Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Xena warrior Princess S1: Ep14- A fistful of Dinars (1996) episode review

 Starring…………… Lucy Lawless, Renee” O Connor and Jeremy Roberts

Director……………….. Josh Becker


Xena and Gabrielle join two men of doubtful reputation including Xena ‘s ex fiancé in order to find the treasure of the Sumerians and prevent the wrong hands from getting the most valuable part of it. Ambriosia, the food of the gods, which grants immortality.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Episode starts off with guy running and getting beat up he say Xena to get the titan key that leads to something huge and Xena is going team up with doubtful to get the key ambrosia which make you a god if eaten so xena must find it first before anybody else does so she goes to her ex fiancé to see if he wants to join and he does this should be a interesting episode can xena trust them or not is question and also why looking for it trouble is on the rocks.

Then one of them cuts bridge but later he helps them is that a warning not trust him he almost got xena friend yeah don’t trust the blonde guy the other guy Sound ok he was her ex and almost married but then later xena gets pissed at him for talking to her friend she thinks he will hurt her don’t blame xena he might be same guy or he changed which one is it Is question as well.

Later xena and crew find the treasure and we’ll just as thought blonde guy find the key and had kidnapped Gabrielle least we know who not trust now he a slime bag xena better hurry or else he become a god if he finds it lucky xena know a quick way and show up as blonde guy and her ex made the right choice to save Gabrielle but was stab twice and xena had a fight with blonde guy it was close lucky he kill him before he become a god as xena ex dies after that xena throw lava this will bring it back to the gods as it ends with it being on fire.

Well a good episode better then last one with her team with 2 guys who may not be trusted to find the food of god which make you one as well so in the end I know the blonde hair was not to be trusted but did I have doubt on her ex well sort of but in the end the truth was told and it was indeed good writing as well this was indeed a episode I did like though.

That it for tonight reviews have a good night tomorrow night the flash reviews wendnesday will be up see you then.

Xena warrior Princess S1 EP14 rating 7/10

Xena warrior Princess S1: Ep13- Athens City Academy of Performing Bards (1996) episode review

 Starring…………. Lucy Lawkess, Renee O Connor and Dean O Gorman

Director……… Jace Alexander


Gabrielle auditions to attend the Athens City Academy to train as bard - but others trying for a few open spots include Homer and Euripides.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

Episode starts off with xena fighting that a nice way to start but turns out it was Gabrielle telling stories to people think this is going highlights episode but then Xena and Gabrielle talk and sounds like she wants to go to Athens city to train guess she needs break from xena here.

So without xena here where Will story go hmm well will force on if she win the top stories she is good at writing them so she could win though stories she tell is around xena as well with highlights pretty much is that though but then Gabrielle finds out one of running father is mad at him so added to story some but this most stories and highlights of past episodes and also from other movie clips which turn into story as well so episodes ends with her saying goodbye to Homer and going to catch up with xena and xena welcome her back as it’s ends with them getting ready to fight.

Well not too much just stories contest or something but highlights were good maybe Lucy needed a break or something so they went with this as highlights episode good news is next one get back to normal so on to next episode which will be up in the next hour.

Xena warrior princess S1: EP14 rating 6/10

Monday, December 18, 2023

Tropical heat S3: Ep14 - The Patsy (1993) episode review

 Starring…………. Rob Stewart, Carolyn Dunn and Ian Tracey

Director…………. Allan Eastman


An Englishman is being blackmailed, possibly by the vengeful former partner in crime. He and his wife hire Nick to get to the bottom of things.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

Episode starts off well with Nick and another hot woman seems like they do this a lot at started I guess she is hiring Nick that how they meet after a steam there it goes to a couple being shot at and then they go to Nick and hire him to look into.

Later Nick goes to ask a woman for questions pay her $50 but later turns out she was killed as Gregory got suspicious of Nick and Sylvie being there they do seems be there at wrong time though.

Also later that hot woman from start calls nick her name is Donna would be something if she had something to do with this case that would indeed be a big blow to Nick but doubt they go that way.

Then later a odd twist goes down as wife the who hired Nick killed his husband can of odd there has to be a catch though so Nick and spider go to ask hot Donna a favorite at first she didn’t want to too but then let say look like plan worked but then backfired as bad guy has Nick lover so now what will he do.

