Tuesday, October 26, 2021

The Flash - Power Outage (2014) S1 : Episode 7 Review

 A review of episode 7

Starring……… Danielle Panabaker, Rick Cosnett and Carlos Valdes

Director………. Larry Shaw


Using his meta- human power to siphon electricity, Blackout robs Barry of his speed, then setts his sights on S.T.A.R. Labs and Dr wells .

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review 

Well this episode is the first of many times that is a test for Barry after losing his powers let see how Barry does. 

So how does Barry lose his speed well there is a Character name blackout where at start of episode we get how he got his powers and figure to use them for bad then good figure that would happen Barry later on try to help him out but somehow steals his speed and now Barry has no speed and unit he finds a way to get it back most act like a slow speed again episode does a good job testing Barry what it like without speed later on trouble happens as Iris and Eddie are trapped with a crazy nut taking over police headquarters so things heat in this episode as bad things happen left.

The other bad news is crazy blackout has come to Star labs to go after Dr. Wells after what he did to him and cause his friends to die but there one name that is a hint that we may see later on that was Mentioned this early that might show up in later seasons so without his speed the crew of star labs is in danger so it is up to Caitlin to help Barry gets his speed but she worried it may not work and is Dangerous

More so good thing she made the right choice because look like things were going to get worst blackout was something for a villain we see many this season but this guy was indeed tough one for Barry villain style the episode was good and again show us at the end what Wells is up too again it is interesting what he doing wait unit later when we do found it will payoff.

Well did I like this episode it was good episode of the flash it was a huge test for Barry with not much speed this episode and danger for everybody as well so it was pretty good writing again and more great writing as well did enjoyed episode as well next week will be a episode review that you want to read what I say as two icons will be facing each other in a battle stay turn for that.

I give episode 7 of the flash (2014) a rating out of 10/10 a rating of 7/10 for great episode

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Stranger Things S1: Chapter Eight : The Upside Down (2016) Episode review

 A review of season Finale of Stranger things season 1

Starring………. Finn Wolfhard, Millie Bobby Brown and Gaten Matarazzo

Directors……, Matt Duffer and Ross Duffer


Joyce and Hopper are taken in for questioning. Nancy and Jonathan prepare to fight the monster and Save Will.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review 

This is it this is season finale of S1 of Stranger Things so let see what I think of it.

Well we see at start Joyce and hopper being questioned but then for some reason they let them go in upside down world to go look for Will that one place I would not enter but if it’s only way to get him out I would probably do that as well then we see kids look for food for eleven pudding packs not a bad choice then after that Steve shows up at bad time to try to talk Nancy and Jonathan as upside down monster show up ugly thing as well so now the battle has started it was nice to see them all work together to try and take down this thing you have too for now and we go back to where they found pudding it was. Funny see dustin face light up when he see pudding but there pudding party would not last long as government has found them but just as things look bad for kids the bad monster help them for a min and took out the bad guys so monster was hero for a min taking them out but trust me it did not last long as upside down monster is after them the last 20 mins was indeed Was something but had a lot of questions where we go for season 2 after what happen to Will and rest of characters.

What did I think of season finale not bad nice to see steve, nancy and Jonathan work with each other to take down the monster and also last 15 mins was good but wish it was had a little bit more with battle at the end otherwise not a bad season of 1st looking forward to reviewing season 2 probably after this small break season 2 reviews from me start November 2 so stay turned for that coming soon.

I give Stranger things season finale a rating out of 10/10 a 8/10 for great. 

Stranger Things S1: Chapter Seven : The Bathtub (2016) Episode Review…

 Starring…….. Winona Ryder, David Harbour and Finn Wolfhard

Directors……….. Matt Duffer and Ross Duffer


The Government comes searching for Eleven. Eleven looks for Will and Barb In the Upside Down.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

How time flys when series are short this season only had eight chapters so here is chapter 7 review then after season finale of Stranger things season 1.

So chapter 7 starts off where the kids are running away from eleven father and government who is after her they do get away thanks to Eleven powers which was Awesome now we getting into goods of story and more deep well in last 2 episodes of season 1 well let say this was great episode lots of close calls In this episode almost thought government would find them as they found hiding spot look like it was over lucky hopper was there to help them out and save them there was a funny moment between Nancy and Mike when she ask him do you like eleven he said no way gross well that might change later on as they get closer to each other well have to say the last 15 mins indeed pick up as they sent Eleven to upside down And we did find out it was too late for Nancy friend but we did see Will is alive and is scared I would be too but then everything Disappeared and that all we got for now nice little tease of what yet to come pretty great episode of stranger things once again it was amazing in my view gets you hype up on what is going to happen next with Characters of this show with good ending twist as well.

