Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The Flash: S2: Ep23 : The Race of His Life (2016) review

 tarring………….. Candice Patton, Grant Gustin and Danielle Panabaker

Director……….Antonio Negret


With Zoom true plan revealed. Team Flash fears Barry’s resolve to do whatever it takes to stop him.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

Season finale of the flash starts off with highlights of season 2 good opening there sort of recap and then it open up with Barry see his father being killed by zoom Zoom did this so Barry can Embrace the hate sort of like stars wars there but Barry does not give in almost did though if he did zoom would of win easy but after that we had a nice Funeral for Henry it was sad for Barry.

Zoom has Challenge Barry to a race Barry accept but after see His father death is he ok to go against him team flash think not so they put him in meta jail but was that right thing to do too have them take down zoom without Barry helped will be tough and they had a plan did not work and now zoom has Joe so now best thing to do is release flash to go after him right still Team flash is having doubts though you can tell this was sort of build up in last episode as well.

Zoom later on talks to Joe about man in mask and it was indeed the real Jay Garrick so he stole his name at the start too fool team flash do good storytelling there Barry does get out thanks to Wally and accept zoom race so get ready the finale race is on.

A very good race with lots on the line in a huge wheel once power up it will Destory Earth 2 so Barry create a copy to fool zoom and then they have a nice fight and Barry did not kill him let say all the time zoom broke Time catch up with as time Wraiths catch up with him and made zoom ugly as well so that end of zoom.

The final 15th show us who was under the mask of mask man trap by zoom it was Jay Garrick who look like his father Barry had a tough time with with it though at first don’t blame him but he did get over it and then we see wells and Jesse leave to go back to earth 2 will be missing them that for sure.

Now how does season 2 end it ends with Barry talking about Iris how much a mess he is too Iris and she tells him to do what has to do she be right here waiting for him as she goes in Barry says sorry everybody and he starts running I said oh bet he going to save his mom and restart the timeline and change and that how it ended with him doing that mind blowing cliff hanger for season 2 ending.

Not a bad ending to season finale of season 2 which was indeed good some up and downs but did enjoy zoom as bad guy and huge thank you Tony Todd who did amazing voice as zoom Good story of zoom vs the flash so indeed another great season of the flash here and then we got to meet the real Jay Garrick as well who could maybe help Barry though the rough times ahead in season 3 Speaking of season three I have a huge announcement when reviews come back soon probably in late October will let you know I hope you enjoy my review of season 2 of the flash thanks again and have a good night.

I give the flash season 2 finale a rating of 8/10

The Flash: S2: Ep 22 : invincible (2016) Review

 Starring…………… Grant Gustin, Danielle Panabaker and Candice Patton

Director………Jesse Warn


Zoom unleashes an army of earth 2 Meta- humans, the leader of which is Black canary’s doppelgänger, Black Siren, Joe worries when Wally goes out to help The Flash.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

After the way episode ended last week it was not looking good after Zoom unleashed a big arm of meta Humans against central city they started off showing highlights of and how they took them down it was fast take down but Christina was in trouble as black Canary try to take her down in building lucky flash was there to save her and she knows Barry secret as well.

Wally is trying to help out but Joe yell at him some so Wally think he doubt him some little bit of drama Speaking of that team flash thinks the way Barry is acting after coming back as well too me I find out interesting for writing.

Black Siren earth 2 is Laurel lance from earth 2 and boy she took down the flash easy lucky Wally was there to help after flash told him not too.

Cisco finds a way to Distract black Siren whole he try to down the Army of zone with big sound boom that will kill all zoom friends so Caitlin and Cisco dress up as frost and vibe it did work lucky they got it working super sound took all them down but not zoom he got away which team does not know but for now Caitlin and rest are ok yes she got away from him but she be fine.

So they think zoom is gone and go ahead and throw Henry a party Tina was there and boy see them two together brings back flash 90’s vibes very cool moment for writers to throw that in just when things was looking ok you know they throw something huge for leading up to season finale and they did Cisco has a vibe see earth 2 being Destroyed and then we see zoom grab Barry father then there I know something bad was going to happen was right boom that ending was tough to watch a not too bad episode.

Would like a out war between zoom friends and team flash see that with police who could not win so they find a way to take them out easy the flash zoom story just picked up more with that ending it was tough to see barry lose someone he loved again in same house ouch will give that too writers who wanted to added more heat to zoom for finale of season 2 will be reviewing that here in a bit get ready season 2 of finale of the flash review coming up in the next hour.

I give the flash S2 Ep22 a rating of 8/10

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

The Flash S2: E21 : The Runaway Dinosaur (2016) review

 Starring…………. Candice Patton, Danielle Panabaker and Grant Gustin

Director…….. Keith smith


Iris Volunteers to act as the belt in a plan to trap Girder in S..T..A.R labs, Barry struggles to go back to his old life.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Last episode left us in sort of cliffhanger ending it was huge with team flash see Barry Vanish out of no and Jesse and Wally getting knocked out you got to wonder what next for team flash well here is next episode review we almost to end of season as well.

Episode starts with the Reaction to what happen to Barry lots of Anger and sadness as well as wells try to call Jesse and Wally no one was answer it so they find them in hallway on the floor they were a little knock think Jesse

Took the worst it knock her out pretty good so how to cure her is the question.

Later on Cisco vibes by the flash suit and see him trapped somewhere this where it gets interesting because now he trapped in speed force and he meets the one behind his power as Joe and force tell him his must catch something they had a talk Barry must pass the test and catch something very fast outside to get his powers back Barry though episode is doubt himself as speed force takes many forms of people his knows even his father as well.

While the going on team flash has a huge problem Tony Todd is back as zombie this time and is after Iris so now team flash has to figure out a way to stop him without the flash will be tough one.

Barry better hurry and pass the test and get back to save them the final test is talking to Barry mom they are trying to get him to accept his powers this going to be a tough one and hard but can Barry pass test this was probably a tear jerker writers did a great job on this moment too there but after a few talks he catch the thing and Iris does get him out but Barry can’t rest yet since zombie Tony was tough but flash beat him again welcome back Barry welcome back so cool.

After that he saves Jesse with 1 small bolt of lighting on the hand very cool think Barry got better speed now to face Zoom Speaking of zoom last few moments are bone chilling with zoom giving Caitlin a chance to stick with him or leave but warn her what happens to her if she leaves will give her something to think about after that zoom is see talking to his friends which is a whole meta Army of bad guys this will give team flash a test next episode but will say that way is a good way to end episode since there only 2 episodes left will say this probably the best episode yet of the flash will tell you what I think in my final thoughts below.

Great episode with speed force teaching Barry a lesson that helped him to get his speed back and what better way is to take everybody he knows in true form it was indeed tough to watch though even I tear up but was a great moment see Barry mom alive even though it was speed force to do that there good writing. The other thing got to keep team flash even more busy with the return of Tony Todd as a zombie make it kind of cool it was a test for team flash without Barry for a short time lucky Barry pass the test there now hopefully he ready to fight zoom because after that mind blowing ended he and team flash better be sure they come up with something thumbs up too this episode it was great for writing and acting as well.

That it for this week review sorry it was little late Tuesday was busy but next Tuesday the final 2 episodes reviews of season 2 will be up before taking a break so get ready for final 2 episodes review on Tuesday of next week for now have a good rest of your week.

I give the flash S2: E21 a rating of 8/10

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

The flash :S2 : E20 : Rupture (2016) episode review

 Starring……….. Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Director……….. Armen V. Kevorkian


Just as wells comes up with a plan to defeat Zoom, Zoom returns hellbent on destroying Central city. Meanwhile, Cisco has a vision of his brother, and Iris come terms with her feelings.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

Episode starts with team flash making a Hologram flash to trick the bad guys working good at first but for how long wells was right someone will figure it out and it will not fool zoom long so team flash had a little talk and didn’t go long so Barry goes and visits his dad up at cabin and when Barry told him about Jay there was interesting moment could name Jay Garrick then he goes back to lab and saying he staying around this time but bad news Zoom is back in the city and more dangerous then and also Cisco brother from earth 2 has showed up as well so team flash better make a Decision fast.