Well Nick does save her and finds out it was D- o the whole time scam it for all the money and he killed the 2 people after what a scam bag he look like one too case closed . So how does episode ends my guess he has another date with Donna nope lady who he saved at end came and say goodbye Nick try to hook up with her but did happen as she kissed him and that how this episode ends.

A ok episode story was a little confusing a little bit boring but not too but still enjoyable though well sorry to cut final thoughts short but tired out Tuesday will be back for another 2 episode reviews of Xena warrior Princess.

Tropical heat S3:Ep14 rating 6/10

Tropical heat S3: Ep13- The last of the Magnificent (1993) episode review

 Starring …………… Rob Stewart , Carolyn Dunn and Ian Tracey

Director……………. Clay Borris


One of Nick’s favorite actors is shooting a western. After some strange accidents, he hires Nick and sylive to go on the set undercover and try to determine what is going on. Spider joins them on the job.

Spoilers ahead warning

My Review

Episode 13 starts off with a shot on Nick on a beach and sylive comes and say not so fast Nick and sylive reads a paper turns out they are making then Nick has a dream on him being a cowboy and wakes up a cowboy on horse is showing this is no dream this time so what does he want turns out he is childhood tv actor to Nick so he wants Nick and Sylvie to go undercover look like Nick will get his big break in movies after all hopefully but they should be very careful though.

So how Nick acting skills he must undercover then acting well just as they were shooting look like Nick get shot was real someone may of put real bullets in the other gun lucky Nick was not killed I think Nick better keep a eye out on his hero actor or it probably someone on set either. So spider goes to talk too one of actress who might have hots for spider he didnt get much info before being kicked out.

After shooting the part a sign fall on Nick favorite actor he will be ok as well but someone is trying there best to send a message here question is well things start to go sour on set as a huge explosion goes down somebody has a beef with movie crew or movie being made.

Turns out I was right it was one of the guy on set he try to fee but Nick kick his butt so guess Nick and Sylvie work is done here sure they miss movie set as episode ends with Nick saying goodbye to his favorite actor as he runs into the sunset as episode ends nice ending.

Not a bad episode was hope Nick got a chance to finish the movie but did not unfortunately Least Nick got to do some parts while being undercover and meeting his favorite actor as well which ending was great bye the way as well. That is it for 1 hour review of show hour 2 will be up soon see you then.

Tropical heat S3: Ep13 rating 6.5/10

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Forever knight S2: Ep12- Amateur Night (1994) episode review


Geraint Wyn Davis , Catherine Disher and Nigel Bennett

Director…………. Don McCutcheneon


An Actress complicates an investigation when she tries to play detective in a real life case.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

Episode 12 starts off with a guy running look like I dream maybe not sure something after him whatever it was caught up with him and he was killed but when they look at body no marks on it this will be a tough one to solve that for sure.

So once again he goes to Jen and ask her what it was like when she become a vampire and she had one heck of a story as well good writing there and later Nick goes to talk to actress who may can help Nick on this case she look like more of a lab worker then a actress that for sure she wants Nick to do some testing but say no and leaves. After that Nick tells the truth on when he become a vampire he almost went into the light but he choose to become a vampire and not going into light but now Nick says there a chance he may goi into light so he get a hold of Diane and agree to take that test hope she knows what she doing this could be dangerous I bet Diane is the killer and Nick does not know.

Diane hook up Nick to machine and it sends Nick to same place he was before will this be same stay but he meets LaCroix but it was not him but was woman now a man from flashback early this is getting interesting where this go Nick see himself with worms on him and gets upset and there a door which is light and so does Nick here ends his life or stay a vampire Nick does make a choice to stay as vampire as his friends wake him up I guess he stay as vampire for now thought so but was close for Nick this time.

Episode ends with Nick telling his friend the truth very good ending to a great episode there have to say near death parts at end was something would Nick gone the other direction it would of been something to see but he probably die or could be human or something worst but he did not and just stay the way he is very good acting I almost thought that was LaCroix at ending too playing mind games with Nick but this was my guess death himself talking to Nick lucky his friends save him at last minute as well.

