Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The Flash - episode 15- Fast Forward (1991) Review

 The Flash - episode 15- Fast Foward (1992) Review

A Review of episode 15 of the flash (1992)

Starring...... John Wesley shipp, Amanda pays and Alex Desert

Director...... Gus Trkonis


Barry considers moving, after Pike is acquitted of his brother’s murder. pike launches a missile to kill the flash, who is sent 10 years into the future where Pike is now Mayor.

Warning Spoliers Ahead

My Review

When I first see this show I was wonder if we ever get a time travel episode in this series then in this one we did when guy name Pike gets acquitted things go from bad to worst he get Suspended for 30 days he just had enough of being the flash sounds like in early mins of episode he is giving up but as he about ready to leave pike threat Missile on city and for some reason he get knock 10 years into the future but for some reason things has indeed change which makes this episode Interesting pike is mayor in 2001 very odd he become Mayor and also the flash loses his powers as well maybe time travel effect him he does get help from Julio.

Later on he does get a Power jolt that gives him his power backs but not longer so now with Tina help he find a way back and make sure this future from ever happen so must say how he gets back is the way I go for this great episode it was a good test for Barry to see people care about the flash a lot think see the Museum of the flash fix his problem and proves he will keep being the flash and saving people when he got back he did stop the Missile before it hit him and save the city not a bad episode of the flash.

So was this my favorite episode of the flash yes it was very good have to say it was indeed one of my top episodes by the way because I love time travel episodes as well so in closing this indeed a great episode of the flash.

I give this episode out of 10/10 a 7/10 for great episode. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Flash S1- episode 14- Be my baby (1991) Review

 A Review of episode 14 of the flash (1991)

Starring....... John Wesley shipp, Amanda pays and Alex Desert

Director ....... Bruce Bilson


Barry tries to help a young woman. She found out about her husband’s criminal life, and is trying to escape from him. She takes their daughter with her, but he wants them back.

Warning Spoilers Ahead

My Review

This episode show how much heart the flash has he meets this young woman on street whole buying pretzels but little does he know she has a baby finds out that out in bit some bad guys the father my guess is after her Barry must find a way to save her from bad guys and take care of Barry in this episode show proves John Wesley shipp is good with babys can of cute episode this was also a test for the flash as well not sure why bad guys want the baby my guess the father wants baby to raise to make her member of crime mob yeah I see movies like that a lot.

Not a bad episode of the flash Barry is cute with baby also there is one big dude with ugly poof face look like weird al when he did Who fat video and dress up huge anyway in this episode something weak the flash that mess up his head anyway the flash fight off bad guys and it was good ending as well funny as well so did I like this one will yes even though didn’t have much but it was good story write for this one.

I rate this episode of the flash out of 10/10 a 7/10 because it was a great episode. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

The flash S1- Episode 13- Tina, Is that you? (1991) review

 A review of episode 13 of the flash (1991

Starring John Wesley shipp , Amanda pays and Alex Desert

Director...... William A. Fraker


Barry is having trouble sleeping. Tina tries to bio- feedback to help him, but it back fires on Tina. She Joins a gang, and she’s able to hold flash at bay with her knowledge of his strengths and weaknesses. Barry has got to find a way to save his friend.

Warning Spoilers ahead

My Review

Well this was crazy episode and starts off with Tina coming to this apartment and saying she loves just as about they were going to kiss someone was robber a old lady and for some reason it was Tina seems like she got tired of him turns out this to be a dream for now very odd dream that was.

So Barry goes to Tina at lab and tell her about his dream she then try bio feedback machine but something went and Tina was in backfire and this was when Tina started to change her attitude was out of Control she even joins a all girl gang who robs stores must say this was bad ass sign of Tina but this turn out bad for Barry as she knows how to slow him down and even kill him so he going to have to find a way to save his friend before she get him.

What I like this about this is the way Tina turn bad it was good for least for least 30 mins after that I want the real Tina back it was easy not though because she was tough but In the end turn out ok thank god a fun episode to watch of the flash indeed.

I give this episode out of 10/10 a 7/10 for great 

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

The flash S1- Episode 12- The Trickster (1991) Review

 A review of episode 12 of the flash (1990)

Starring John Wesley shipp, Amanda pays and Alex desert

Director...... Danny Bilson


An insane magician wreaks havoc throughout Central City as maniacally clever Trickster.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review......

Oh man so look like Luke has join the dark side just joking this episode has nothing to do with movie but the one who played Luke Mark Hamill is in it as a role you thought you never see I am used to see him playing hero well in this one as Villain trickster he was good he played a joker like type only trickster had more mind games though for the flash in this one that put flash in a Pickle of trouble.

And boy he did this is what I like about this episode it spice up series a little with all cool tricks and giving the flash a run for his money dropping tricks that even police had a hard time as well as much I was on flash side I still like the trickster though acting in this one was good but in the end Mark pretty much shine as trickster from start to the end for acting in this one have to say this was a great episode of the flash.

My final rating out of 10/10 for this episode is 8/10 for great. 

Tales from Darkside : S2: Ep19- The Last Car (1986) Review

Starring……..Begonya Plaza, Mary Carver and Louis Guss Director……….John Strysik Synopsis A pretty University student named Stacey waits to bo...