funny and dumb at same time and it’s does work did see 2011 and like it some so below will be my review of the new beavis and Butthead of 2022.

Well first episode was them being pick up by chicks who think they are smart enough to try the escape room boy them girls were dumb during the time where they used to watch music videos they now watch social media videos like Tic- toc or YouTube videos what do I think of first round of them it was ok not best though I understand it is not 90’s anymore and copyright is the law but still they could of least try and get maybe a few because I am not sure if this way will work out well have to wait and see on that.

The episode pretty much ended with girls dump them for smart guys and they win the Challenge and then boys thought the Place where mummy’s was a place to go to bathroom funny that was so they were going to bathroom with guy yelling at them funny ending also they watch YouTube, and other social media videos as some funny still and they do watch some music videos but not many things have change with copyright thing now so understand there though.

Special one after escape room was kind of funny it was fire talking to beavis about he from his past or something it was odd writing but not worst though didn’t laugh too much at it though it is nice to have beavis and Butthead back here in the future hope they stay longer this time world needs a good laugh is all I got to say.

I give Season 9 Ep 1 of Beavis and Butthead a rating of 6/10

Tropical heat S3 : EP16 - feedback (1993) episode review

Starring…………. Rob Stewart, Carolyn Dunn and Ian Tracey Director…………….. Clay Borris Synopsis A women who’s cheating on her husband with a you...