So what did I think of this episode not bad with ending there where Nick taken to a near death with a machine by a crazy woman my guess she was cause of that man at start death as well a interesting episode Will say for story which I indeed enjoyed as well so that it for this week reviews next week will be the last week of all shows for this year and before Christmas break so for now have a good rest weekend everyone.

Forever knight S2: Ep12 rating 7/10

Forever knight S2: Ep 11- Can’t run, Can’t hide (1994) episode review

 Starring ………….  Geraint Wyn Davies, Catherine Disher and Nigel Bennett

Director…..... Jon Caspar


A parole officer is Nick’ s prime suspect in a murder investigation until the suspect nearly becomes the next victim.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Episode 11 starts off with a guy deliver a box of food with a guy saying he is late the man is crazy he and then something grabs him then he left his or whatever it a symbol that maybe Nick see before that where more flashbacks come of Nick helping people out with a war look like.

Nick and his cop friend go see a teacher who may of had a history nope it is possible they will look into later they go see body and Nick see the same symbol on hand and another flashback they force on a kid a lot wonder if that kid had bad history try then it showing that teacher may be the kid in the flashbacks and nick goes after Casey who has that same symbol is this gang symbol or tattoo because been on the one murder as well someone is knock off every person with that Symbol must have a beef with them Nick says he has someone who could when his friend ask he said you don’t want to know my guess Jen from bar or LaCroix himself yep turns out to be Jen he goes to her a lot for help he does get some info maybe he go to LaCroix next he does hear him on the radio could it be LaCroix during the murders he says he give him some info and warns him to stay away from this one.

They let Casey go and he try to get out of then one of guy from flashback shows up the one with long hair he the one that did killer my guess this one LaCroix talk about and then him and Nick fight some then Casey ask him a question and they stop fighting and the guy does tell him the truth and then Casey kills himself and after vampire guy thanks Nick and open the door as sunlight kills him very odd story there for writing.

Episode ends with them talking about case just being closed and what happen to killer nothing big for an ending here well down to my final thoughts below yeah.

Not going to lie some episodes of series are good writing and some weird this one was not bad it had a lot of good flashbacks as well so did I enjoyed this one will let just some though well on to the next one which will be out in a hour for the review.

Forever knight S2: EP11 rating 6.5/10

Friday, December 15, 2023

Silk Stalkings S3: Ep12- Jasmine (1993) episode review

 Starring……………. Mitzi Kapture, Rob Estes and Jamie rose

Director…………. Rob Estes


The Death of another female cop has a deep psychological effect on Rita. As her attempt to deal with her burnout, she reopens a forty year case.

Spoilers ahead warning

My review

Episode starts off with volleyball people playing it Rita and Chris playing with Rita and a friend name Tina who boyfriend is rude Tina is a cop if she is why doesn’t she fight back against her boyfriend who is very rude very weird that Tina is weak against him but later she does stand up to him and gets choked out and killed her this is very hard on Rita as well this one will be tough for her this one hurts hopefully Rita hold up and solve her friend murder and put slime boy away for good Rita also starts having nightmares of a woman and a guy.

For some reason Rita opens a case that been closed for years and years and well things don’t go well as top chef of police tells her to take a break maybe this will help this was tough what Rita going though nightmares and her friend death by the way this directed by Rob Estes himself so far 21 mins in so far he doing a good job at it in this powerful emotional episode well what does Chris think of Rita going after a 50 year old case crazy some but I think he may help her not sure yet but for some reason Rita going after this case.

Whole walking down the street someone try to run Rita and Chris off the road and then Chris stays over and Rita starts having nightmares she going to need a friend at this time good for Chris for helping her out at this time so Rita does continue the case here that very very old.

While looking over the papers Rita heard a noise better be careful someone broke into her house she must be getting close since they trying to stop her or someone well Rita is better now and goes after guy name Alex now so look like Rita May of solve this case for good now as it ending with her and guy who was her ex talking they did show who kill her Maria old lady in wheelchair if that was her did it as episode ends after showing who did it well that was weird ending.

