Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The Flash : S1: E21 Grodd Lives (2015) episode review

 Starring………………. Grant Gustin , Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Directed by………….. Dermott Downs


knowing it’s a deliberate distraction from Dr. Wells, Barry and those at S.T.AR labs can’t help but deal with a angry, mind- controlling meta- gorilla.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Intro starts with Iris telling what if your best friend has a Secret it like what would be trust between them now she knows he the flash first meeting you can see she not happy because he not telling her truth even if he does not know she knows he is the flash later on after being attack she walks into star labs they need better cameras or Security there because anybody can walk in there without no one knowing anyway Iris is not happy with Barry after hiding he is the flash and she also mad at her him but let her take time she just found out while this is going on Grodd the Gorilla is on the Loose and is mind controlling people that some power that for sure so now this will be flash biggest test yet with no wells help as well he is very powerful Grodd is they sure made him badass and he look good in this episode and more scary too not bad with Iris not trusting drama I understand they will go with her being mad at Barry but they had biggest problems as grodd has Joe this was probably the plan of Reverse flash and that what it was Barry almost lost in the last battle lucky Iris step up and talk to him and after that Iris had a nice talk with Joe then Barry think problems has been iron that after that we see Grodd is still out for now.

The final Scene so Reverse flash talking to Eddie about his plan and it is re- created from what happen In the first episode team flash better hurry and figure out before big boom happens again not a bad way to end the episode least we know what his plan was and grodd looked pretty badass he was tough for the flash mind controlling was creepy as well but that good way to make him tough also had some drama with Iris finding out about Barry too secret and it was little rough that a good writing because you didn’t think she would be happy right away about this did that talk at patch things up for now but still will take a bit for Iris to get used it some this indeed was another great episode of the flash.

after this only need to write 1 more episode why soon you find after next review and info when season 2 reviews will be up along with stranger things III season so have a good rest of your week and see you then.

I give this episode of the flash a rating of 8/10 for great.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

The Flash: S1: E20: The Trap (2015) episode review

 Starring………….. Rick Cosnett, Carlos Valdes and Tom Cavanagh

Director…………. Steve Shill


Barry, Caitlin, Cisco and Joe set a trap for Wells. Cisco uses himself as Bait, which puts him in great danger. Mesnwhile, Eddie makes a decision regarding Iris, which leaves Joe in a bit unsettled.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

The episode starts right after the last episode end with them finding out secrets of wells and finding Gideon the robot was created by him amazing how hope we find out the story sometime while they were talking Cisco added a device to wells it was very close but lucky they got out of there before he came after that Eddie asked Joe if he can marry Iris and Joe said no you can not then they meet with Barry about wells and Barry tell the truth he did Time travel weeks ago and that why he thinks Cisco is having them dreams then we see a flashback when Barry was in hospital no doctors could not save him so it was Joe who made a deal with wells to save him so that how he ended up in star labs.

Cisco ends up in dreamland or finds the memory and key to Reverse flash saying he kill Barry mom and Cisco almost died after he going to try and kill him but they pull him out just in time this could be good news for Barry dad if they can get the real one to Confess that he did it they have a trap ready for him as well while that happen as well Iris is getting close to finding out Barry secret which has Barry indeed worry now so now the trap is just right as he was going to tell them he try to kill Cisco but Joe shot up and kill him or did he I said right he must of know and trick them it was shape shift guy and Reverse flash was smart and know the whole time that they would set him he was indeed smart one and is once again ahead of team flash so they had a talk with and he Introduced himself To them and you can see the angry in team now that truth is out and he play them for 15 years unbelievable and talk ended with Barry ask come fight me and he said we will meet again very good acting from Tom there just before the episode was winding down they did something I didn’t think they would do this early but may as well since we doing it a lot anyway Iris finds out who the flash is and yep the look on her face was priceless what a twist there makes you turn in for next week episode do I think it was early to do that a little bit but not too mad about it though the episode was amazing to hate it in my view.

