Friday, May 26, 2023

Dark Justice S1 E12: once upon a time I’m Krestridge (1991) Episode review

 Starring………….Ramy Zada , Clayton Prince and Viviane Vives

Director……………. Luis Gomez valdivieso


While on vacation, Maria and Nick uncover corruption and violence in a small town.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Episode starts off with cops beating up a guy and a guy in cowboy hat shooting a guy then it show Maria and Nick on a trip with them each other going on vacation with each other guess they are dating each which is cool so after eating something they head to Motel where guy who give him the room was acting odd the town crime is up and Nick ask if they need his help but they say no something not right there he does tell him his a judge someone is paying cops to lie or something I think it up to Nick and Maria to stop what going on unless he call In rest of group to help but they could be far away

So Nick and Maria go to see mayor turns out sheriff was mayor as well now something going on because he both and he does not seem to try run them out of town I think mayor is up too something here like a scam so he does call moon and Gibbs who not happy he has to travel 230 miles with moon so they do meet up with Nick so now plan is too find out what going on in this town with sheriff and mayor as well he up to dirty deeds.

To me the guy with cowboy hat is making Nick mad I think him and Nick will end up fighting each out and Gibbs is trying talk to people of town no luck at first but then later he does after everybody start dancing and he had too much to drink as well funny Gibbs had a hangover and Nick made loud noise with door funny turns out cops here and it just got worst a dead body of that woman show up in Nick room it was indeed setup should of see it coming as well this guy is evil and what scary people are buying it as well lucky Maria show up with a tape that show judge and sheriff kill the girl if did work for a bit but now both are in trouble so for some reason Nick and guy in hat must race this guy so who going to help Maria here well backup moon and Gibbs do show up after fooling the bad guys with a remote car boy cops were dumb that for sure.

Nick pretty much beat up the cowboy and now it is time to put out this bad mayor and sheriff and the town stand up this time against him and he done now so episode ends with maria and Nick going on rest of there trip Gibbs reaction what Maria said was funny I think he like her lol funny ending.

Not a bad episode that guy running town was mean lucky Nick and Maria and his friends show up to help them wasn’t easy this guy was tough one but in the end the town turn on him for what his is murder hope they find a sheriff and good mayor to run the town now that for sure I did like this one and probably would watch it again stay turn got 1 more episode of dark Justice to review coming up in the next hour.

I give Dark Justice S1 E12 a rating of 7/10

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Silk Stalkings :S1: E13: Shock Jock (1992) Episode review

 Starring…………Mitzi Kapture , Rob Estes and Rodger Bumpass

Director……….Ronald Victor Garcia


When the live - in girlfriend of a popular and obnoxious radio personality is killed. Rita and Chris investigate the disturbed fan who admits the murder.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Episode starts off with a radio guy complaining about world and then a woman is killed by someone looks like another case for Rita and Chris this is girlfriend of radio guy and also Chris is not a fan of this radio Chris goes see a old flame think this one that dump him early this season are they going to drag him back into that Hope not the radio guy gets a call from a woman who happy his girlfriend is dead she been calling in a lot she still In love with guy so maybe she the one that knock off the woman at start turns out it was her because she even said it with Rita and Chris on the phone now it is time to find her.

For some reason when Rita and Chris show up at her house she has eyes for Chris look like but she asking for Jack she seem like a crazy fan look like she could be the killer or someone hired her to lie the crazy fan even says to radio guy face she she goes insane and start see red looking like she losing her mind then radio guy look to go after Chris and Rita this case is getting too up in arms there boss throw them off the case sounds like radio guy hates Chris for getting truth out there look like a fight.

Bad news is he throw a lawsuit on Chris so what is Chris and Rita plan to get him to talk and solve this case for good Chris drives a bike back and forward nice bike by the way and then radio guy let Rita and Chris talk to him on radio Chris on bike was timely to get too his house and back and turns out radio dummy did kill her the whole time should of know he was slim ball so he is the killer case closed so how does episode end well with Rita sticking pizza in Chris face funny again them two are cute together funny ending there.

Not a bad episode should of know it was radio guy because at the end he was being rude to Chris and Rita I wonder what happen to crazy fan from early didn’t say much but I am sure radio guy made waves after being arrest on the air there that for sure anyway I did like this episode good some though not a whole lot.