Well have to say a tough one to watch for Rita after nightmares she some reason wanted to reopen a case that was years and years ago but she did and solve it pretty much ending was something as they let her go free I guess pretty weird ending but thought the episode was good though.

Well that it for tonight reviews Saturday will be back again for forever night reviews so see you then and have a good rest of your Friday.

Silk Stalkings S2: Ep12 rating 7/10

Silk Stalkings S2: Ep11- Irreconcilable Differences (1992) episode review

 Starring………….. Mitzi Kapture , Rob Estes and John Bennett Perry

Directed by………., Ralph Hemecker


The murder of a wealthy woman points toward her estranged husband.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

Episode 11 starts off with 2 people fighting and guy sounds like he put a bounty on wonan head big price as well so bet someone takes her out but so far 4 mins in nothing but one woman and there was man showing right next to body boy he sure did a number on here.

Took a little bit longer to get too the intro this time but that ok after Rita and Chris look over the body and talk about it and Chris goes to talk to woman who find the body and she seems to have the hot for Chris and hitting on him can of funny she hits on Chris a lot anyway Chris does get some info from her not much though so then Rita and Chris go to the guy who look like he was there after murder happen and then someone took out photograph assistant and stole the photos so much for getting them now someone trying to stop them from see photos so much for that.

Then after Rita and Chris do arrested he did have a point the one fighting with women maybe the one who knock her off or hired the guy at start to kill her then later the photographer lab gets rob too me it is possible she had something too with murder only 10 mins left sure something will be turns out it was top guy that took Erica out dear Gordon I sort of know it was him it was a gun battle at the end but Rita took him out nice shooting there Rita like a pro there as episode ends with Rita asking Chris to get her a Diamond Chris reaction was funny nice to end episode that way.

Well not a bad episode this one of them great crime shows you don’t see too much of today era I don’t watch many in today early doubt it there some good as old shows back in the old days that for sure this only show that made it out of crime time after primetime and on to another network after they pulled the plug and went with crap talk shows which I am not too much a fan of but if they were to bring this lineup back would indeed watch it but doubt it CBS would go that way now anyway in the end did like this episode and on to the next episode to review number 12 which will be up soon.

Silk Stalkings :S2: Ep12 rating 7/10

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The flash S3: Ep12- Untouchable (2017) episode review

 Starring………….Grant Gustin , Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Director…………… Rob Hardy


A criminal meta - human is causing people to decompose at an accelerated rate.

Spoilers ahead warning

My review

Episode 12 starts off with highlights of last episode then Barry and kid flash training as it going to be kid flash vs the flash in a speed race who wins Barry for now because he went though walls and kid flash doesn’t know how to yet to move though walls time for training on that as well but they also have a villain going around turn people into dust by one touch which is something to keep a eye out that for sure.

Then meta shows up and goes after Joe lucky kid flash show up or else Joe would have been ash as well. Then Barry and Iris tell Joe about future of Iris and he gets mad for not them telling and then Iris was attack by meta only way to save her is for you know who to use her powers but that could be risk but she did it Iris is ok for now for some reason wells what Cisco to vibe flashpoint again and it does work and Cisco see future and a cop name stone Need to find her quick before Meta gets to her so think he going after everyone now there even more bad news nothing working on Iris and Caitlin is losing it and become killer frost again but Julian calms her down thank god she good for now.

Bad news is now meta is on train with Joe and stone Barry use up all his powers to save people on train so up to Wally to take down the bad guy and he did by vibe or running though him that his first big win nice and Iris will be again for now as for future is still a ? Mark as episode ends with Barry and Iris talking about what ahead which maybe not good as kid flash was trying out his new powers jesse quick returns and tells Wally that her dad is kidnapped by grodd look like big gorilla is back now what a ending.

Well good episode not best one I see but good as we see Wally slowing learn his speed powers and being trained to save Iris in future and Jesse quick returns in the end was something as well as she comes to right place to help her out but now grodd may have friends so this will be a tough one for team flash anyway in the end did like this episode.

Been a long day and I hope the right of your night goes well.

The flash S3: Ep12 rating 7/10

The Flash S3: Ep11- Dead or Alive (2017) episode review

 Starring………….. Grant Gustin , Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker.