This one was good because government was after them all kids and adults help kids out and we had a nice funny moment between Nancy and Mike on Jonathan and eleven was little tease there but funny I did like this it once again. Had great acting as well from cast and crew great writing and directed as well this series is indeed fun to watch on Netflix that for sure.

I give Stranger things episode 7 a rating out of 10/10 a 8/10 for another great episode.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Chucky S1 Episode 1: Death by Misadventure (2021) episode review…

 Starring…………. Zachary Arthur , Bjorgvin Arnarson and Alyvia Alyn Lind

Director………. Don Mancini


When 14 year old Budding aritist Jake Wheeler buys a vintage Good guy doll at a yard sale, intending to use it in his latest sculpture, his young life will change forever- for better and worse.

Warning Spoilers Ahead

My Review

Everybody Favorite doll is back well most of everybody favorite last time I see Chucky was back in cult of Chucky years ago so been a while since I see him and last time we see him he win and took over female body so does this series leave off from there or not Is the question?

Well not sure this seem like another story with boy name Jake wheeler who buys a good guy doll which turns out to be Chucky but he wants to use Chucky parts for sculpture doll or something that sounds creepy to me but not bad writing it was a little slow for first 20 mins but after that things pick up and we hear a phone call from Andy how did he get out of that room is also a question hope we find out down the line as more episodes do air Jake seem to be bullying a lot but Chucky helps him out you do not hear Chucky talk unit 34 min mark and first kill comes at near the end it was indeed Shocking that for sure and a little bit scary not too much I am sure they saving that later on as episodes go bye and don’t want to give you much on first episode of the series.

So well after watching first episode it was ok not best still good writing but we got no Tiffany no Kyle yet or Andy but we did hear him on the phone my guess they will be on later can’t wait see how that play out it not bad new Characters as well so oh wait at start at yard sale see a woman with a red coat walk bye Tiffany was you that possible that a good throw on fans so we will see her later on we’ll have to say will I be watching more episodes yes will be back as for reviewing more maybe I will release more episodes review as well down the line if your looking for a lot of scares in this well you will not get a lot just a few Jump Scenes and only 1 kill in first episode of Chucky so to end this Will I watch this episode will say maybe.

I give Chucky episode 1 a rating out of 10/10 a 7/10 for good. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Stranger things S1: Chapter Six : The Monster (2016) Episode Review…

 Stranger things episode 6 review

Starring…….. Winona Ryder, David Harbour and Finn Wolfhard

Directors…… Matt Duffer and Ross Duffer


Hopper and Joyce find the truth about the lab’s experiments. After Their fight, the boys look for the missing Eleven .

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Not going to lie that intro of show is indeed creepy but good way to open the episode.

And episode start off from last episode where Nancy was trapped where that monster was in there world which is very creepy she does find a way thank god Jonathan pull her out then Nancy invite him to the stay the night Steve see them which will cause more drama later on but that ok so after that scare both Nancy and Jonathan try to figure out how to get back there I almost thought Nancy mom would catch them but that did not happen. Next eleven is missing so the boys go looking for her but one of the boys do not want to find her so she does show up at the end and same Mike and his friend from boy who wet himself Tony good thing she show up or else Mike would of been toast also in this episode we may of meet eleven real mom who Joyce and Hopper it is indeed possible she is eleven mom Hope we get more of that they find out eleven was lab experiment and then as said early there was drama Steve who I hate that he so mean and there was a fight that cops arrest Jonathan for hitting a cop that last time we see him and Nancy for this episode the episode ended where bad guys from lab knows eleven is at Mike house and is coming for her again good way to end the episode.

Once again this show is write very good just love the story going on and even 80’s music is got what me hook as well love soundtrack if you listen you will hear some great 80’s music and well just a fun thing to add keep a eye out for 80’s Easter eggs never know where they will pop up fun episode.

Note next week will be the 2 hour review event for finale of season 1 of stranger things yes it only 8 episodes goes bye fast so looking forward to tell review the last 2 episodes for 2 hours next week but for now enjoy the rest of week and watch stranger things if you have not you may like it.

I give Stranger things chapter 6 episode a rating out of 10/10 a 7/10 for again great.