Later on Iris comes out for her feelings which is ok but now not the time right now try and get speed back and fight zoom who going to attack police with his plan his plan failed after Caitlin warn team flash about attack but zoom got his revenge on police he killed a lot of them and sending a message to him so they going to need the flash back fast they so going to try wells plan and this is accelerator but as they getting ready Wally and Jesse who dumb got out of safe room they should of listen but never do listen last 3 mins see Cisco do a Harry Potter wand Mention nice little Easter egg there or quote and lighting hits his wand zoom see it and runs better hurry and lighting hit Barry and Vanished and zoom says the most painful thing just to rub it so episode ends with you wonder if Barry is gone or not music ends episode like a cliffhanger for season finale good thing it was not.

Very good episode of the flash another one without Barry powers and attempt there at end to get it back but failed so ending makes you wonder where Barry goes it is good and What happen to jesse and Wally they should of listen but hopefully they be ok zoom was more of threat here then any episodes he been one heck of Villain for season 2 here probably the best one yet and again added Tony Todd voice as zoom makes him more scary as well next episode will be important one of season 2 as we close to end of season so after this one next week there be lots more to talk about next week so to everybody have a good rest of your week.

I give the flash :S2 : E20 a rating of 8/10

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

The Flash S2 : E19: Back to Normal (2016) Episode review

 Starring……… Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Director………… John F. Showalter


As Barry adjusts to life without his superpowers, a super-strong meta-human abducts Harrison, and Wally pesters Joe for a meeting with the flash.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Back to normal it is Barry has no speed and it is back to normal and now zoom got Caitlin does not look good for team flash right now they got a lot of figure out too do like he get his powers back and get her back the episode opens up with Barry riding the bus and waiting to get coffee slowing good music too fit in well with Barry being normal again.

Later on Caitlin meets killer frost which is interesting she try to get her to free her but will Caitlin trust her or not is ? I would not trust.

Then also wells go see Jesse who is still mad at him so he leaves and someone from the wells past who now ages fast he is 18 so he got wells just what team flash don’t need now but anything can help in this meta city huh.

Caitlin later on goes ahead and free killer frost but it was mistake as she almost kill her but zoom kill frost giving her a warning and then zoom out very interesting writing there.

After that we see the team go after grey or Griffin as he continue to age more with each punch this was there plan have him to keep doing that unit the end flash took a small beating it does work as team flash took down a easy but small dangerous guy with superpowers. After that Jesse and wells talk it over and are good now.

Zoom has handcuffed Caitlin she said she wants to go back to earth 🌍 but zoom has indeed other plans which is interesting to see where that goes in the next episode.

The episode ends with wells talking to Barry to do a reboot on how he got his speed by rebuilt that machine that give him the powers in first episode oh boy that will be either good or by but what a cliffhanger there leading to the next episode.

Good episode this was with Barry having no powers some drama but good writing on meta but he may of been easy but he still give them one heck of a fight so probably not the best episode but good is what I think.

I give the flash S2: E19 a rating of 7/10

Monday, August 22, 2022

New shows reviews coming 2023

 Brand new tv shows I will be reviewing along with crime time after prime time shows reviews will be every Monday, Wednesday and Friday late night shows that used to air in 1991 late night slots that will be 2 reviews for late night some good steam and hot crime shows I be reviewing.

Also last but least xena warrior Princess series I will be reviewing in July 2023 it will start so looking forward to that stranger things S4 finale still coming soon before next year it will be up still looking over it frame by frame and see if I missed anything interesting so will be up soon so well that it for this blog for now have a good rest of your night.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Stranger things S4 finale review coming soon

 For anybody wonder if I give up on it no have not just needed more time to write trust me I have lots to say in this one also will have season 4 Recap and wrapped up blog as well so need a little time no worry now we got lots of time before season 5 right now so what date will both are will be out keep a eye out never know what date or what hour they will pop up also in recap will be give thoughts on what I what think head of finale season of series finale season 5 this finale is indeed huge so just needed a little time to watch it and rewatch as well so that it for now have a good weekend everybody.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

The Flash S2: E18 : Versus Zoom (2016) episode review

Starring………. Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Director………. Stefan Pieszcynski


Barry, having now learn how to travel between the different earths, decides to take the fight to zoom.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

In this episode starts off with a kid that is Hunter trouble past story his mom was killed by his father seem like a bad life or trouble past .

After that we see Barry used that speed thing on his chest that can make him fast sure did he went so fast this here you take a peck when he run too supergirl earth and back he does tell anybody about supergirl world not yet later down the road they will meet her so now that Barry has more speed he has to find a way to find him and get back to earth 2 this where it gets interesting later they asked wells about Cisco Doppelgänger Evil version and ask him about his powers then they come up with idea that Cisco can use them to open the Portal or Breach only problem is can’t for some reason at first time 2nd time he was close but this got zoom Excited when he was opening it but Cisco didn’t want to do it for reason maybe he a little scared of being evil.

Later Joe invites Wally to stay with him and he says yes good moment there

And Cisco later on open the gate and Zoom did come out and look like plan was working it backfired later as zoom got Wally now he wants Barry speed for Wally life so Barry has big decision there.

So what does he do after a talk with zoom and the gang he goes ahead and give up the speed that fast and zoom now has his speed and to make things worst Caitlin as well to end the episode there which I was not a fan of there.

Not best episode but ok that last moments was indeed tough to watch now Barry don’t have his speed he will be a human yet again which should be interesting how it goes and how he get his speed back that is in future episodes ahead least we find out some of Hunter story though and how he become zoom and his past as well good thing they give us that as well so this will end this week review see you next week for the next review.

I give this the flash :S2 E18 a rating of 7/10

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

The Flash S2: E17 : Flash Back (2016) episode review

 Starring…………. Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle panabaker

Director…………. Alice Troughton


To become fast enough to beat zoom, Barry travels back in time to consult with Dr. Wells/ Eobard Thawne but incurs the wrath of a time Wraith.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Episode starts with Barry talking about being Betrayed by Jay and wells good opening there after that the team is still trying to get Barry to be faster then Zoom so he can beat him so Barry comes up with idea to go back into time team flash think he crazy doing it I was as well but if it only way give it a risk then later he does jump back into time and wells you can tell he acting odd this flash is after he knock out the flash of this time then later wells figures out guess you can say his plan may of backfired but also another problem is evil looking monsters time Wraiths are mad at Barry for time travel they hates speeders who mess with time so now they out to get rid of Barry.

Also wells does help him with his problem with a chip that could make him faster if he can get home the other flash does wake up and had a odd moment see 2 flashes side by side pretty cool moment there so Barry does go back in time but time Wraiths ugly looking things try to stop him lucky he got back but things was looking bad when Hartley save him wow so now in Barry time he a good guy ok I can deal with that I guess he may of change that back in time there but again cool episode ends with Barry showing Iris a record from Eddie when he went back in time he said he found it so maybe this will help Iris move on and it did pay off later as see in episodes ahead the episode ends with Barry who now figures out the key 🔑 to more speed by saying I am coming for you as episode ends.

Great episode of the flash there he did something I would not but he was lucky it payed off with evil wells knowing stuff and the time Wraiths things after him was real threat somehow he got RF to cave and give him the key to be faster at the end when he put in machine it would not work but it did now it is time to figure out how to get it which will be address in next episode pretty good episode of the flash not the best will still say great though.

That is it for this week review see you next week for more reviews of this great show.

I give the flash S2 E17 a rating of 7/10

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Smallville : S2 : Rosetta (2003) episode review

 Starring……… Christopher Reeve, Tom welling and Michael Rosenbaum

Director………. James Marshall


Clark has some weird dreams with the cave and about flying. When he puts the octagonal key in a hole the wall of cave.

Warning ⚠️ spoilers ahead

My Review

This one out many of my favorite episodes of smallville because for first time I years I get to see Christopher Reeve again he does have a good role in this which fit in very well I will get to that later on this is going to be a fun review.