Director……………Harry jiejian


Barry Allen and Cisco must work together to save Harrison wells from Inter- Dimensional bounty Hunter who seeks to kill him, as it is a crime on Earth- 19 to transport yourself to another earth. Cisco and Barry must fight against the bounty Hunter in a fight to the death to save Nash or Harrison’s life.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

Eoisode starts off with wells telling story on fighting bad guys on his earth then Barry shows up along with Nash up to take the bad guys out but it he was just say dreaming and then Barry and kid flash saves about cheerleadiers and Barry let’s kid flash take the fame for now and after that bounty Hunter shows up and touch money and see she wells she got save powers of Cisco look like and then bounty Hunter show up and Cisco thinks she got hot oh boy wells tell them he will be killed by them for breaking rules now it up to team flash to either save him or send him back which they think may change Iris future this will be a battle for Cisco that maybe not easy to beat just as she was getting close to take wells Cisco good luck again she be tough better get training Cisco.

He has to learn to upgrade his powers some to take on gypsy not going to be easy this is a fight for wells and Barry and wells had a plan but it backfired now she has wells for unit Cisco fights her the stakes now got interesting some. .

After all this going on kid flash and his sister go to catch bad guys but was a dumb move as Iris was almost shot and Joe was not happy either and Iris tells Barry why she taking risk was sad some but now battle on between Cisco and bounty Hunter is on for some reason the battle goes from different universe to universe and then Cisco takes her down and win but will change wells future now she agrees to tell everyone over there he died and not come back to earth ever again least wells is ok hopefully good.

So how does episode ends with wells and Cisco talking as wells say thank you the friendship between wells and Cisco has gone up so episode ends with Barry see kid flash he said up to kid flash to save Iris that a black buster but good way to end episode.

Not a bad episode the gypsy vs Cisco fight was good also hopefully no one on earth con comes for him he is safe anyway did enjoyed this episode even if it was not best on to hour number 2 of the flash reviews which will be up in the next hour.

The flash S3: Ep11 rating 7.5/10

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Xena warriors princess S1: Ep12 - Beware Greeks bearing gifts (1996)

Starring…………… Lucy Lawless , Renee O Connor and Galyn Gorg 

Director………… T.J Scott 


Xena and Gabrielle arrive to Troy during the Trojan War when the warrior Princess is required by an old friend, Helen. While Xenia ties to win the war, Gabrielle meets Perdicas, her ex Fiancé. Who is working now as a mercenary for Troy. 

Spoilers ahead warning 

My Review 

On to episode 12 and it starts off with doors opening and a women dreaming she war and death like she dreaming of the future and then she wants one of the guards to send her a message her name is Helen by the way so guy did get the message there but xena was too late to save him. As gabrielle and xena go to see Gabrielle runs into a old boyfriend of her name perdicas nice name for a character question is will still love him or will change be too much for her this what makes episode interesting as you have war coming. 

Later xena finds out one of guy brother is working for bad guys xena try to warn Helen but no one believe her and they put her in the the the dungeon and guy brother release bad guys from cage next door but Xena beats them up and gets out from top then a horse not real open the gates with more bad guys not looking good as war has started and it time to battle as Helen was kidnapped by guy brother who killed his brother now up to xena then later they put the fake horse outside xena and her friends set up nice move there.

So xena does help her friend out at the end was a good fight there and she saves Helen and set up the guy as well nice move so episode ends with Gabrielle saying goodbye to her ex he still loves her and she ask xena what about fake horse take it with and Xena says only if you pull and Gabrielle says nah funny ending there that for sure. 

Another great episode with xena helping out a friend vs the war here was not a easy one like how they throw Gabrielle’s ex into story here some was ok to have a little drama but was something least she got to catch up with him  some though and the ending was funny as well had a nice laugh at that though so in the end I did enjoy this episode as well. 

Well that all for tonight episodes reviews of xena tonight have a good rest of your night. 

Xena warrior princess S1: Ep12 rating 7/10

Tales from Darkside : S2: Ep19- The Last Car (1986) Review

Starring……..Begonya Plaza, Mary Carver and Louis Guss Director……….John Strysik Synopsis A pretty University student named Stacey waits to bo...