Tuesday, August 30, 2022

The flash :S2 : E20 : Rupture (2016) episode review

 Starring……….. Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Director……….. Armen V. Kevorkian


Just as wells comes up with a plan to defeat Zoom, Zoom returns hellbent on destroying Central city. Meanwhile, Cisco has a vision of his brother, and Iris come terms with her feelings.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

Episode starts with team flash making a Hologram flash to trick the bad guys working good at first but for how long wells was right someone will figure it out and it will not fool zoom long so team flash had a little talk and didn’t go long so Barry goes and visits his dad up at cabin and when Barry told him about Jay there was interesting moment could name Jay Garrick then he goes back to lab and saying he staying around this time but bad news Zoom is back in the city and more dangerous then and also Cisco brother from earth 2 has showed up as well so team flash better make a Decision fast.

Later on Iris comes out for her feelings which is ok but now not the time right now try and get speed back and fight zoom who going to attack police with his plan his plan failed after Caitlin warn team flash about attack but zoom got his revenge on police he killed a lot of them and sending a message to him so they going to need the flash back fast they so going to try wells plan and this is accelerator but as they getting ready Wally and Jesse who dumb got out of safe room they should of listen but never do listen last 3 mins see Cisco do a Harry Potter wand Mention nice little Easter egg there or quote and lighting hits his wand zoom see it and runs better hurry and lighting hit Barry and Vanished and zoom says the most painful thing just to rub it so episode ends with you wonder if Barry is gone or not music ends episode like a cliffhanger for season finale good thing it was not.

Very good episode of the flash another one without Barry powers and attempt there at end to get it back but failed so ending makes you wonder where Barry goes it is good and What happen to jesse and Wally they should of listen but hopefully they be ok zoom was more of threat here then any episodes he been one heck of Villain for season 2 here probably the best one yet and again added Tony Todd voice as zoom makes him more scary as well next episode will be important one of season 2 as we close to end of season so after this one next week there be lots more to talk about next week so to everybody have a good rest of your week.

I give the flash :S2 : E20 a rating of 8/10

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

The Flash S2 : E19: Back to Normal (2016) Episode review

 Starring……… Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Director………… John F. Showalter


As Barry adjusts to life without his superpowers, a super-strong meta-human abducts Harrison, and Wally pesters Joe for a meeting with the flash.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Back to normal it is Barry has no speed and it is back to normal and now zoom got Caitlin does not look good for team flash right now they got a lot of figure out too do like he get his powers back and get her back the episode opens up with Barry riding the bus and waiting to get coffee slowing good music too fit in well with Barry being normal again.

Later on Caitlin meets killer frost which is interesting she try to get her to free her but will Caitlin trust her or not is ? I would not trust.

Then also wells go see Jesse who is still mad at him so he leaves and someone from the wells past who now ages fast he is 18 so he got wells just what team flash don’t need now but anything can help in this meta city huh.

Caitlin later on goes ahead and free killer frost but it was mistake as she almost kill her but zoom kill frost giving her a warning and then zoom out very interesting writing there.

After that we see the team go after grey or Griffin as he continue to age more with each punch this was there plan have him to keep doing that unit the end flash took a small beating it does work as team flash took down a easy but small dangerous guy with superpowers. After that Jesse and wells talk it over and are good now.

Zoom has handcuffed Caitlin she said she wants to go back to earth 🌍 but zoom has indeed other plans which is interesting to see where that goes in the next episode.

The episode ends with wells talking to Barry to do a reboot on how he got his speed by rebuilt that machine that give him the powers in first episode oh boy that will be either good or by but what a cliffhanger there leading to the next episode.

Good episode this was with Barry having no powers some drama but good writing on meta but he may of been easy but he still give them one heck of a fight so probably not the best episode but good is what I think.

I give the flash S2: E19 a rating of 7/10

Monday, August 22, 2022

New shows reviews coming 2023

 Brand new tv shows I will be reviewing along with crime time after prime time shows reviews will be every Monday, Wednesday and Friday late night shows that used to air in 1991 late night slots that will be 2 reviews for late night some good steam and hot crime shows I be reviewing.