Episode starts in a odd but good way where Clark is dreaming about cave and key he puts in and wakes up on highway and lex almost runs over him good writing there to have lex being the one who find him in this series they are friends but later on In series. Clark finds key and later on goes to cave and get got a huge download now he can read messages in Kryptonite messages which is cool but his mom and dad are not happy with him so there a little fighting as well I understand they are trying to Protect him but it is time to let him found out more after he using his heat power and put a message on the barn door Chloe does see it and using it as news in her paper which is can of rude.

Later on clark gets a email from Dr Virgil Swann aka Christopher Reeve message read he has info for you my guess after hearing about barn thing he figure he try and get a hold of him but Clark but will his parents say no after a little fight they agree to let him go after that we get to the good stuff this was a great moment for me as well Christopher Reeve I have not see in years so it was great see him again they give him the right character for this one 👍🏼 indeed for this one he give Clark the messages which help him out.

Then after that they had a great Scene with j Jonathan and Clark talking about what he learn and then together Clark found out ship key that turn on ship with another message Clark was doubtful but Jonathan told him the truth and he was right pretty much a good way to end episode with father and son moment a great episode it was it is rank number 1 on my episodes of all Time of series as well.

Final thoughts

One of best episode right there some drama with Lana and Chloe over Lana going though her private stuff but they made up though but I didn’t care about that much also lex end up when stuff what Clark was doing had me worry because each time I figure he was close to finding out truth that was good writing as well some of best acting was in this as well again it was my favorite episode of smallville and I do anybody who has not see episode do because it was indeed a great one.

I give Smallville Rosetta a rating of 9.5/10 for amazing.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Stranger things: S4: Chapter 8 : Papa (2022) Review

 Starring……….. Winona Ryder, David Harbour and Millie Bobby Brown

Directors……. Matt Duffer, Ross Duffer


Nancy has sobering visions , and El passes an important test. Back in Hawkins, the gang gathers supplies and prepares for battle.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Only 1 episode left of season 4 to review for this season of this great show seem to be going to bye fast as this last 2 episodes the battle between evil and good will indeed heat up and I can’t wait too see how season ends.

The episode starts with Nancy being trapped and see the the whole story of Vecna and she was lucky they got her out too or else she would of died then it goes the creepy intro with music which is still great bye the way.

I just love the Scene between Joyce and hopper it been so long and now they are back to together but for how long because ugly monsters are getting close and it is time to go war but great moment.

Then later we see eleven get her powers back about time she looking ready or maybe just a little more training and see will be just like how they writing this then just getting back with nothing happen in one episode good writing there.

We then see Will and Mike talk about El you can tell Will trying to Mike his feelings about him that don’t bug me but will say interesting to see where that goes before the end of season or maybe they save that for season 5.

Then El father tells her the truth if vecna kill 1 more people it will be the end of the world and upside down world will invade Hawkins which is not good so we see El see her friends talk about they too figure out his plan and now want to end it for good before his plan Works then we find who last member he needs it is max figure after they talk last time this got me worry for Characters because I have feelings someone will die before season ends.

We then see hopper and Joyce and rest make though the first gate but how they get home is the ? Later on we find out they do have something but bad news it is not ready to go just yet oh boy the guy behind it is a dummy in my view.

While the gang goes looking for guns bad news is Jason and his friends are there Nancy and him had a had lucky they got away this time next time won’t be easy is what I think.

El story got more interesting when we find out the truth on her father sounds like he create all this mess and she blames him at first I wasn’t sure to trust him still or not because I had a feeling he was hiding something now pretty much we know story some very good writing there I must say but when all this is going on Military is getting close to them they think eleven is a threat and trying to end her so her father gets her out but as he trying to save her just as they getting ready to shot her Mike and Gang shows up good timing and eleven use her powers to kick there ass alright then we see gang Reunite with her then she gets one last talk with papa can of sad moment there so the question is how eleven going to even make it is 2000 miles away not much hope there is what I thinking so can’t wait to see where that goes I am sure they will have a plan .

The episode ended in a great way with journey music playing in background as they have reach the home where Vecna is at no talking just a great way too lead us intro the season finale great episode here.

Man this season has indeed been worth the wait all episodes I see but great for writing and action as Will this episode prove it that for worried about all characters for season because there will be death and will be sad as well for tv I see many characters die all I can say hope it not Dustin, max or Steve but I have a feeling it will be probably be max because he is after her so will see and also we see if hopper and gang get back to America safe as well also interesting to find out how eleven gets back in time to save gang because they are miles away and it not well looking good I am sure they will find a way I can’t not believe next week is the finale review of season and probably for a long too they take 2-3 years just to get episodes to us that pretty long break but you have to do it too make the final series season good I will say eleven saying goodbye to her father was sad but not too sad because he wasn’t a nice father in the end he was something but what we learn from past not much good writing there though.

This close out this week review a little late but lucky to get it out before night ends been fun and get ready next week is season finale for season 4 of stranger things and last review of show for a whole so get ready for that but for now have a great night and see you next week.

I give stranger things S4 Chapter 8 a rating of 8.5/10

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The flash :S2: E16: Trajectory (2016) Episode review

 Starring……….. Grant Gustin , Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Director…….. Glen Winter


While The Flash gets blamed for a lady speedster’s Social antics, Jesse becomes appalled at how far Harrison will go to protect her.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

After a small break back with the next episode review of the flash here we go.

After last episode we find out who Zoom was and it was mind blowing but later Ending of episode will give you thoughts on should of that been big Reveal or not.

As for episode was good started off with team flash trying to get Barry to become more faster by jumping or running a Cliff which didn’t go well so team flash is tired and needs a break so along with Jesse who has to wear Meta watch thanks to her father Wally meets Jesse later and trying to take watch off she finds out what her father said in disturbing message that will not be good between them later on.

Party was going well unit another Speedster show up faster then the flash and robs everybody turns out it was a woman who is a friend Caitlin who Studying V8 drug for speed bad news now everybody think the flash is doing this so not good news for him later on he does make a choice to take he choice not too but later on starlabs gets take over by this speedster and boy she fast too she put Barry in meta cage and Jesse gets nailed with the drug as speedster run away so they end up saving her life later lucky but this does not patch up things between wells and Jesse as they have a fight.

After that the new speedster try’s to kill people on the Bridge the flash saves them and try’s to talk her into helping her but nope she took another V8 drug and left but too much cause her to Vanish into blue lighting killing her crazy woman she was.

Now up to the ended spoiler here Cisco has been have vibes next Jay hat and picks up hat and then he finds out who zoom is that there should of maybe been the big reveal of zoom for everybody in my view but I understand they were heading into month break and need something to fans to talk about if they did that heading into break would be something in my view anyway the episodes ended with everybody reaction once again someone they trust turns bad episode ends with Barry yelling no pretty good ending to this episode.

Wasn’t best episode I see had some more drama between wells and his daughter but will say lady speedster story was good as well enjoy too bad she died but she got into the drug way way too much which was sad and that ended was tough but good to see everybody reaction to it as again it happen again. This probably a episode I would indeed watch again even though it was not the best.

That is it for this review sorry about late start but I was little late writing this tonight but I hoped you liked it and see next week for another review of the flash season 2.

I give the flash E16 S2 a rating of 7/10 for good

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Smallville : S3: E11 : Delete (2004) review

 Starring……….. micheal Rosenbaum, Tom Welling and Kristin Kreuk

Director………….. Pat Williams


Somebody is after Chloe using a virus email to attack her but why is question everybody who gets it goes after her as well.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Next episode is interesting one for story proves how spam mail can be in a different way some reason Clark gets first email on his phone this email some how email when open virus 🦠 it control you for a bit and some reason it order. It Control you and try to kill Chole first victim was Clark who try to kill her with truck then a few mins later almost killing her he does not remember.

Before that lex meets Molly who look like a Karen like character type she seems to be one heck of hacker too she the one sending this virus to kill Chole to each of one’s that we see later on Lana gets same email that Hypnotize people to kill so Lana goes right after in one heck of fight as well lucky her boyfriend was there to save Chole after the fight Lana had no memory as well.

Molly is doing this to protect her boss figure that what we find out lex and Clark did ask her about Molly was poor little soul but then lex found she send one email and that was too Clark mom some how both Jonathan and Martha was connect to so we got a little fight between Clark and his foster parents there didn’t last long but was something.

