Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Stranger things S1: Chapter Four: The Body (2016) episode review

 This is episode four review

Starring…………. Milllie Bobby Brown, Winona Ryder, David Harbour and Finn Wolfhard

Director……..Shawn Levy


Refusing to believe Will is dead. Joyce tries to connect with her son. The boys give Eleven a makeover. Jonathan and Nancy form an unlikely alliance.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

The story of series has been very good in this one we leave off right away from last episode after Will body was found did I think it was Will at first yes but this opening Scene between Mike and eleven change my mind because you get a pretty great clue that he not dead and where story for episode 4 starts a lot of people don’t buy that not Will body so Mike and his and eleven are trying to get proof that Will not dead and still trapped whole this going on Nancy Continues to find out where barb is and finds a clue in pictures Jonathan took remember the one goofing Steve rip up yeah still hate that guy bye the way storys still slowing un folds which is good for series again we don’t fast build up anyway what is best moments of this episode.

Well best moments is when they dress eleven yup to go school she does look kind of cute bye the way in wig I am sure many dress up as her like that for Halloween well anyway funny part is when this nerd name Troy was making fun of Will death eleven help Mike in a huge way and it was funny how he wet himself pretty good comedy added there for a min this maybe sometimes a dark series but can be funny as well did laugh at part after that it got back to force on story so the other best moment was ending it was can of odd but it was too me a very good way to end this episode leading us to wanting more in next episode we find out Will body is not him and is a dummy or something so it was true will still out but who did this is question that thing out there monster pull a sick joke my guess will say pretty creepy some but a good way to end it that way for this episode yeah I did like this episode was some drama between Steve and Nancy but water it down after last episode that for sure.

That it for this week episode review see you next week for episode 5 review

I give stranger things episode 4 a rating out of 10/10 a rating of 8/10 for great. 

The Flash-Rogue (2014) S1, Episode 4 Review

 Episode 4 review

Starring……. Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Director….. Glen Winter


To steal a priceless diamond, Captain cold acquires a specialized gun that can slay the flash. Joe disapproves of Eddie and Iris dating,

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Episode 4 of the series bring out a very good episode and a top Villain of comics a name everybody knows who read the comics and his name is Captain cold and he is the flash next target but this time he has a freeze gun made by one of member of team flash also Felicity comes bye for a visit to see Barry speed which is interesting as well.

Also we find out later on we find out it was Cisco who build the gun because he thought Barry would turn evil which might be a good move but it was stolen this cause a fight between him and Cisco which is not good very good with captain cold on the Loose but they do iron out there problems later in a cool way in my view but it was pretty good written to add that to story also Joe was still mad at Iris about dating Eddie but they got there problems solve as well this episode had some drama in it but did not bug me at the end we got a tease on who team up with captain cold next which will be hot for future episodes so did I like this episode yes it was another great one with captain cold making his First appearance in the new series as well which turn out good in the end as well.

I give episode of the flash (2014) a rating out of 10/10 a 7/10 for great.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Stranger Things: Chapter Three: Holly, Jolly (2016) Review

 A Review of Stranger Things episode 3 Holly, Jolly

Starring…. Winona Ryder, David Harbor and Finn Wolfhard

Director……… Shawn Levy


An Increasingly concerned Nancy looks for Barb and finds out what Jonathan’s been up too . Joyce is convinced Will is trying to talk to her.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Well we left off right where Nancy and Steve were making love whole her friend Barb is getting eat up it up bye the monster she called for her friend help but it was too late which is a shame now would I like to see barb return in season 4 as a monster to get revenge on Nancy in season 4 well I will let you know later on down line right now we are force on first season.

So do I think Nancy was rude to Barb yes she could of went to help her but she was in Steve way too much there and she did not know but will later it cost her a friend which is sad and also what interesting is barb warn her about Steve and later on she finds out truth about him this indeed was another great story on telling for that but that was not main force of story was in too much in this there were 2 other ones that was into more and that was?

The looking for Will story and eleven story as well they did a great job on that with the mom and his brother continued to look for Will as Will keep on sending messages though the lights so she buy lights and waits for next message as Will brother Jonathan look at pictures he took the other night that could lead to proof of what happen to his brother and maybe barb as well but Steve finds out about pictures and breaks his camera what a dummy .