I give silk Stalkings episode 13 a rating of 6/10

Silk Stalkings :S1: E12: Squeeze play (1992) Episode review

 Starring……………. Mitzi Kapture, Rob Estes and Dan Gauthier

Director…………… Stuart J.D. Perry


Rita is shocked to discover that her former lover, a Major League Baseball player, is suspected of murdering a club owner.

Spoilers ahead warning

My Review

Episode starts off with a guy taking a pill and drinking water my guess he is baseball owner then we see a guy pull up with his wife turns is cheating on him then him and old guy fighting think his heart give in and he pass away they didn’t show death as they went to hot intro after that they show the police cover up body so he turns out Dj and Rita used to date each other from past hate to say your ex lover is in trouble for killing someone the look on Rita face after Chris told her was priceless she look in shock though this could be a tough one for her.

So can’t wait unit she goes see him but Chris got to go question him he still not talking maybe Rita should question him right now she don’t seem to know want to have any part of this guy now Rita and Chris dance while talking more romantic tease between them so Rita does talk to her ex and you can tell it is very tough on her she almost stay out of case they do talk but they don’t get along at least she won’t fall in love with him again now.

The baseball owner was attacked and Chris go ask her questions too me I think wife is in as well as Rita ex as he try to tell her he is clean now but still something is up I hope Rita does not start to buy this again and fall in love with him again he wants a 2nd chance but Rita not buying it thank god and hope she doesn’t he a slime ball.

Seems like he wife was seducing his son as well she is one that cause a fight between him and his father so maybe she the one behind this and Rita and Dj kiss she seems to feel uncomfortable I would be careful if I was her Chris was on too her about it he seems worry turns out wife did kill her husband but stepson heard everything and shot her dead wow stepson was mess up with being angry so wonder if he goes to jail now they did say as episode ends with Rita saying goodbye to DJ guess I was wrong about him after all.

Weird episode it was not best though could of been better writing though would of like to know what happen after stepson shot her at end but did not say Dj and Rita made up some you can tell Chris was a little jealous though not too much so have to say I didn’t really enjoyed this one too much but will say ok for story telling though.

That it for tonight reviews been a long long one have a good rest of your night everyone.

I give Silk Stalkings episode 12 of season 1 a rating of 6/10

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Forever knight S1: E13 : Father figure (1992) episode review

 Starring………….Geraint Wyn Davies , Gary farmer and Catherine Disher

Director …….. Gary Farmer


Lisa is a troubled 19 year old who is put in nick’s custody after she witnesses a mob hit.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Episode starts off with a girl stealing a magazine and then she witness a murder of a guy shot by 2 guys I wonder if that little girl who go to police probably too scared to tell them but Nick using his vampire powers finds her and tell her she safe come out now this is good power to use in good way now it is up to Nick to protect her I just hope she don’t find out Nick secret or else it will scare her then a flashback goes down as Nick has been in this before with a kid and his vampire friends nice flashback now police captain put her under Nick care oh boy this will something because again Nick will have to be careful with his dark secret good luck Nick maybe everything will be ok hopefully.

Maybe she can keep a his dark secret too and trust him but will writers go that way or not all right bad guys are after her as they try to shot Nick down after driving.

Well it is allready start as she finding his blood in refrigerator there Nick friends do come and help him as another flashback goes down with vampires taking in a little boy that interesting so again Nick been in this before but now he must protect her.

So far 23 mins in and girl does not anything while that going on Nick wounds are not healing fast and feeling pain as well so that sign of being human probably a small tease there from writers on him being human. As episode goes by you can tell how Nick is getting close to her but better be careful the bad guys are on too her now.

Nick fall asleep from drinking the blood he better wake up the little girl opens the sunlight and mirror goes into face and bilnds him I had a feeling something like this will happen but will Nick tell her secret because now he must save her from bad guys Nick secret has come to out so he can save her from bad guys he does she see him use his powers not too long as Nick use his powers to make sure she forgets what she see and after that everything is fine as her father pick her up you can tell at end Nick is going to miss her a lot good episode there and nice ending.