So what happen to Molly lex says she getting help from people who care not sure what happen after that because Molly was never talk about again on series hopefully she be ok so the episode ended with lex saying he lost 7 weeks of memory’s and wants them back after that show goes to credits ending.

Must say a interesting episode after Lana kick chole butt she question Adam a lot on he fight and hack into a computer it ended with him living up stairs I was too much into that story just the other story but ok to add some Drama though.

Well say Molly was can of pretty but too bad she had to go to evil to protect her boss I do find the email virus story I am just happy it will not happen in real life this episode was pretty good of smallville in the end something I would watch again.

I give smallville S3 : E11 delete a rating of 8/10 for great.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Stranger Things: S4: Chapter Seven: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab (2022) review


Starring……….. David harbor, Winona Ryder and Millie Bobby brown

Directors……….. Matt Duffer and Ross Duffer


As hopper braces to battle the monster, Dustin dissects Vecna’s motives- and decodes a message from beyond. El finds strength in a distant memory.

Warning ⚠️ spoilers ahead

My Review

Chapter 7 starts after the end of chapter 6 where Steve is being attacked no one came to help him then I figure someone got to show up and help him then a second later Robin, Nancy and Eddie show up to fight off bats or what creepy monsters then after that see more coming now time to run and way out maybe the woods there.

Again do going with eleven storyline with her father trying to help her get her powers back but eleven still scared some that what hold her back so hopefully she get pass her fears and get them back soon.

As for the other Hawkins kids the cops had a nice talk and then Parents want to put them in jail which would be dumb move then cop 👮‍♀️ said one at a time going to take each other option lightly. After that we see Eddie, Nancy, Steve and Robin talk about a plan Steve look beat up bad Nancy help him out there still something between Steve and Nancy going on would not mind see again writers seem been tease it a lot so why not later on we find out they have time travel look like so they try to send Dustin a sign who has figure out Vecna’s next move maybe they use a pretty cool trick to message each other from both sides that pretty cool effects there by writers to add that.

There maybe some good news about hopper story Joyce see hopper but he has to take out monster first so she be safe holy crap that monster is indeed scary looking was a great to fight after hopper and Joyce are reunited great moment it is about time I am sure everybody watching like me was cheering.

Later on we see Dustin and gang help Steve, Nancy, Robin and Eddie get out but just when it look things are going to go well Nancy gets trap by Vecna’s trap and Nancy learn the truth who he is we are also finding out a lot not let say this probably is best episode of season after that ending mind blowing sends chills as well wow that way to end episode.

Wow last 20 mins was damn good along with this episode that indeed worth the wait for 3 years and finally someone got her powers back Can’t wait to see what happen next hope Steve will be ok not much side effect so far so good hope Nancy gets out of trap there hopper and Joyce back with each other so much can happen in the last 2 episodes can’t wait so stay turned for chapter 8 next week.

I give stranger things S4: Chapter 7 a rating of 9.5 out of 10 amazing

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

The Flash : S2: E 15 : King Shark (2016) episode Review

 Starring……….. Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Directed by…………. Hanelle M. Culpepper


When King Shark escape from an A.R.G.US . Holding tank, Lyla and Diggle tank, Lyla and Diggle travel to Central city to warn the flash.

King shark shows up at West House and attacks Joe, Iris, Wally and Barry.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

After last episode it starts off right there where Caitlin losing jay or So by zoom grabbing him and there no way to open the door way to earth 2 so that means wells and his daughter will be living here on earth 1 but they better not force on that we see king shark is out of it cage and is on loose and for some reason Cisco thinks Caitlin turning into killer frost after she bites his head off can of funny though to throw off watchers there for now team flash got big problems with king fish looking for the flash there.

He does show up at wrong time with Wally being there so we get a talk between king shark and fish a little bit the look on Wally face was priceless scared the crap out of him I would be too after that was over barry told Iris and Joe what happen on earth 2 was interesting story the look on there face was something too with Iris finding out she married to Barry very interesting moment there.

Later on team flash finds king shark he look pretty good for effects though that was good battle king shark was not enough for the flash nice easy win and was good see Diggle and Lyla.

After that Joe tell Wally the truth about Barry that was a nice talk there. After that Caitlin fool Cisco on being killer frost the look on his face was priceless as well. After that it was Barry talking about what happen last and saying he not done with earth 2 and zoom yet I thought that was going to close it but I did remember there 1 more thing left that shows us something big there.

Spoiler alert

At the last few moments we see Jay body being carry bye zoom 🏎 well then zoom takes off the mask turns out to be Jay himself at first my thought it what but then I think of when Jay found his double which was name Hunter zolomon so how did he find another version of himself to fool team flash there find out later on that but for now found that interesting but would of team flash and all of us to find with us watching would of been otherwise still a mind twist Reveal there not a bad episode of the flash there.

Final thoughts very great episode of the flash with return of king shark he look amazing as well and writers did a good job on making him look like a threat to the flash and also writers did a good job with effects after earth 2 episode and the flash effects from it as well and that huge ended is one of way I would ended it this indeed is one of my top episodes of the flash would indeed watch again and this episode is indeed worth checking out in my view.

The flash : King shark (2016) rating 8/10

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Smallville :S3: Truth (2004) Episode review

 Starring……….. Tom Welling, Kristin Kreuk and Michael Rosenbaum

Directed by ………………. James Marshall


Chloe visits a former friend of her father in Luther Corp. to know if he is blacklisted, since all his applications are not accepted and he is not able to find a job.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Sometimes when truth comes out it can hurt this episode show you that this one of many great episodes written for Smallville in my view after Chloe gets nailed bye something in lab which she breaks into the side effect is when she gets face to face and ask questions the truth comes out now I think this works at first for her but when she takes it too far get a little out of hand the stuff she is finding out is juicy but could be harm Clark secret as well as she get close to the ones who know his secret could put out truth as well so that what makes episode interesting as well also she finds out when of her teacher past which is indeed bad because it cause harm after that is when I think she gone too far and won’t stop Clark better find a way to stop it or else she find out truth about him but there one good she using her powers to find out what lex father is hiding and finding out what lex wants as well and then there a huge Pete secret which is something and sure have us talking on what would of been but never happen between chloe and Pete would I mind see that yes and no at same time but there is another side effects chole will die without a cure so last 15 mins of episode was her going to Try again from his secret hate to say lucky that kid who mom was arrest stop her even though he going to kill which is not good lucky Clark save the day and everything was good have to say a very powerful and again great episode of smallville.

This indeed great episode for Chole Character she is a reporter and this gift can get her stories but again this can do harm as well episode ended very good but does not make Sense because didn’t she phone lex there sure there they will explain that this indeed one of favorite episode of Smallville happy to review this episode as I will be for many more down the line.

I give smallville : Truth episode a rating of 8.5/10 for amazing

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Stranger Things : Chapter Six : The Dive (2022) review

 Starring……………. Milllie Bobby brown, Winona Ryder and David Harbor

Director……….. Nimrod Antal


Behind the the iron curtain, a risky rescue mission gets underway. The California crew seeks help from hacker. Steve takes one for the team.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

This season been going by fast for me reviewing it this chapter 6 review of stranger things season 4

Last episode we see Eddie go under water did so did he die or not well we see guy after him before see his friend die he told cops what happen they did no believe him after that we see monster grab the fish then that creepy intro of stranger things with title and chapter as well.

Then we someone bad looking for eleven my guess FBI or a highly power also we then go to eleven father he trying to help her get back to full power because he said she lose to darkness if so Again I wonder if writers will go that way to make her evil before series does end to make eleven would be interesting some.

Also funny moments is when gang gets to Suzy house full of kids acting odd moment there but they meet her and Suzy reaction thought I would be funny moment there hope she will help them out or not is question.

Then we Joyce and Warren fooling around with Russian they tie up and ask him where to go he say good luck that if he not dead or something.

Then we go hopper and prisons and they have food waiting for them but hopper figures out why and tells them the monster is coming for them and that why they feeding us to fat us up for monsters very creepy moment there but good acting there .