In this one we see a lot of flashbacks of what she went though and wow it was bad as well but this again Is great storytelling and writing as well did Enjoy the more episodes you see the more I get excited where eleven story goes each episodes goes good Character Development as well boy it was quick after 3 episodes she was on my top favorite of the series as well.

At the end was huge and I almost thought this was end of Will Story but too me I did not think so because they will be more twists in more episodes but it was interesting to throw off fans for now makes you wait for next episode which I be reviewing more next week.

So did I like this episode was not bad but it was still good for storytelling and acting was great too again Winona Ryder is so good in this it is like she made for series she been my favorite for years since her Very good at acting as for others they did great too making this series Special as well that it for this week review see you for next week episode review.

I give stranger things episode 3 a rating out of 10/10 a 8/10 for great. 

The Flash- Things You Can’t Outrun (2014) episode 3 Review

 A review of the flash (2014) episode 3

Starring.......... Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle panabaker

Director........... Jesse Warn


Barry and Joe track a deadly metahuman with Toxic Gas powers, and Caitlin relives the night of the explosion that killed her fiancé.

Warning Spoilers ahead

My Review

Episode 3 is another interesting episode of the series with Joe and Barry after Metahuman who can cause problems with Toxic Gas powers which also gives flash some trouble as well he is weaken by gas as you see in the episode later gas effects look very good in this as well as flash lighting when he runs also we get more on how Caitlin boyfriend was killed it was pretty good flashback telling us more his story goes as well I felt sorry for her losing the one you love is indeed very tough so this guy who is poison people with toxic is going after everybody who arrest him and Joe is next on list which makes the flash indeed go after him more also what interesting is his father see the flash as he was saving Joe he does not know that is son yet which is good wait unit later for him to find out but they did slowing hint that it coming at the end though the ended battle between toxic man was good fight the flash got lucky this guy was not easy to beat so fight with flash winning good fight.

At the last scene shows us on what wells is up too some thing to keep a eye out as his says see you soon Barry it was ok a pretty good episode little scary with toxic guy almost killing the flash lucky he has powers or else he would of been toast in my view well it for this review next week is episode 4 which will be something because next week things will get cold find out who I am talking about in episode 4 .

I give episode 3 of the flash out of 10/10 a rating out of 7/10 because it was great. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Stranger Things: Chapter 2 : The Weirdo on Maple Street (2016) Review…

 A Review of Stranger Things: Chapter 2 Season 1

Starring...... Millie Bobby Brown, Finn Wolfhard and Winona Ryder

Director....... Matt Duffer


Mike Hides the mysterious girl in his house. Joyce gets a strange phone call.

Warning Spoilers ahead

My Review

2nd episode picks off right after kids meet girl in woods in rain storm so they take her to Mike’s place they were lucky his mom and dad did not catch them he took her to basement of the home and she was scared and look don’t blame her after being trapped in the lab for years so what is funny Mike gives her clean clothes and she was ready to slip her shirt off and the guys told her no pretty funny reaction from kids there so Mike show her where to change in more private room so boys say can we trust her she almost got naked in front us very funny but odd moment we do get to learn more about her though in this episode she too me was acting weird like she never see a chair my guess being trapped in lab for years she did not get too see much of world so happy she got away but better be careful because you know they will look for.

Whole that going on they are Continue story also on where is will his mom get a phone call that is weird sounds like it is from will but then phone breaks when she tells everybody they think she crazy well would you go nuts if your kid went missing we do get some clues but not much which is ok slow build for tv series is good you don’t want to give out everything in one episode.

Pretty much episode ends in teen drama with barb, Nancy and Steve at a party barb is not having a good time and wants to go home but Nancy wants to stay so whole she making love to see her best friend gets nail by that thing some friend huh and that where episode does end.

Not a bad episode indeed ending was mind blowing with what happen to her friend which proves Nancy was a pain in the butt on to next episode review which will be next week.

I give this episode out of 10/10 rating a 7/10 for great

The Flash- The Fastest man Alive (2014) Episode 2 review

 A review of episode 2 of the flash (2014)

Starring......... Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker

Director........ David Nutter


Barry takes a group of armed men at an awards ceremony, but side effects from his new super powers catch up with him.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Well does the 2nd episode of this new series of the flash yes it did for the 2nd week of this series Barry is getting used to new powers he has some sort of side effects guess he needs to eat a lot more so he won’t pass out and also face a guy who can make many version of himself like this is tough one for Barry as he get beat up at first but then later on with help of his friends figure out how to beat this crazy guy pretty good cgi in this one as well the ending battle against this guy sort of had vibes on another movie I see so very cool again this episode was indeed another fun one to watch.

