Friday, March 3, 2023

Dark Justice :S1 :E9 I hate Mondays (1992) episode review

 Starring……………….. Josep Lluis Fonoll , Robert long and Richard lynch

Writer……… Jeff Freilich


A man pull a gun and takes Nick court over. He claims that he is the husband of a woman who was killed and is looking for Justice.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Episode starts off with Nick given homework another long Monday for Nick shows him going though lots of cases then off to last case but not going to be easy as bad guy takes over court room with a guy so his day just got longer the guy take over courtroom see many times play bad guy role I think in movies it indeed was Richard lynch that who play the actor taking over courtroom.

So now I wonder how Nick or night watchers get Nick and rest of them out of court room and save them but they better hurry before it is too late. Poor Nick had a long day and now this happen to end his day guess he has to work overtime Nick try to talk to him but he did not listen and he shot one of guy as night watchman was getting ready to head in they see cops make a fake version of themself and see them go in courthouse Gibbs reaction was funny about being replace.

The bad guy does let 5 go but 5 still must stay include judge Nick bad news is there bombs around courtroom so now it makes more worst and made night watch group more tough they do get in building and take out fakes of them self Gibbs did kick there butt and he goes in but bad guy knocks out lady friend of Nick now it means business indeed lucky Gibbs got in courtroom because after that Nick chase the bad guy they did have a small fight at end but bomb blow up in the bad guy guess he forgot bomb was there and after that police took the courtroom see bad guys tie and see judge Nick sitting there look on there face was priceless indeed so episode ends with Gibbs talking funny way to end episode that was intense one indeed.

Wow I would have this one as season finale episode because it was a test after bad guy took over the court for Nick and night watchman group lucky they were Test as well Nick lucky they had a good plan that in end did work bad guy was dumb though he forgot about bomb and well let say blow up in his face there at end as this case is closed good episode did enjoy it is as well.

That it for this week mid season finales of reviews for crime time after prime time shows reviews will return in 2nd week of may.

I give dark Justice episode 9 a rating of 8/10

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Silk Stalkings : S1 : Ep 9 : the Brotherhood (1992) episode review

 Starring …………….. Mitzi Kapture , Rob Estes and William McNamara

Director……….. Ralph Hemecker


A fraternity initiation results in the murder of a young coed.

Spoilers ahead warning

My Review

Episode opens up can of creepy with creepy masks trying to scare a woman who just dies there then after that goes to intro which is hot as I said many times that is for sure after that Chris and Rita look into case and see if they can find anything after that a guy was arrest could this be over fast and he change for murder too me I say no not yet the guy did put up one heck of story though turns out he said he was no where the body was Dump off.

Then father has to look at body to see if it daughter that was tough though he plans on get revenge don’t blame him but leave it up to cops Chris and Rita too look into it so Chris and Rita visit colleges to get info they do get but not too much. After that a funny moment where Chris goes for coffee and it almost gone he complains about and Rita tells him see they’re enough so nice little coffee talk there between them.

Turns out there was a enough as you see Chris get a cup funny writers added that Rita gets a phone call from one of girls she visit has info but after getting phone bad guys threat her about talking to the cops then she change her mind but after Rita had a nice talk with her she does talk to Rita and gives her a name good but be careful bad guys maybe watching her and could do something to that girl who helped Rita out.

Question is will this be a enough to free the guy they got now Rita and Chris boss is indeed not buying it now it is up too them to put finish touch on this case. So in the last 15 mins Rita goes undercover she will have to be careful though they are dangerous then he meets a guy who takes her to room where episode starts then 2 guys with masks show up things got out hand quick but lucky Chris show up to save her good time too as another case closed as episode ends with Chris invite Rita out too dinner and with a joke under 5 bucks funny way to end the episode there.

Great episode this was the chemistry between Rita and Chris is what I look for them two click very well with each he protects her and she does the same hope to see them get together very soon hopefully other wise coffee moment was highlight of show tonight funny moment which made me enjoy more there.

That all for this review see you on Friday night for another review of crime time after prime time shows.

I give silk Stalkings episode 9 of S1 a rating of 7/10

Forever knight : S1 :E9 : I will Repay (1992) episode review

 Starring ……………. Geraint Wyn Davies , Catherine Disher and Gary Farmer

Director…………….. Jorge Montesi


After Natalie’s Brother is fatally Wounded by a gunman, she prevails upon Nick to turn into vampire, giving him eternal life.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

This episode is about Natalie brother is fatally wounded by a gunman which is show at the start so now she wants Nick to turn him into a vampire to live but is this a good move or not because once you come a vampire price you have to pay price but this will tough on though but maybe he don’t need too still in bad shape but her brother does wake up some even talk so there thinking everything might be ok but later Natalie ask Nick after thinking she wants him to do what I was talking about early change him into vampire I know she broken down but change someone into a vampire who have risks and put a tough decision they do argue about it in a good fight as that happen flashbacks are showing Nick saving a woman on beach mess up face up saying the only way to save you is too change you into vampire

So for advice he goes to the bar and try to get it and see what a vampire from past say so will Nick take a risk here Nick indeed bite him ok but will save his life yes but could make it worst this why this episode is interesting he tells her brother the rules of vampire and how to be careful of being killed if I was Nick I would keep a eye on him for a while since he a new vampire in town and risk is he may go after his family this was Nick choice though anything that happens it is on him this why episode is interesting.

Well things start to get out of hand as her brother kills 3 people but Nick must stop him before they find out vampires are around town or something this is like past which from flashbacks now he made him a vampire he turns on him and his sister and Nick and now goes after them I told you this was mistake him and Nick had a good fight but Nick had to do right thing at the end there and Natalie should understand the price you pay turning someone you love into a vampire it was sad episode for her episode ends with Nick and Natalie wipe his wife memory of what went down did work well it did wow what a episode there.

Too me this up there as one of best episodes I see yet with Nick making a tough choice to her brother into a vampire well he did and thought her brother could well handle it in the end he could not as he try to go after his family lucky Nick did the right thing and save them though at the end good writing here for this episode and good acting as well keep on track for writing here hopefully that will keep on going so in the end did like this episode indeed.

Forever knight reviews will return in May

Tales from Darkside : S2: Ep19- The Last Car (1986) Review

Starring……..Begonya Plaza, Mary Carver and Louis Guss Director……….John Strysik Synopsis A pretty University student named Stacey waits to bo...