We then see later eleven talking to guy name something wonder if he here to help eleven or not too sure about him yet.

Jason later tells everybody what he say and he tells everybody that our hero’s are the ones that are behind this yeah this not good so now everybody looking for them now I hate that Jason guy he got it all wrong that writers throwing a bone making it or try to look bad for the teens of Hawkins.

Even bad news Suzy computer has been taking away from her father who use it now for work so should be interesting how they get back there.

Getting hopper out story been good so far but hopper may want to take out monster that there first before he gets out with fire so interesting to see where that goes as well.

Suzie and Gang come up with huge plan there to get computer and it work so they find the info then they went to leave and angyle was high with Suzie sister I think and look on her face was indeed funny.

So far eleven training stuff been good build up but taking long before we see her back to full power though would like to see it soon guess writers are taking there time to get her powers I am sure it won’t be that much longer.

At the end we see Steve get suck up bye mind flay thing and cops get Dustin and rest of gang as episode ending with Steve being bite by bats or some ugly creatures wow great way to end it more dark too.

Wow what a ending does not look for Steve at end as he being bite indeed horror stuff there and as for other story’s was good but soon we have to get everybody back to Together we have not see them all together yet they are like into group of 3 for stories though hope next episode we can get something hopefully Dustin and rest of gang try to get help from police or someone will believe them we see can’t wait to see where it goes for next chapter and next week will see you then for next review.

I give stranger things season 4 chapter 6 a 8.5/10 rating for great.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

The flash :S2: E14 : Escape from Earth 2 (2016) Review

 Starring…………. Grant Gustin, Danielle Panabaker and Candice Patton

Director……….. J.J Makaro


On Earth-2 , the team asks for help from an unexpected source to find Zoom’s lair, while on earth 1, Caitlin tries to perfect Velocity-9 so Jay can stop the Geomancer.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Start of episode has zoom looking for wells he says he looking for him nice intro after last episode so how are Cisco and wells going to get Barry out of this one well barry earth 2 they let out and explain to him what going and they almost get caught by zoom but hide from him for now but you can’t hide from zoom forever so later on zoom Threaten Barry and Jesse zoom is again scary looking we also meet a man in iron mask who trust me will be a huge reveal at end of season if you have not see all of season 2.

While on earth 1 Geomancer is cause havoc without Barry it is up to Jay and Caitlin to stop him with velocity 9 he does save the people but later almost cause a earthquake lucky Caitlin use a huge gun to shut him down but there problems with the Breach that could huge problems of rest of team flash to get home.

Interesting how Barry gets out of cage but thanks to Barry earth 2 he He gets out but they talk to long and zoom comes in but someone step up big time they got out there but before Barry left he told the guy in iron mask that he back for him.

At the end it was a close one but they got rid of zoom they thought forever but too me he found a way back before it closed zoom took the life of Jay damn you have to feel sorry for Caitlin again this gone though this a lot what a way to end the episode right there.

Another great episode of the flash season 2 is on fire 🔥 too me and a little tease on possible who iron mask was only problem I’d see Barry getting his butt kick by zoom yet again hopefully 1 day he pays him back for all beatings he took but will say they are doing good job there to make zoom look like a badass though this probably best 2 part series yet as well for Scfi series and this 2 part is still my favorite today good episodes something I would indeed watch again.

I give the flash :S2: E14 : Escape from earth 2 a rating of 9/10 for great

Monday, July 4, 2022

The Addams Family: S1 :E1 the Addams family goes to school (1964) review

 Starring………… Carolyn Jones, John Astin and Allyn Joslyn

Directed by………. Arthur Hiller


The Local truant officer forces Wednesday and pugsley to attend public school to their parents’ Consternstion.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Addams family is one of shows I watched many times on TV land so for the first time will be reviewing the very first episode of Addams family going to be great to re-watch this again.

First of all love the intro of series mix in very well with theme of show as well I like it.

Well episode starts off with guy from school and once he enters the house the look on his face was funny lots of creepy stuff in there but funny as well with house set up there pretty much I worder what people reaction at first look at there house bet it was same of my creepy as heck.

He does talk to mr and Mrs Addams trying to get there kids to go school but they don’t cave they end up scary him away happens to most people later on school force them to go to school Morticia says yes burn Gomez says now but later they both agree to send them school this should be something too see how that goes.

First day didn’t go well as kids was upset over a Dragon which is kind of silly guess they didn’t like the hero killing the monster which is interesting so they all get upset over that they did invite the guy over again and the guy agree to change things at school hopefully for better and not worst as episodes ends.

Funny first episode this is what start off a nice run for series it was very funny characters was great too hope to review more episodes soon.

For now have a good rest of your 4th of July

I give the first episode of Addams family a rating of 8/10 for great


Mr. Bean S1:E12: Tee Off, Mr. bean (1995) Review

 Starring……… Rowan Atkinson, Jacqueline Defferary and Grant masters

Director…….. John Birkin


Story’s include Mr. bean goes to laundromat, mini golf bean.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

If there any comedy gold out there Rowan Atkinson as Mr. Bean was pretty much that in this one is another funny episode he only did 2 season maybe that was enough for him think so but anyway here is my first review of funny Mr. Bean.

First story is him going to laundromat washing his clothes it was funny he gets his pants mix with lady clothes and so he put on dress the whole time the guy next to him was funny too again mr bean was funny in this one every mistake he did and part ending with him being in dryer turning around and around funny stuff that is laundromat segment was indeed comedy gold.

Now on to part 2 of episode as it goes he goes to play golf mini golf but ends up being everywhere in funny ways the ball gets lost in Sewer so he goes play it there get stuck in trash track pretty much everywhere it ended in a odd way with him taking the ball on pile of dirt and get a riding back to mini golf and put in the hole marking down a huge score pretty funny there you probably won’t see many of that for comedy today that is for funny way to end another great one from Mr. bean

This is not first time I review his episodes did last year I was very happy to do another episode of him he is a Legend of comedy in my Mr. bean was goofing but that way so which one was better part 1 or 2 both was good but he playing golf was funny too this guy went around town playing not many notice which was kind of odd but it was funny and it ended just good too for years I hope many get to see his work for comedy because they will be miss out good laughs and stuff that is for sure.

I give Mr. Bean S1: E12 a rating of 8.5 out of 10 for funny.

Saved by the bell: the college years : S1 : E10 : A Thanksgiving story (1993) review

 Starring…………. Mark- Paul Gosslaar, Mario Lopez and Dustin Diamond

Directed by………….. Jeff Melman


After a car trouble strands them at college, the gang help Mike, Leslie and Screech prepare thanksgiving dinner for a group of Inner-city kids.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Saved by the bell the college years is not bad at this is my favorite episode of series by the way where gang trying to use Mike car to get too airport too get home for thanksgiving but car breaks down and they are stuck in middle of no where Slater’s girlfriend who can of Annoying made funny twilight zone jokes which was can of funny then after there were about to be pick up she says go away goat people and they indeed left them there funny moment there good comedy.

Back at college screech is trying to help Mike after he hurt his back lift pool table from carry it screech tries to help but goofing him makes it more worst by not having in freeze turkeys for his inner group kids coming later to join so now it is up to Zack who comes back and tell Mike about the car and the gang to try and do something to save this thanksgiving nightmare not bad writing because you never know what happens next.

After that some Celebrities show up with food of there own and save the day big Surprise

Was Mr. Belding nice surprise there by writers was great see him again as well so how did this great episode end well Zack did something nice for a chance he was right it was touching moment send Kelly home nice way to end episode.

They do have bloopers at end very funny with them playing doctor on a turkey was funny bloopers everybody was having a good time and that way it should be in my view great comedy and great writing as well good acting as well probably one of top episodes of this series also like how characters of Mike and screech are he get annoyed bye him a lot in a funny way makes me laugh both of them are indeed comedy gold there would I watch this again yes it was my favorite episode of the series.

I give saved by the bell : college years :: S1: E10 a rating of 7/10 for great.