Overrate a good episode with Nick watching over a little girl and trying to keep his secret under wrap as well he was indeed pressure but as episode went on you can tell Nick and Lisa was getting along with each other she did find out near the end but Nick use that amazing power to her so she forget what she see and move on good thing too or else she would told everybody and in the end as she was leaving Nick did look sad some as well I did like this episode a lot good story and was written very good too something I would watch again indeed.

Stay turn more crime time after prime times reviews still to come.

I give episode 12 forever knight a rating of 7/10

Forever knight S1: E12 : dead issue (1992) episode review

 Starring…………. Geraint Wyn Davies ,Gary farmer and Catherine Disher

Director…………… Jim Chad


Nick suspects cover-up in the attempted rape of police captain’s wife and her subsequent shooting of the attacker.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Episode starts off with a woman and a guy kissing in a room empty one by the way he grab her by neck and then someone shot him wonder if she did hit job on him or not don’t blame her see was getting choke if she didn’t maybe she see the guy who did but Captain is not buying it and tells Nick to stay out of it but Nick is still staying on this case to see if he can find something he goes to video store to find the name who rent the tape he gets some information and name but not much.

He does go back to the house and finds bullet holes in stereo and Captain is not happy even though he show him more proof she did tell the truth that she kill him but not sure because killer face was not even showing so think she either did it or cover up too me points to cover up for someone.

At the bar Nick runs into video shop guy there and Nick ask him questions and Nick there prove she did not kill guy but she wants to be alone in a odd way someone telling her to keep quiet or else turns out it was Tony he knocks out the Captain and now he in trouble hopefully Nick can find him in time and he does and him and Nick go after him Captain was about to shot him he was shot but lucky Nick show up in time though to save him so how does episode end with Nick showing up late after game and him talking to his friends and kiss Natalie there at end is that hint of romantic between maybe or not will see.

Will have to say not best episode but very good as well story the captain was in a pickle this time but in the end if though he told him to stay away Nick help him out big time and saved him as well the ended of episode could be a tease or not between Nick and Natalie or they are just friends for now would she date a vampire maybe or maybe not maybe writers will go there anyway that it for this for this episode review still more reviews to come tonight.

I give forever knight S1 E12 a rating of 6/10

Monday, May 22, 2023

Tropical Heat S2 : E4 : Dead Men Tell (1991) episode Review

 Starring………….. Rob Stewart, Carolyn Dunn and John David Bland

Director………….. Timothy Bond


A client asks Nick and Sylvie to help her grandfather locate a legendary lost pirate treasure.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

This one should be interesting with them looking to help a lady who grandfather look for a treasure but they better be careful this could be dangerous ride see what I think about this episode right now below.

Episode opens up with Nick and Sylvie tie up with each other what is this can of funny start between them someone jump them and tie them up cops didn’t help them much either as they just left them tie up so how heck they going to get out of this one tight rope here keep them in there to iron out a few problems didn’t last long after intro they are free maybe Ian came and help them did not say oh well was funny start.

Then there was a little fight between Sylvie and Nick unit a woman show up and wants Nick in case on her grandpapa case and not too long you see there being watch allready not surprising when it comes to treasure case and hunt trust me I see the movies a lot that has treasure story.

Turns out grand papa stole the plate but he had to do for a reason hope Nick will understand that what I think or maybe the plate is key to treasure so she went to see her grandpapa but he was missing weird he was just there not long ago unless bad guys got him then a guy so up with gas Nick you better get out of there this guy lock them and set the place on fire lucky Nick and lady got there or else they would of been toast hopefully Nick finds this guy who try to kill them and kick his ass that was close about close one though.

Maybe the captain is up to something here never know when it come to treasure means money so Nick and crew wonder where they can find this treasure on a map Sylvie and Ian will be looking for clues on Beach might be a long day for them turns out Captain was lie to them look like as his show leaving on boat so are Sylvie and Ian trap out there or maybe they can walk him and Nick and girl find her grandpapa with captain but then someone shot at them killing the captain here bummer who ever shots at them wants them all dead .