The Flash- The Flash is born (2014) S1: episode 6 review

 Review of the flash (2014) episode 6

Starring…… Grant Gustin , Candice Patton and Danielle panabaker

Director……. Millicent Shelton


Barry Takes on his childhood bully, who can now turn himself into steal. Iris finally coins the moniker “the flash”.

Spoilers ahead so this is a warning

My Episode Review 

Up to episode now where Barry faces bully from school his name is Tony who has now powers made of steel and will be tough to beat and also the flash seem to be weak because he try to beat him in round 1 and well lost bye taking a 13 broken bone beating ouch he was very lucky so Cisco thought it would be a good idea to make a robot made of steel well that didn’t work out as again Barry hurt his shoulder so far total of 14-15 broken bones so far in 15 mins of episode broken bones flash So far not going well for Barry once again later on without figure out how to beat Tony he goes right after him again and well got his butt whip again they did a great job build this up for story making Barry look weak though the first half then have him face his past and save Iris with huge speed punch which again hurt but was worth it good writing this for this episode that for sure I like how they lock up up Meta humans in the end as well very cool so did I like the ending episode.

Well the ending had Rf send Joe a note that if he don’t stop he would kill Iris not too big but good way to end the episode which I thought was pretty good but Barry taking a beating bad was not good we see it before but not this bad with many broken bones good thing he figure out how to beat Tony or else the whole episode would be him beating up the flash again season 1 had best writing I see in years for super hero series and I like the way the story goes so we see how things when the flash reviews returns for episode 7 after next week.

I give the flash (2016) episode 7 a rating out of 10/10 a 7/10 for great.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Stranger Things S1: Chapter five : The Flea and the Acrobat (2016

 A review of Stranger things : Chapter five

Starring……… Winona Ryder, David Harbour and Finn Wolfhard

Directors…. matt Duffer and Ross Duffer


Hopper breaks into the lab to find the truth Will’s death. The boys try to locate the gate’ that will take them to Will.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review 

Things started getting more dark which is good your nearing the end of season and it needs to start going that way for big ended this episode does have some high points with them going to Will funeral can of creepy when he not dead but people think he is and do not think he alive can’t tell everybody because they think they are crazy that a good twist to story and also in this Mike and the gang go looking for the gate to enter way to another Dimension only way is maybe ask for Eleven help she may know where to go but there is a few fireworks between them on the way there the gang starts to doubt eleven trust and boy things do pick up at the end here with a fight that leaves us how things will go in next episode for that story so who finds out where gate is next world well it was Nancy who found the way but episode with her being trapped leaving Jonathan looking for her and that way episode ended another great way to end the episode.

Overrate this show keep getting better and better on acting storytelling with eleven story and Jonathan and Nancy going after the monster along with Will mom and hopper story being follow it is all good this what hook me up fast which most series don’t right away but this first season started off in a good way so far so can’t wait to tell you what I think of next episode which will be next week.

I give Stranger things episode 5 a rating out of 10/10 a 8/10 for great. 

The Flash- Plastique (2014) S1 : episode 5 review

 The flash (2014) episode review

Starring…… Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Director…….. Dermott Downs


While trying to get Iris to stop blogging about the Flash, Barry investigates a General’s connection to an explosion meta- human.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

In this episode some things are not going well for Barry like he has a drinking problem in a odd way he can’t get drunk which is funny some and also Iris is started to get way to close with flash story that it started to worry Joe so tell Barry to try to talk to her start a little drama there but did not bug me a lot Main story of episode was still what force on with them going after meta- Human this one was interesting who can cause explosion just bye touching someone she can which is dangerous the flash found that out that for sure when his suit went boom no damage down he just lost well his suit thank god that was funny a little comedy team flash try to help but it was too late but we had a cool flash run on water good thing too or else the city would of been dust but also Caitlin figure out a way to get Barry drunk only 1 time for now haha that was funny episode ends with more on finding who well’s is along with a big tease at the end for lLater episodes another comic book Character By the way the episode ends after that.

So did I like it yeah again not bad episode again they still do good keeping the story go which is good little bit of drama between Iris and Barry over a blog which I found silly but the whole Barry having problems getting drunk was funny stuff ending was good with little tease at end that how I like this show they give a nice teaser or little bit more on story at end so again not bad episode would watch again.

I give the flash episode 5 a rating out of 10/10 a 7/10 for great. 

Tales from Darkside : S2: Ep19- The Last Car (1986) Review

Starring……..Begonya Plaza, Mary Carver and Louis Guss Director……….John Strysik Synopsis A pretty University student named Stacey waits to bo...