Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The flash : S2 : E3: Family of Rogues (2015) episode review

 Starring ….. Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Directed by……….. John F. Showalter


Barry and the team ally with the kidnapped Captain cold’s sister, but Barry feels duped when he learns Snart is working on something with his father, Joe faces a difficult decision.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Episode starts with Iris in trouble with 2 bad guys Shooting at her so she calls Barry for help and he says jump out the window then as the flash he saves her and takes out bad guys in record time nice job.

Then after that team flash finds what is called a breech a enter way to another another earth 2 which is where Zoom came from Barry try his speed to go though it backfired big time so they will start finding ways to closes this and many breeches around city.

After that team was drinking a new drink called the flash and Barry running into patty again yeah seems like a love ❤️ thing slowing building between them then Lisa Snart returns asking them for help interesting after what she cisco though the last tiime so we see how it goes turn out later it was setup as Captain cold was working for his father and later on they find out she had bomb device in her so Cisco makes this gun to get it out he is good at making stuff like that good moment and nice save from Cisco there and he got a kiss for it too.

Then just before ending we see Professor stein turn blue as In flames and again ending with him passing out but before credits we see someone cone though the breech turns out it was earth 2 wells that was one heck of way to end episode and gives you something to talk about and well that how this episode ends very good by the way.

Well liked this episode because Captain cold return and Lisa as well there was not much fighting between two this time but note 📝 them two are still not friends but helping him was what Barry good at helping out people also in this one we see Joe tell his daughter that her mom is alive and wants to talk to her a little drama but not bad and also thing between patty and Barry heating up some slowing build but good not bad at all also this episode less Zoom not much talk about him some but no Scenes with him all in this which was ok next week review I will indeed Interested to review will indeed be heating up in next episode so stay turn for that and have a good rest of your week.

I give the flash ep3 a rating of 7/10 for good.

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