Superboy: S1: E9: The Alien Solution (1988) review

 Starring…………… John Newton, Stacy Haiduk and Tom Bahr

Directed by…….. Colin Chilvers


A strange cloud-like alien who can take over bodies comes to earth hoping to steal superboy’s body so he can add it to his collection of warriors.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

First of all love the intro this show is very first half a hour super show I see the long ones are a hour the most I see but good way to start with intro there.

So this my first look at superboy in long time took me a while so this episode is about a cloud like alien trying to take over superboy body but Lana got caught in wrong place at wrong time now she was attack from alien or whatever it is look odd looking then later on we find out it possessed Lana for a short time would of been longer if show was longer but it wasn’t did have some cool effects with superboy talking to this alien thing but pretty much when it look like a threat it was not much as everything turn out to be ok with Lana and ended well.

Not a bad episode wish it was a little bit longer could of got interesting with alien taking over Lana body more but it was only 21 mins probably because it was a low budget show it can of feel aims Towards kids something that could air in early morning of Saturdays will say this is not a bad show good effects and great acting as Will say plot was ok not best though for this one would I watch this again yes I would if I need a fast super hero show that is for sure.

I give superboy The alien Solution a rating of 7/10 for good.

Green Acres : S1: E1: Oliver buys a farm (1964) review

 Starring……….. Eddie Albert, Eva Gabor and John Daly

Directed by…………Ralph Levy


Oliver Wendell Dougles quits his job as a lawyer and moves from Park Avenue to Hooterville. He wants to get away from the “rat race” of the city. His beautiful wife Lisa doesn’t exactly love the idea.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Green aces has been a funny tv show for years I am very excited to review this funny show for first time ever as well.

Great funny start to first episode with a couple living in park Avenue one day the husband name Douglas he got tired of being a lawyer and dream on being a farmer but his wife is not happy she likes it where she at so you have a couple fighting over that before story starts you get a good look at Oliver character from kid to adult he wanted to be a farmer 👩‍🌾 even his dad so that nice touch as part of story so audience know the characters are as well so Lisa came up with idea to have Oliver build his own garden outside deck does work some thought that funny the way them two angry with each other.

So later he Hooterville and ends up buying a house the people at store was in Shock as well later on Lisa as well his wife was in Shock even his mom was too funny how everybody reaction to him buying a farm so Lisa and Oliver pull up to there new house which doesn’t look very good now as tv news guy that how Oliver brought his home thank goodness as episode fades funny way to end the episode there like a find out next time to see what happens nice tease for first episode ending there.

Well a not bad first episode was funny the way everybody reaction they thought he was crazy even his wife as well if she wants to stay with him she going to have live with it as well trust me next episodes ahead if you have not see it get ready to laugh it is funny this episode here is more of Introducing characters which is good you watch you need a good story to tell that and they did good writing there for years to come this series will be forever gold and maybe I do more episodes reviews of this series down the line never know.

I give Green acres first episode a rating of 7.5 out of 10 for good.

Family Matters :S1: E2: Two Income Family (1989) review

 Starring………. Reginald VelJohnson, Jo Marie Payton

Directed by…………… James O’ Keefe


Harriette loses her job as elevator operator at the Chicago Chronicle when asks for a raise.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

Family matters was my favorite show for years and was one of best shows out there so honor to review one of episodes of Family matters for this one it was wrote very well as well.

Episode starts out in funny way Carl is started to do his bills and everybody runs out like look out seems like episode is going to be full problems car is broken then Carl later on tells his wife to go ask boss for a raise well it indeed backfired as she got fired from her job so now she must have to find another job she does have bad luck and feels down but Carl as good guy he is help her a lot so she goes down to get a job as Security and gives her boss one heck of speech in the end it indeed pay off in the end good for her she got the job a very good episode of family matters.

This one was not too much funny it was like a messsge never give up if your having bad luck finding a job and grandma Winslow serving up Dinner was kind of funny not too funny with Bacon drips though can of laugh there with telling her story bye the way Steve is not in family matters yet think next one is his debut if not trust me he show up later so if your fan first 2 episodes of series he not on yet this indeed my favorite episode of series as well hope to review more episodes in the future.

I give this episode 2 of Family matters a rating of 7/10 for good.

Smallville :S1 :pilot (2001) episode review

 Starring……….. Tom welling, Kristin Kreuk and Micheal Rosenbaum

Directed by……….. David Nutter


Baby Clark arrives on earth. Teen Clark starts high school, saves Alec’s life after a car accident, and finds out about his past and birth parents.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Been waiting for a while to review smallville and now With this first episode of a long 10 season series so let’s see what I think of first episode.

The first episode tells story on how it started with baby Clark coming to earth and also Disturbing see baby Lana losing her mom and dad that moment was tough to watch for her as a kid and we see lex how he become bald head he did have hair this how story went then we see Martha and Jonathan finds a boy out in middle of no where and this boy has special powers this how story starts then we go today and Clark is a teen he makes a fool of him self running to school and can not talk to Lana he gets weak talking about that when we find out that green necklace she wearing is green

Kryptonite and that weak him then after that see lex hit him boom he nailed him and he save him and this start of lex looking into Clark later on how he survived that then later on Johnathan tells him the truth and he not believe it I would not either unit he see the spaceship then he starts believe and gets mad later on we are introduced Wall of weird very creepy wall by the way he did get caught after Lana give him a small kiss Whitney did not like that and put him on cross out in Field lex found him and save him guess they are both even now right.

Later on he goes after a guy who was effect from Meter years ago and has powers that can And that can Electricity you it was easy though this guy was a little tough but not bad enough for Clark to beat the guy lost his memory and didn’t know where he was my guess him getting nailed by the electricity cause a memory lose that for sure very odd though.

Lana said if he show up at dance she would dance with him he did but see her dancing with her boyfriend and what he did too him Clark left but at end she came up to ask him to dance at farm I was happy for him but it may of been dream in his mind that she was dancing with him too me it look like that but it look real too me when he said thanks for the dance as episode ended with sky view of stars Beautiful Ending to a first episode of series.

Thought it was good start when I first see this I said this show will be good for writing and it was not bad at all the first episode was great for acting and writing as well and I can not wait to review the next episode of smallville that is for sure.

I give the first episode of smallville a rating of 8/10 for great.

Step by step :S2: Double Date (1993) Episode Review


Starring……………. Patrick Duffy, Suzanne and Staci Keanan

Directed by………… Richard Correll


Carol sets up Karen up with a young lad name Freddy for the dance, but Karen has her eye on someone more desirable. Karen asks the other fellow, Jeffrey out, the question is who she go with

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

So was this episode funny or not sort of started off funny some but in this one Karen Is pain in butt we tell you she pretty much like that in series but this one is annoying as hell Carol sets her up with Freddy but Karen wants to go with someone else see they have a dumb rating system for dating sounds pointless to me and silly and rude to Freddy she was but what funny every time she try to her mom is stand right behind her can of laugh at some but she goes to prom anyway but her mom is once again behind her again catch again but her mom leaves it up too her now to make a Decision to make and in end she does make the right one good for her Screw That rating system is all I got to say episode ends with her mom looking happy that a great way to end this close to half hour show.

Have to say it was good episode Frank getting caught in air bag was funny and Carol get him a Purse for his money and him flip out was funny but story was around Karen she did act like a true there unit the end and went on to be a better person to Freddy and dance with him and again it had a great ending step by step was a good show back in the days it is indeed worth checking out her in 2022.

I give Step by Step S2 Double Date (1993) a rating of 7/10 for great

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Stranger things S4 : Chapter Five : The Nina Project (2022) Review

 Starring………. Winona Ryder, David harbor and Mille Bobby brown

Director…………. nimrod Antal


Owens takes El to Nevada, where she’s forced to confront her past, while the Hawkins kids comb a crumbling house for clues. Vecna claim another victim.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

After last great episode ready to see how the story Continue so let’s go shell we.

Owens takes eleven to Nevada then we see eleven father show up now he said he help her get her powers back eleven try to get out of there but too late so now we get see a father eleven reunion I guess hope this time in a good way but after what he put her though before not sure to trust him yet will see.

Hopper is still trouble as we see but he knows now Joyce is in trouble she and Warren is awake but where is guy bring them my guess to Russian to get money or something hope hopper can find a way out and save them.