Only 20 mins and I hope some how they sure treasure here and hope Nick can solve this case once for all and catch bad guys so look like treasure was right in front of them all long but they better be careful bad guys and turns out treasure was in house 23 hmm but there a couple staying there Nick comes up with a story to get them out though and it works so now Nick and crew search under the floor I was wonder where is Sylvie was and she went back and give guy his plate back but I think he is bad guy and is after them maybe and then it goes back to crew they found the treasure they been looking for turns out there was no treasure and just a skull body not much there letdown there after all that .

Last 15 mins look like Sylvie was in trouble but Nick shows up and saved her so where treasure guess there was not as episode ends with Sylvie joking everybody look like bummer no treasure oh well least she got last laugh at the end there.

Not a bad episode guess writers fool me with no treasure there at end but that ok least it ended funny but there was a lot of close calls so action did pick up a lot in this one which I liked overrate did enjoy this one as for now I am heading to bed and just dream of treasure maybe just kidding hope you all do have a good night everybody.

I give tropical heat Episode 4 of S2 a rating of 7/10

Tropical heat : S2 : E3 : A perfect .38 (1991) episode review

 Starring………… Rob Stewart , Carolyn Dunn and John David Bland

Director………….. Randy Bradshaw


Nick and Sylvie investigate a string of murders tied to the local beauty contest.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Episode starts off a couple kissing after during it wonder who get murder here no one did he just want lock number and after that Nick and Sylvie is fighting then it hop back to couple or so from start in safe was jewelry and stuff as she just been Robb her then leaves no murder yet hmm.

Then after intro shows Nick and Ian watching a lady pageant one of two claims she sleeping with him so two of them attack each other as Nick and Ian break it up no Is buying it though so up you can tell her looking at Nick Sylvie look so jealous at the end though when he ask to take lady home tease there between them maybe.

Then Nick meets another contestant who gives him room key number with words help me someone is after her maybe it time for Sylvie to join and go undercover and see if she can find anything she does tell Nick and Ian she was in one of them years ago both have a good laugh which was funny.

Nick later goes see another member and I wonder if he being set up here be careful Nick because music pick up and something going to go down here or maybe not then just as it was a body is throwing into pool and that blonde lady from early show look shock did she kill her is the ?

Or maybe not who ever it was sure sent a message later they go after woman lucky Nick show up but someone kill him did not show who ever it was either saving Nick life or person had beef with unfortunately Nick was kick off the case but if I was him I would still stay on this case Nick get a good tip from ice guy or someone think it is the one put on it was Nancy the whole time should of know she was distracted Nick so body can fall should of know she up to something anyway case solve hope Nick back on job now sure he is episode ends with Sylvie getting in the beauty contest unfortunately not as Nick ended the episode with a joke.

Not a bad episode very good next best though story was not too bad at all acting was good turn out Nancy was the one behind it shame though for Nick she was hot but again when it comes to greed and money that happens anyway in the end enjoy this episode stay turn for next hour of review episode S2 E4.

I give tropical heat S2 E3 a rating of 7/10

Friday, May 19, 2023

Dark Justice S1: E11 : Urban Renewal (1991) episode Review

 Starring ……………. Ramy Zada , Clayton prince and Viviane Vives

Director………….. Tom Desimone


A street kid risks life to expose a ruthless businessman.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Another hour and another review of best late night crime show in my view dark Justice here is my thoughts on episode 11 below.

Episode 11 starts off after intro with kickboxing or boxing and people cheering and it is bloody and one of guy gets killed someone payed him to kill the guy money is like that you kill you get payed big time and they got rid of body by burning it and someone was in back watching a kid who and they see him lucky he got out of there fast or else they would of grab him and possible kill him as well also first person he goes to is Nick they are friends so try to tell Nick what happen but Nick says he need more proof so he tells him but not sure if Nick still believes it and then at gym the guy who is rich show up this one guy see paying them soon as Benny see him he got out of there quick.

Benny goes back to see if he can find something he did but he was killed wow that was quit exit with him dead there goes proof that could bring this so now it up Nick and crew to get too them so time to go undercover so Gibbs go undercover as kick boxing to be the bait it does work as rich guy pays him to win and Gibbs try to keep it but moon say no dice funny moment there.

Gibbs did lose the match which is not good and now they may think he a loser so now to try and make Gibbs better Nick takes over his training and they show him and Nick training boy he so did push Gibbs it does work though so now he ready to fight he does look better then before too just hope this time it works as he wins the match and bad guy is taking the bait too.

