Sunday, March 28, 2021

Little rascals: Teacher Pet (1930) review

 A review of The little Rascals short teacher pet

Starring...... Matthew Stymie Beard, Norman Chubby Chaney and Jackie Cooper

Director..... Robert F. McGowan


Jackie Prepares a series of elaborate jokes for his new Teacher

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Now this is cutest short out of the rascals series in my view the kids are upset that new teacher Mrs. Crabtree is new teacher of school Because they like the other teacher and think she better then this one without meeting her so Jackie is first to meet her as she gives him a ride little does he know that she is new teacher which is funny on the way to school she tells her how he feels about new teacher and she just play along bye not telling that she is the new teacher of the school very funny that is.

And it gets more funny the kids are talking about her in a mean way but this time little did they know she watching out the window right above them you can tell with that small smile she got a plan to teach them a lesson they will never forgot it get more funny when Jackie finds out that she is teacher the look on his face was priceless so here how she teach them a lesson well she brings in ice cream and cake to give to all kids but she said to kids who mean to go home right away pretty much they fit bad at end and went back in and eat ice cream and cake everything turn out ok pretty funny short episode that was.

Now was this mean no it was a good lesson to teach the kids to Respect her more which is what I do as well anyway a very good short of episode one of my top favorite of the series from start to end check it out if

I give this short episode out of 10/10 a 8/10 because it was funny and great.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

The flash - episode 21- The Trial of the Trickster (1991) series Finale review

 A Review of series finale of (1990) flash series

Starring ..... John Wesley shipp, Amanda pays and Alex desert

Director...... Danny Bilson


With the help of a insane admirer who wants to be his sidekick, the Trickster escapes from the police custody and places the Flash under his mind control.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Well this it is series finale of the show who ever thought the last Villain of this series would be the return of trickster and you know when he back you know he cause trouble yet again and he does some crazy admirer helps him escapes and she indeed more nuts then him that for sure somehow they found a way to Kidnap the flash bye using bubble gum that sticks and now he somehow brainwash the flash and now the flash is trickster sidekick and he does crazy things pretty much this is crazy episode where the flash is made into a comedy it was can of funny but silly see the flash doing all this stuff did drag a little long I mean it was funny some but after what this guy done save many people you go this root at first was not cool if it but after watching it again I am ok lucky Tina help him at end or else we would of close out series with a goofing flash sort of know they would not go way good thing they didn’t.

As for ending it was fitting way to end series even if it only got one season two bad we never got a season 2 think we could of got more but it may of been a ratings or money issue not sure but years later he did get ending later on in next flash series which I will be review next started in September sometime stay turn for that and in closing I will say this classic series that I remember for years to come 1990 series of the flash series because it was very good series well been fun review this series and re-watching again check out this series if your flash fan as I am you may like or may not well that it for now take care everybody.

I give series finale of the flash a rating of 10/10 a 6/10 because it was good . 

The flash- episode 20- Alpha (1991) Review

 A review of episode 20th of the flash (1990) series.

Starring...... John Wesley shipp, Amanda pays and Alex desert

Director....... Danny Bilson


An Android built by the government to use an assassin refuses to obey her orders. She escapes and is befriended by Tina and Barry.

Warning spoilers possible ahead

My Review

An android name Alpha escapes from refuses she is played bye Claire Stansfield someone I see in Xena series as evil alti so in this she plays a Android who is very powerful and And is very smart as well this was good episode with trying just trying to be free and not be government puppet pretty much the whole episode was that nothing too big at end just a fight between the flash and Omega but it was great see Claire Stansfield again enjoy see her playing good and bad this time her acting was very good as well so what did I think of Omega vs flash fight.

The fight was ok Omega was tough but not fast enough as flash had more speed he did give flash one heck of fight though when his skin fall off his head he looked like terminator from the future but more ugly that for sure as for ending it was not bad another funny one to another great episode of the flash that is for sure.

I give this episode of the flash out of 10/10 rating a 7/10 for great 

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

The flash- Episode 19-Good Night, Central City (1991) Review

 A review of the Flash episode 19 (1991)

Starring....... John Wesley shipp, Amanda pays and Alex desert

Director...... Mario Azzopardi


A small time crock gets a hold of a device that puts people to sleep. He goes on a spree while the people are unconscious. He has a plan to knock on the entire City, it’s up to the Flash to stop him.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review 

This one will make you sleepy just joking the story of this one has do to something with sleep which is something for plot and story of this one it is some crazy dude who puts people to sleep with a crazy device while they are sleeping he does anything he wants like rob bankers just like any one who takes advice of it this also effect the flash too in a odd way I guess he has another weakness not only he has deal with that but cops think Barry in on it because he know the guy who was in his class later on one of bad guys kills him they now frame Barry for Murder and stealing Barry not good time because this device could cause death as well so the last 20 mins was good it was another close one but I did like the way this episode ended though.

Up and downs not too many down at all good story like the way this episode was written with Tina helping Barry bye waking him and her going to sleep so the flash can save the city she was indeed the hero In this so I did enjoy this one it was great episode of the flash like it a lot is all I got to left to say.

Next week we are going to close out this series with my review of Finale 2 episodes for 2 hour review episode see what I think as we Wrap up

The flash (1990) series so for now have a good rest of your week.

I give this episode of the flash out of 10/10 rating a 7/10 because it was good.

Tales from Darkside : S2: Ep19- The Last Car (1986) Review

Starring……..Begonya Plaza, Mary Carver and Louis Guss Director……….John Strysik Synopsis A pretty University student named Stacey waits to bo...