Nancy and team find out max drawings lead up to a pattern a house that is victor house 🏡 so they probably going to go there in a bit.

Later on eleven wakes up but guy keeps saying the same thing over and over this is test her father put her though and rumors were true eleven is back to her first look from season 1 so cool like a little flashback this season took there but I doubt she get her powers back this episode as they building it up even more and making us wait.look like she did get them back at the end little tease it was but she does Reconcile with her father as episode ends very eerie way to end the episode but ok.

Again another episode where they pretty much lead you asking what next for Characters in next episode good storytelling though with Verca getting another Victim so now maybe the guy who after Eddie will believe him after see his friend die like that is indeed scary the way they make look so we see Warren fight back didn’t see much of him fighting but there plane crash sure they are ok will see like I said many times in the next episode still hopper has not got out yet boy they are sure building this up but look for him to possible find a way out next episode though can’t wait to see this was not a bad episode we got hints Mike and team may go to suzie for help that should be something maybe we see Dustin and Susie meet before the end of season guess we see but will be cool for them to meet her hope she can help them out overrate a good episode of stranger things not a top too much but still good storytelling there which makes wonder how next episode will go cross my fingers that again hopper gets long a wait Reunion with Joyce will it happen see what I think next week.

I give stranger things: S4: chapter five a rating of 8.5.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

The Flash :S2 :E13: Welcome to Earth 2 (2016) review

 Starring……. Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Directed by…………. Millicent Shelton


Harrison, Cisco and Barry travel to Earth-2 to save Harrison’s daughter. Barry assumes the role of his doppelgänger, who married to Iris. He then went encounters alternate Caitlin and Ronnie, who are zoom’s agents.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

The episode been waiting to review with the whole earth 2 thing must say it is a good one so let’s start shell we.

At first barry was thinking it over about going over to earth 2 but Iris earth 1 told him to go they set up the A breach to go there and Jay warn them you will see the future that maybe hints to come so when they enter we do see what Easter eggs are coming mind blowing the first hint of supergirl which we see later along with others things good Easter eggs drop there soon they get there Cisco try to vibe but his powers does not work on earth 2 but Barry seems to work that little odd writing but ok so Barry see his other version of himself on tv and brings him to go undercover in earth 2 will find out later Barry and Iris are married as well and Joe hates him and sings and Iris is cop that sure is Pretty shocking as well later on we meet killer frost and death storm but on this earth are bad they drop hints of frost Character in season finale of 1st season so nice going on there word Danielle Panabaker plays the role good too something new for her it look like Iris was going get killed but Joe save the day but got hit with fire ball then we see killer frost and death storm vs the flash nice little action there but in the end Joe dies earth 2 one earth 1 is still alive by the way but still was sad moment there even if it was not earth 1 Joe later on Iris meets Cisco from earth 1 and Goes after death storm known as firestorm in earth 1 and killer frost you know who see is on earth 1 also Cisco later on meets his Counterpart which has more powers he did not know have powers so the other Cisco try to get our Cisco to join him did not work as the flash attack and almost Iris got killed again but the flash same her but he was knock out by zoom and zoom Kidnapped the flash as episode ends with Barry trapped in cage of Jesse that might be tough to get out of but least now he knows where wells daughter is even though this was not planed episode ends with zoom face to face with Barry saying you never get out of here Barry face was probably the best he even looked worried great way to end the first out of 2 parts for earth 2 episodes.

Great episode again even with them Easter eggs there at the start and on earth 1 no flash means there open door to meta and look like it up to team flash and Jay to make sure city is safe which is not easy like how they write that in as well I also like that moment where Barry calls his mom if you look quick you can see some familiar numbers on phone there which is interesting it was tough moment but happy Barry got to talk his mom overrate this indeed my favorite episode of series next week can’t wait to review part 2 for you so stay turn as they would say.

I give the flash S2: E13 a rating of 8.5 out of 10 for great

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Stranger Things : S4 : Chapter four: Dear Billy (2022) Episode review

 Starring……….. Mille Bobby brown, David Harbor and Winona Ryder

Directed by…………….. Shawn Levy


Max is in grave danger- and running out of time. A patient at Pennhurst asylum has visitors. Elsewhere, In Russia, Hopper is hard at work.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

After last episode I was wonder where this goes starts off with max telling everybody more about monster and what she see then later on run into Lucas who almost scare him max before that see clock this has something to do with new monster later on we find out more about that while that interesting right now I am force where hopper story going will this be episode of reunion between Joyce and hopper hope so we see they are doing a good job building this up slowing.

Nancy and Robin Buddy system is working out some but still wonder if she driving Nancy little crazy Robin give one heck of speech there guess it work yeah can of little bit too crazy there now is not time visiting a metal house if. Was them would be careful but maybe they could find something they go talk to Victor who played by Robert England a name everybody knows but I wonder if he help out Nancy and Robin is the ?.

Later on we see hopper Escape but then later on get catch again and Joyce and Warren are also in trouble not looking good there yeah not looking good.

Max later still has not told anyone yet what has happen not sure why she should tell them what happen to her and they could help her but she not ready yet.

Nancy and Robin find out more about victor story and he has a history with this thing it was sad story but man it was good acting there from Robert England hope to see more sure there will more to this story.

Later on max sends a letter to her brother at his grave then gets grab by vecna and thought that was it for max I was like many root for her to fight this monster and she did what a ending there for stranger things.

Edge on seat stuff this season is getting better each time I see it we did not see El much this episode but we did see Mike get out there lucky too there was someone shooting up house fbi not sure what going on there hmm most creepy moments of this was victor telling his story that seem dark think there a lot more that we don’t know about he only in 1 episode nice see Robert England again even though it was 1 episode. As for the ending lucky she got out of there was close one she safe for now but that was indeed scary moment there nice too see Billy but it was not him it was monster minds games there also what will happen to Joyce and Warren hope they be ok that interesting where that going as well so stay turn next week I be reviewing chapter 5 can not wait to see how story too close it what a great episode this was.

I give chapter 4 S4 of Stranger things a 9.5 out 10 for great

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

The Flash: S2: E12 : Fast Lane (2016) review

 Starring………. Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Directed by…….. Rachel Talalay


Barry tries to team up with Dr. Harrison but finds out Harrison prefers working alone. The flash fights a new Meta- Human. Iris researches her brother drag- racing. Dr. Harrison starts stealing Barry’s speed.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Episode opens just like some episodes with a murder then we see how a new meta Barry got to feel sorry his girlfriend left and also there is a little drama between Iris and Wally anyway the new meta is a tar man who was put in tar years ago barry later on try to work with wells who trying to steal Barry speed so he can save his daughter from Zoom this is not way I go and how long before they figure out barry Cisco does as he ask Barry he has slow down some wells does give zoom some of Barry speed but zoom wants more figures he wants it all so wells continue to start stealing it but later effects do happen as Iris gets hit with glass from a car you can see the flash trying to save her but he could not this is what wells is doing lucky Iris will be ok though.

Wells later on comes out and tells them as he was Joe walks in and nails him and put him in meta jail and later Joe and the flash take out tarman in a quick way I think they did that so they can force on wells turning on team flash but that ok that was main writing for this episode Barry has a good heart as he explained to team flash why he letting him go as he free him at the end saying we are going to help you save your daughter we going to earth 2 what a ending there and pretty great episode of the flash as well.

Have to say some drama but I like writing of this episode around wells stealing Barry speed some but it almost killed Iris did not but close and wells coming out telling them is good time because now he will get some help from team flash and get ready the fun earth 2 episodes are coming up and I can not wait to start review them as well so stay turn started next week the first episode out of 2 for earth 2 episodes begins.

I give S2 E12 of the flash a rating of 8/10 for good.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Stranger Things : S4: Chapter 3 : The Monster and the Superhero (2022) review

 Starring………….. Milllie Bobby brown , Winona Ryder and David Harbor

Directed by……….. Shawn Levy


Murray and Joyce fly to Alaska, and El faces serious Consequences. Robin and Nancy dig up up dirt on Hawkins’ demons. Dr. Owens delivers sobering news.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Episode open with eleven who is in trouble and they send her home but I wonder if she be trouble have to wait and see no told Joyce she didn’t do much sad sound like no one cared much but Mike need to better on writing there for now sure later hopefully Joyce will be a mom figure more and help to me they have Mike more who been for her since season 1 he helped her this time it may not be easy as writers again try to break up up but not like season though lot different like last she doubt Mike loves her as this going down after what happen last episode they arrest Jane they call her I still like eleven though so wonder where this story goes next sure somehow leads to get her powers back.