Also last but least xena warrior Princess series I will be reviewing in July 2023 it will start so looking forward to that stranger things S4 finale still coming soon before next year it will be up still looking over it frame by frame and see if I missed anything interesting so will be up soon so well that it for this blog for now have a good rest of your night.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Stranger things S4 finale review coming soon

 For anybody wonder if I give up on it no have not just needed more time to write trust me I have lots to say in this one also will have season 4 Recap and wrapped up blog as well so need a little time no worry now we got lots of time before season 5 right now so what date will both are will be out keep a eye out never know what date or what hour they will pop up also in recap will be give thoughts on what I what think head of finale season of series finale season 5 this finale is indeed huge so just needed a little time to watch it and rewatch as well so that it for now have a good weekend everybody.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

The Flash S2: E18 : Versus Zoom (2016) episode review

Starring………. Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Director………. Stefan Pieszcynski


Barry, having now learn how to travel between the different earths, decides to take the fight to zoom.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

In this episode starts off with a kid that is Hunter trouble past story his mom was killed by his father seem like a bad life or trouble past .

After that we see Barry used that speed thing on his chest that can make him fast sure did he went so fast this here you take a peck when he run too supergirl earth and back he does tell anybody about supergirl world not yet later down the road they will meet her so now that Barry has more speed he has to find a way to find him and get back to earth 2 this where it gets interesting later they asked wells about Cisco Doppelgänger Evil version and ask him about his powers then they come up with idea that Cisco can use them to open the Portal or Breach only problem is can’t for some reason at first time 2nd time he was close but this got zoom Excited when he was opening it but Cisco didn’t want to do it for reason maybe he a little scared of being evil.

Later Joe invites Wally to stay with him and he says yes good moment there

And Cisco later on open the gate and Zoom did come out and look like plan was working it backfired later as zoom got Wally now he wants Barry speed for Wally life so Barry has big decision there.

So what does he do after a talk with zoom and the gang he goes ahead and give up the speed that fast and zoom now has his speed and to make things worst Caitlin as well to end the episode there which I was not a fan of there.

Not best episode but ok that last moments was indeed tough to watch now Barry don’t have his speed he will be a human yet again which should be interesting how it goes and how he get his speed back that is in future episodes ahead least we find out some of Hunter story though and how he become zoom and his past as well good thing they give us that as well so this will end this week review see you next week for the next review.

I give this the flash :S2 E18 a rating of 7/10

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

The Flash S2: E17 : Flash Back (2016) episode review

 Starring…………. Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle panabaker

Director…………. Alice Troughton


To become fast enough to beat zoom, Barry travels back in time to consult with Dr. Wells/ Eobard Thawne but incurs the wrath of a time Wraith.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Episode starts with Barry talking about being Betrayed by Jay and wells good opening there after that the team is still trying to get Barry to be faster then Zoom so he can beat him so Barry comes up with idea to go back into time team flash think he crazy doing it I was as well but if it only way give it a risk then later he does jump back into time and wells you can tell he acting odd this flash is after he knock out the flash of this time then later wells figures out guess you can say his plan may of backfired but also another problem is evil looking monsters time Wraiths are mad at Barry for time travel they hates speeders who mess with time so now they out to get rid of Barry.

Also wells does help him with his problem with a chip that could make him faster if he can get home the other flash does wake up and had a odd moment see 2 flashes side by side pretty cool moment there so Barry does go back in time but time Wraiths ugly looking things try to stop him lucky he got back but things was looking bad when Hartley save him wow so now in Barry time he a good guy ok I can deal with that I guess he may of change that back in time there but again cool episode ends with Barry showing Iris a record from Eddie when he went back in time he said he found it so maybe this will help Iris move on and it did pay off later as see in episodes ahead the episode ends with Barry who now figures out the key 🔑 to more speed by saying I am coming for you as episode ends.

Great episode of the flash there he did something I would not but he was lucky it payed off with evil wells knowing stuff and the time Wraiths things after him was real threat somehow he got RF to cave and give him the key to be faster at the end when he put in machine it would not work but it did now it is time to figure out how to get it which will be address in next episode pretty good episode of the flash not the best will still say great though.

That is it for this week review see you next week for more reviews of this great show.

I give the flash S2 E17 a rating of 7/10

Tales from Darkside : S2: Ep19- The Last Car (1986) Review

Starring……..Begonya Plaza, Mary Carver and Louis Guss Director……….John Strysik Synopsis A pretty University student named Stacey waits to bo...