This guy is so evil you can tell Gibbs would of like to beat him up you can tell by reaction but plan maybe in trouble as Jenny was kidnapped and Nick and gang don’t know but I am sure Nick does after Jenny is not call him at all.

Unfortunately the gang goes to wrong place as Gibbs is getting his ass bad hopefully they can get there in time to save him lucky they did driving the van though the wall and grab him and Jenny low blow the bad guy and he was found guilty as episode ends in again comedy way with Gibbs again funny ending there.

Another good episode see a lot of Gibbs kicking boxing skills in this did get a beat up bad at end there lucky gang save him he was close to death there but least In the end Nick got some revenge for his friend death that for sure acting again was good as well.

That it for this week crime time after primetime episodes review have a good rest of your weekend.

I give dark Justice episode 11 season 1 a rating of 7/10

Dark Justice S1: E10 : Simon Says (1991) Episode Review

 Starring……………. Ramy Zada , Clayton prince and Begonya Plaza

Directed by……….. John Lafia


A Criminal who avoided being sent to prison by claiming to be insane , has been living like a king in the facility he sent to.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Time to get back to review this great show so hear what I think of episode 10 of dark Justice below.

Episode opens up with that great intro still cool one after that look like opening scene with a nut house shot of crazy people and with someone playing chess this guy said Simon said death and then some guys kill him later it like he control them when playing chess interesting this will be a good test for Nick if he not found guilty and so he was found not guilty so now let games start not sure who guy is but he is creepy man who plays with hand of death using Simon said now is question does Nick play his game and send his crew against him better be careful this guy is a nut so Nick says they can only do one thing get inside head turns out head guy of the place is working with this crazy man and now Nick and crew must come up with a plan but again better be careful.

So they are going to try and drive a mail between crazy and head guy so they send prince other cover oh boy can he be a crazy guy type well have say yes he was very funny playing nuts Clayton prince is a very good actor so far it is going good and then Nick is next to go undercover funny again he so good Simon here has not figure out yet that he is judge Simon does say you look familiar but then said hmm that close though but Nick is going undercover as a doctor then later Simon see Maria undercover and look like he falling in love with her if this part of plan it is working I think so this indeed Nick plan he is good at this stuff but with this one still needs to be careful this guy is good at games too.

Prince later is told to stay away class or else pay the price Nick did warn them to be careful as big ending to game is on the way and could be a deadly and dangerous ending here so far this been a good episode of Nick vs Simon in crazy minds games and big ending here is Maria going out a date with this crazy nuts givens is going though flies but bad guys grab prince here hope someone helps him out here or else he toast lucky givens show up.

After that crazy Simon figure out Nick game and trying to kill Maria lucky Nick had a great punch knocking him out and In the end plan worked as Simon was killed by the one man who he thought he could trust not a good ending for Simon but as Nick said Justice is blind but it can see in the dark.

Not a bad episode it was good again just love how this show writing back then great story’s and great acting as will this way how you bring bad guys to Justice but sometimes it doesn’t go there way so have to be careful the characters of this show I like Ramy Zada as Nick is fantastic in this that for sure get ready because I have one more episode of the night to review in the next hour so stay turn for that.

I give dark justice episode 10 season 1 a rating of 7/10

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Silk Stalkings : S1: Ep11 : Intensive Care (1992) episode review

 Starring……………. Mitzi Kapture , Rob Estes and James McDonnell

Director………….. Kristine Peterson


Lance and Lorenzo look Beyond the bedside manner of a young society when he is brutally murdered after a sexual Encounter.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Episode 11 starts off with a health center with 2 people make out bad move when your working someone is getting murder but who him or her probably her since them 2 fight turns out someone killed the boyfriend with a knife look like first person I would go after is his girlfriend they did not sure killer face that again why I like this show keep the killer under Wrap unit the end of the show that how it works and it does back then in the days.

Chris goes and see doctor or nurse for some answers find some info while there Chris run into a old friend was a cool moment after that Rita talks to woman at start and she seems to be broken down to talk to Rita and then Rita and Chris go to doctor office and finds a bloody shirt so was doctor after that doctor and his lawyer said he did not do it but his name was on list the night the guy was murder but I don’t think it was him.

