Saturday, September 7, 2024

Quantum leap S1: Ep 1 - Genesis : Part 1 (1989) review

 Starring …………….Scott Bakula , Dean Stockwell and Jennifer Runyon

Director ……………… David Hemmings


Although the Project Quantum leap isn’t ready yet. Sam Beckett doesn’t listen to supercomputer Ziggy. Hops into the about to attempt a dangererous flight.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

A start of new Saturday night lineup as it will be 1 episode each review of quantum leap and forever knight figure I go back to doing 1 episode review per episode it is lot easy so this will indeed go for shows I am reviewing because I still got movie reviews to write as well so let’s kick this new lineup off with quantum leap episode 1 review

The show Main story is Sam create a Time Machine called quantum leap where it is possible to time travel anywhere any year or day so that why I am looking forward to writing reviews on this amazing series back in the day so here is my review of first episode of quantum leap.

Episode starts off with a nice shot of stars and al driving down the road that will be part of intro as well for a bit so nice intro there and nice way to start so Al driving down the street and see a hot lady car broken down she sounds Ziggy who is a computer in the series could she be the voice of Ziggy not sure anyway Al get a call from a friend saying it going down right now Sam has step into machine even though Ziggy computer says no well there no way to stop Sam so they show a shot of Sam In machine then after quantum leap logo comes up after that a shot of sky my guess this is Sam leaping though the air nice shot and then goes fast and then Sam wakes up but not as him but a guy name Tom with a very pregnant wife as well so when he takes a look in mirror and see well tom who he leaped into who is a air pilot flyer I am sure Sam will be scared of that later on.

So how does Sam get back home well trying to fix what went wrong and fix it later on Al shows up and because of Sam memory lost due to effect of leaping he has no clue who Al Is though.

He better though without Al help he may not able to fly plane here because Sam never took flying lessons with the way it look here in first and there was moments where he almost did not make it very close he was lucky so whole dancing after a close call he see Al again and try not to pay attention bye the Al is a hologram from the future who Sam can only see and hear as well so that what make this show interesting it is off to a tough start between Sam and Al now.

Then later on Sam try to tell his wife that he not Tom did not go well though whole sleeping shot from start goes backwards but then forward my guess this was them trying to get Sam back look like failed then after that Sam try to call his father who died in year 1974 this was time he was alive Sam try to call him but he forgot his number after that Al and Sam talk while he fishing with Tom son and Al could not tell him anything Sam did get some info but not much though as it on Ziggy no list also it was told that Tom leaped into Sam as well I’m waiting room and he has memory loss as well which is a little interesting Sam must of been a genius making this so how did he make it .

Al says for some reason god or faith something was waiting to grab Sam and when time travel god or something did that so now his only way out is fixed what wrong intro a right and maybe leap home or on too next mission so what his mission right to to break the record of air pilot Al has agree to help him but has not show up yet wonder if he will I am sure he will just a little late.

They do a good job making you think he will not sure but he did a help out Sam he is a teacher but look like something happen sam got out there lucky he got out in time as plane blow up well he succeed on his mission why hasn’t he leap well Tom wife goes into labor early putting the baby in danger but Sam as doctor remember how to stop and he does so everyone is I think it time to leap and after kid throw the baseball he does now he a baseball player.

So this next half as Sam went from air flyer to now baseball player name fox Al tells Sam tom is ok and they had a baby girl so now his mission to help a ball player you have to feel sorry for him he made this Time Machine and sounds like a genius and can’t even remember a way to get back home and gets more heartbreaking as he got to talk his father again then they showed his father and younger Sam walking out door that was tough to watch but pretty amazing.

So Sam as foxx is up too bat now he can help fox out here with a big hit that should cause him to leap to the next one he needs to get here or else maybe be stuck there if he fails well he doesn’t get his big hit but ball bunch out of glove of catcher and so many errors that I see and something how Sam made it around the whole plate and scared on a strike out I guess that was ok could of give him a hit but after that he did leap and turn blue first look at what Sam look like when he leaps so he goes from baseball to look like a teacher as episode ends.

A very good start to series do I think Sam should of waiting and all problems would not happen yes and no what they should of done is plan more on how to get him back though in now they are stuck with Sam mind chessy each time he leaps though it will be hard to get him back I did like Sam first mission as air Pliot and they did a good job with Sam not knowing Al so they are building up there friendship there so mission number 1 was good as he saved 2 life’s there 2nd mission wasn’t much but moment him and dad talk was good as well but ending was a little weak could of give him a home run then strike out and ball bouncing out though it was funny but could of been better though anyway Sam leaps on too next one which will be reviewing next week episode 3 or 2 next week this is just a start and looking foward to reviewing next episode of quantum leap.

Quantum leap episode 1 rating 7.5 out of 10

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