There was some drama but hey it is CW show so it’s happens most of time it does not bug me at all in the end we get a nice moment between Joe and Barry also like just when you think the show ends with amazing the flash logo you get a few mins of what next or like I call a bonus Credit scene which is cool gives you clues on who wells is it is again great storytelling as well for each ended of series episodes so keep a eye on that well I just love them because you never know have to say after 2 episodes it is again very good acting and story writing as well in this so episode 2 did do good from start to end.

I give the flash (2014) episode 2 a rating out of 10/10 a 7/10 for great. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Stranger Things: Chapter One: review (2016)

 A Review of episode 1 of Stranger things Chapter one.

Starring.... Winona Ryder, David Harbour, Finn Wolfhard and Millie Bobby brown.

Directors : Matt Duffer and Ross Duffer As The Duffer Brothers

Episode Synopis:

At the U.S Dept of Energy an unexplained even occurs. Then a young Dungeons and Dragons playing boy named Will Disappers after a night with his friend, his mother Joyce and the town of Hawkins are plunged into the Darkness,

Warning Possible Spoilers

My Review.........

First episode of series wow me a lot intro was creepy with moving letters and music most great intro to series that I see that for sure pretty much from there know this show would be great and I was pretty much so.

The story of this was indeed great it took place In 80’s this is what click on because I grow up in that era so nice mixed there also love there is a lot of darkness in this it is scary how things Get and I am fan of scary stuff so this is right up here also for me and added missing boy story fits in well everything for first episode of plot is amazing from what I see and had me cheering for more.

Characters Was so good for first episode before the end of episode got to know kids well they become my favorites along with eleven who has powers from there I know she would be having a huge part of series to come and could not wait where we go with her next she episode ending with her meeting Mike and Gang great ending there that way I would of ended of this great first episode.

First episode was one of best I see had lots of 80’s music hits in along with great soundtrack as well so pretty much first episode of Stranger things nailed it with great acting as well from cast thumbs up for a great first episode.

I give this episode a rating out of 10/10 a 8/10 for great start

The Flash - Episode 1- Pilot (2014) Review

 A review of the flash episode 1 from 2014.

Starring......... Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Danielle panabaker

Director........ David Nutter


CSI Investigator Barry Allen awakens from a coma, nine months after he was hit by lighting, and discovers he has superhuman speed.

Warning Spoilers Ahead

My Review

First of I was on of guy who hate this show when it started because I was not sure if it was going to as good as 1990 series so then figure I would give it a shot boy I was happy With what I got for first episode it was indeed something and I will come out and say right here I was wrong about this one now that clear up let start episode review.

Well have to say I like how first episode you get a lot more stuff in this then 1990 series it is a lot different this time Barry mom was Murder by a unknown force so his dad got the blame for killing her that a Interesting twist to story which we did not get in other series and also the way he become the flash was very good storytelling in this and also the one who played Barry dad in this was the flash of 1990 series so that was not huge thing sort of like a Easter egg thing also there is some new characters in this one Cisco and Caitlin and Joe as well they were new to me because I did not read comics so only person I know about was Iris from last series must say acting in this for all characters took off in well a flash of amazing too me it was so good everybody click very well and it was fun to watch as well.

So who the flash first bad guy of series a guy who is called weather wizard who was effect by particle accelerator explosion as well turn him into a guy who can Control the weather very cool bad guy effects of Tornado and weather was very neat as well also at the end a close person to Barry finds out he is the flash it is a nice Moment because this person can help Barry out so now you got 4 people who knows that Barry is the flash which Is ok to start to series this was a great episode to start off this series oh yeah bye the way there is lot of good Easter eggs in this episode so keep a eye out.

I give the flash (2014) episode 1 a rating out of 10/10 a 8/10 for amazing.

Tales from Darkside : S2: Ep19- The Last Car (1986) Review

Starring……..Begonya Plaza, Mary Carver and Louis Guss Director……….John Strysik Synopsis A pretty University student named Stacey waits to bo...