Rita goes see the father of Steven the guy was killed at start he look heartbroken poor guy and he told Rita about a woman that was hook on him and would not let him go possibly the woman at the start is he talking about later Rita told Chris to meet him at place Rita goes in with a gun almost kill Chris that was close nobody was home so they started looking for clues and Chris tells Rita the story on his friend and his wife Tina they find Kelly diary then it get more interesting find out she pregnant so maybe that why she killed Steven if she did it.

Chris goes to see Tina again and things heat up between them pretty much Chris is stuck in this pickle between his best friend and his hot wife.

One of doctor say Dr that Chris talk to early was having a affair with Steven and after she goes to doctor talk to him and now she jealous of Kelly she seems like this doctor is killer here since she jealous but they do not have enough evidence to take her down though up to Rita and Chris to prove that unit they set up her and she try to sneak in a kill Kelly when she was sleeping turns out to be killer after all after that Chris goes see Tina and his friend he does not tell his friend the truth about him and Tina and just leave it there good move as episode ends with Chris playing the saxophone for Rita in sort of sad tune but he very good at playing it.

Not a bad episode pretty good with some drama between Chris and his friend there little bit boring but nothing bad I did like this one though in the end acting is pretty good on this series as well so in the end did enjoy this episode as well.

Been a long night of reviews so have a good rest of your night or day.

I give silk Stalkings episode 12 a rating of 7/10

Slik Stalkings : S1 :E10 Blo- Dri (1992) Episode Review

 Starring………..Mitzi Kapture , Rob Estes and Teri Ann Linn

Director…………… Brian Trenchard smith


Rita and Chris are not quite convinced that a double murder in a hairstyling salon is a mob hit, and their instincts ultimately prove to be correct.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Episode opens up a woman fighting with a guy then after she leaves the guy start washing another guy that someone show the guy see her again then is shot in fact whoever it was shot both of turns out this was Rita hair guy for last 10 years so now she and Chris have a case to solve on who kill the hair cut guy so wonder who did this is the ?.

Well lady at start is number 1 suspect as she was angry with the guy and he did say why have you return so Rita goes ask a friend about guy she going to talk too head mob so she does and she does get some information not a lot Chris try to go see a woman to talk to her but her boyfriend give him a big eye by mistake but he did talk to her to me she seems to be lie maybe so now that Rita talk to Donny Chris lost the bet and now must take Rita out to lunch for a week ouch.

Chris and Rita or Sam talk to woman that was at start but she does not say much they try to talk to her again but she took off never do that lucky Rita and Chris caught her but is she killer is the question too me I still think it was woman Chris talk to early because look like she was lie but I could be wrong.

They did talk to her she did say she did not do it too Chris and Rita she had a story but still keep an eye on her with history of one she killed at start of show.

Rita and Tony her friend are cooking he is top cooking Chris ask her to bring him some she does but small food can of funny there but anyway Chris and Rita try to save woman talk to early someone In van try to kill them seem like they are getting close because someone wants them dead.

They go and blame Donny but he says he did not do it look like he was not in on it all so was it Rita friend Tony the whole time who else that knows Rita better then even but too me I don’t think so he seems too nice but never know that he could be involved they did go ask him but he said some info but not a lot.

So last 10-15 mins it time for Chris and Rita turns out was Jt the one that give Chris black eye he put on one heck of a fight with Chris so I was right again they was one who kill both of them so how does episode end well did not end well with her and Tony as it ended in heartbreaking but he did deserve it though what a way to end the episode.

Not a bad episode but felt sorry for Rita at the end here the one she liked put her at risk with lies that was tough this probably the last of Tony after that ending otherwise story was good figure that guy who give Chris the black eye had something to do with murder and boy he was tough as well there at the end lucky Chris best him down though overrate not a bad episode.

Stay turned for episode 11 review of silk Stalkings review in the next hour.

Tales from Darkside : S2: Ep19- The Last Car (1986) Review

Starring……..Begonya Plaza, Mary Carver and Louis Guss Director……….John Strysik Synopsis A pretty University student named Stacey waits to bo...