Good episode and good writing as well little did they know that trap was being set for them then him very good move to have Reverse flash one step of them now it will be tough though as they will have to face him again before season ends which is close a good episode this was would indeed watch again Tom is amazing as bad guy character he play it well for acting that is for sure.

Well that it for this week episode we are winding it down getting to the end of season so next episodes will probably heat up can’t wait to review them as well see you next week.

I give this episode of the flash a rating of 8/10 for great.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The Flash: S1: E19: Who is Harrison Wells? (2015) Episode review…

 Starring…………. Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Directed by…………… Wendey Stanzler


Joe and Cisco visit Starling City and ask Captain Lance for help with their investigation into Dr. Wells, Laurel asks Cisco for a favor, Barry faces a new foe who can disguise himself as anyone he touches.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

Episode started with them trying to figure out wells next move some while 1 person does not think he behind this while this going on they having a new meta in town who can shape shift into people which is cool and creepy this will be tough for team flash as he can be anybody later on he becomes his grandma he even set up Eddie by looking like him and killing the cops this one tough Meta so now Eddie is in trouble and later on this guy shows up and knock out Barry and become him so Caitlin him and kissed would of been a nice moment if it was Barry but it odd moment so while this going on Cisco, Joe and Lance find the real wells dead body now the truth is out they now he is the Reverse flash that indeed huge figure they would find out before the season does end have to say nice reactions as well good acting there so the battle against shape swift was not easy as he touch the flash and it was like flash vs flash but in the end the real flash win and so Eddie was clear of his Crimes as well and episode ends with barry, Cisco and Caitlin finding out secret room that wells go into and they find Reverse flash suit in there and it show there reaction finding the newpaper with the date the flash went missing as episode fate to credits.

Not a bad episode of the flash lots of more on wells story with them finding suit and now the body they know now that is Reverse flash it What is indeed Shocking for me I would be too if someone I work for years is a Villain very good writing the guy that can shape swift was ok not best goofing but did not make the episode bad at all in fact with the wells story is making this season great finding out a lot more info as well another one of favorite episode as well as this keep on rolling and rolling in greatness which every show should do stay turn to next week as we only got not too many episodes left to review of season 1.

I give this episode of the flash a rating of 7/10 for great.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

The Flash : S1 :E18 : All Star team up : (2015) episode review

 Starring……………. Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Director………… Kevin Tancharoen


Felicity Smoak and Ray Palmer come to Central city seeking help with Ray’s suit, an ex employee releases deadly robotic bees, a group dinner does not go as planned.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

This episode start off with Joe, Eddie and the flash catching the bad guys and having fun for now but when a women gets killed by bees they now must find the one behind it the bee queen before she kills again Felicity and Ray to come to town seeking help with Ray suit while this is going on Cisco is having some sort of flash’s of him being killed from revenge flash which might be a new power or a bad flashback as well not sure pretty cool they added that they all try to go dinner but problems cause it not too go well at all little bit a drama but that ok Barry went after the bees was almost killed lucky his suit save him there bees suck that for sure the whole bee queen battle was good the queen was tough but Felicity battle her good in a computer war to shut her down for good it was nice they both came to help out the episode ended with Barry telling Cisco and Caitlin the truth about wells one of them did not believe them but Cisco said he been having dreams on him being killed bye wells so pretty much they are getting very very close to figure out wells is not who is but revenge flash writers did a good job building up this story and way this episode was great as well for another amazing episode of the flash.

Great episode of the flash little bit of drama between Eddie and Iris could of left that out but good also the one play queen of the bees was the one who played Beth on the walking dead that was something she was amazing playing the evil bee queen that for sure and scary as well like Cisco I don’t like bees either that for sure again the whole wells story on being reverse flash is very good writing and build up each episode the truth get more and more close as more people out the truth in the next one the truth will be told so can’t wait to review the next one after this episode which again is another great one.

I give this episode of the flash a rating of 8/10 for great.

Tales from Darkside : S2: Ep19- The Last Car (1986) Review

Starring……..Begonya Plaza, Mary Carver and Louis Guss Director……….John Strysik Synopsis A pretty University student named Stacey waits to bo...