Then after that Murray and Joyce are heading to free Hopper hope it works out we see hopper has been told he they are coming to get him if everything goes well hope so we need to get hopper out of there and get him back with Joyce been too long in my view so let.‘s go on that please writers.

While that going on Nancy and Robin look too dig up dirt on more on demons of the town can them 2 get along is ? That should be interesting as well.

Joyce and Murray get to the point where they going to try and free hopper not sure hopper will be free we see.

Eleven changes are drop as a guy talks to her that Hawkins is in danger this guy could her get her powers he seems nice and he has a nice talk he give her 2 ways go home or find out wonder which way eleven goes we see probably next episode.

We see max and the gang at the school and we’ll see max get catch in danger as monster force on her more and that how it ends not a bad episode for this one.

It ended with 6 mins left they could least added something with 6 mins left though that ok Joyce and Murray did not see hopper yet this episode but think we about as close as we can get to see them back together but hopefully in good way though good writing there to keep tease us and don’t give us much yet they are doing good on building up that story so can’t wait to see where that goes the other thing I am looking forward to Will eleven take that guy offer and get her powers back have to see but have to be careful though so next episode we see how that goes as well so a good episode everything seems good as for the ended can’t wait to see what happens to max in the next chapter which will be chapter 4 allready yeah going by fast so see you next week for next review of long wait return of Stranger things season 4.

I give stranger things: chapter 3 a rating of 8/10 for great

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The Flash :S2: E11: The Reverse- Flash Returns ( 2016) review

 Starring……… Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker 

Director………. Micheal A. Allowitz 


Dr. Wells figures out how to induce Cisco’s ability,they hence learn that Eobard Thawne is still alive. Iris says farewell to her mother. Patty realizes there’s more to Barry that meets the eye. 

Warning spoilers ahead 

At the end of last episode we were tease with a huge return of The Reverse flash and he doesn’t know where he is so I thought this going to be a good episode. 

Episode starts with the flash saving a truck from blow up gas truck and around the corner was the Reverse flash saying he found out what timeline the flash is in and hopes to find a way home after that Barry and crew find out the Turtle is dead and now crew will not get help from him at all and wonder who killed him after last episode who know who don’t we. 

The first person to know that Reverse flash is back Is Cisco after wells scare him and he vibe him good move by writers for having Cisco who was killed by him be the first too see him so then Barry and the reverse flash meet but one heck of a punch like a Roman punch from wwe knocks out Barry and now the Reverse flash has Tina so now it up to team flash to find her. 

While this going on patty is about as close to finding out truth and Barry is still up in the air to tell her the truth to me writers seem up in air here to let her know the secret or not yet. 

Also Iris and Wally mom is die a it very tough on Iris and she talks to Wally at first he was mad but then later he comes see her for the last time they wrap that story with her mom pretty much in a sad way.

I was reverse flash story though even with drama they did save Tina and got Reverse flash but it cause Cisco some problems and wells tell Barry he has to send him back to his timeline to save Cisco that was interesting twist and it was tough but Barry used his speed and reverse flash to send him back trust me this is not the end between them but for now. 

After that we see the end of Patty and Barry story she did know he was the flash but he never told her wish Patty story had a little bit more but guess maybe Actress want to leave not sure can of let down end to Patty character in my view.

Not a bad episode reverse flash story was written good a little bit of drama for other story’s but still a good episode and this my favorite Reverse flash with him jump to this timeline and figure out Barry knows stuff about him and ended to story of episode pretty much to throw a twist to Barry go good way or go the bad way and lose a friend good thing he chosen the right one the ended was ok with Patty saying goodbye though not a bad way to close it will say in closing this was indeed a good episode of the flash. 

I give this episode of the Flash: the Reverse flash a rating of 8/10 for great 

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Stranger things : S4: Chapter 2: Vecna’s Curse (2022)

 Starring……….. Winona Ryder, David Harbor and Milllie Bobby brown

Directors…………. Matt Duffer, Ross Duffer


A plane brings Mike to California—and a dead body brings Hawkins to a halt. Nancy goes looking for leads. A shaken Eddie tells Gang what he saw.

Spoilers ahead warning

My Review

After a great Chapter 1 of season 4 will chapter 2 be good as first one see what I think as this is stranger things S4 Chapter 2 review.

Episode starts where we see what happen to hopper after season 3 finale and see he Survived good thing to start off episode and that good to show us what happen to him for now.

After that we see police run to Eddie house I think that was his father that called cops so they found the body and now it all over the news and they think the town is cursed as well don’t blame for that many years this town has had some bad luck.

Later on we see a reunion of Mike and eleven meet again in airport and eleven has a fun day plan for them been a while since we see them together so nice to see that again later on they go to skate everything was going well unit Angela shows up then everybody starts bullying her this is not cool the way writers are treating her early in season Hopefully they are building her up to get her powers back but right not happy with bullying stuff what even more worst this was in front of Mike as well with all this bullying time for Joyce to step in as mom figure as well or Mike will help her as well again not cool for bullying there.

The others stories of episode were dark some as well we see what hopper going man he took a beating but he a tough guy and for that for now keep him alive I guess Joyce was offer a deal to get him back you must pay so they going to go pay the debt and get hopper back I do there be a catch or something to get him back so can’t wait to see where that goes in chapter 3.

Dustin and others ask Eddie what he see and Dustin tells him the truth and then why they talking we see what Nancy friend Eddie and pretty much he was killed the same way as girl was by Vecna he was killed or take over from what I see he indeed scary looking and will be tough one to beat for our friends indeed think he already badass one as well.

Have to say the story is indeed getting more dark little bit too much bullying for eleven there she did fight back not sure that way I would fight back but eleven had a enough though don’t blame her she still has not had her powers back yet but you know it coming though when not sure hope soon this was great episode again better then season 3 start they are figure out more that more danger is coming and they better be ready that for sure as for now I can’t wait again to watch chapter 3 and review it next week.

I give Stranger things : S4 : Chapter 2 a rating of 8/10 for great.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

The Flash: S2: E10: Potential Energy ( 2016) Review

 Starring………. Danielle Panabaker, Grant Gustin and Candice Patton

Director……. Rob Hardy


Barry and S.T.A.R. Labs team hunt down The Turtle, who steals kinetic energy. Barry faces a choice on whether or not he should reveal his secret identity to Patty.

Warning Spoilers ahead

My Review

Time for 10th episode of the flash going by fast anyway this episode seem to be on Barry and Patty Relationship some as she wonders what going on with him by having nightmares and stuff so barry is catch in a web of telling her that he is the flash or not which is interesting but not too much.

Later on that is test as later they hunt down the Slow Turtle who wants to slow things down in central city and later on after Barry and Patty have a little fight he Kidnaps her and now it up to barry as the flash to save her he does have a little rough time as The Turtle 🐢is slow motion and is tough to catch he was lucky to beat this guy and save the day I guess fast win vs slow this round.

The ending was wells saying Jesse I am coming for you then after that we see Reverse flash is back from another timeline I guess and he has no clue where he is interested there that is for cliffhanger leading up to episode 11.

A ok episode of the flash not my favorite some more drama this week with Patty and Barry also Joe and Wally as well will say the turtle Scenes were ok would of like a little more zoom he was only in dream this episode but will say the ending of episode was interesting could of lay off drama a little bit and I may of put this on my favorite list of episodes but nope so in ended will say it not worst episode but again ok one.

I give the flash (2016) episode 10 a rating of 7/10 for ok.

Tales from Darkside : S2: Ep19- The Last Car (1986) Review

Starring……..Begonya Plaza, Mary Carver and Louis Guss Director……….John Strysik Synopsis A pretty University student named Stacey waits to bo...