Monday, October 7, 2024

Tropical heat S3 : EP16 - feedback (1993) episode review

Starring…………. Rob Stewart, Carolyn Dunn and Ian Tracey

Director…………….. Clay Borris


A women who’s cheating on her husband with a young lover is being blackmailed. She hires Nick to help, but it might be too late to prevent tragedy.

Warning spillers ahead

My Review

Episode starts off Nick and well a hot chick checking on him is she a doctor doubt it lol just Nick with another hot lady after that goes to another hot moment now I know why this after late night show that for sure someone getting shot right seem like both are cheating on the ones they love there is a guy watching on them on camera so what going on here not sure went to that hot intro boy so nice see it been a whole been busy this summer haven’t had time to review this so nice to see it again.

After the intro Sylvie caught Nick talking to his woman it was funny moment then woman who was at start goes for sylive and Nick help someone after her my guess the guy spying on her had something to do with it or could be her husband maybe he seems to has his eye on Nick a lot for some reason so after he leave to go to see spider he still follow Nick hopefully knows he on his tail by now well as Nick find camera he gets knock out great now he got Nick wonder what he do with Nick now and also he laters kills the woman now it is a murder case that for sure Nick is ok just a bump on head then they find out she was murdered great here we go with the you two are trouble theory because you see her last they do it every episode for once give it a break.

Spider and Sylvie goes to a guy who knows a lot about fliming and stuff so guy the killed the women framed her boyfriend for killing her he was not even there for crying out loud I think Nick knows something is up he is good at solve the cases like this Sylvie laters goes on her own big mistake because the bad guy was there he used the dark to get out of there but got tape this guy does indeed one heck of technology that for That’s for sure.

Someone set up to kill the guy wife but who is question now he listen to spider talking to woman this guy like to spy on everyone the guy talking to spider he try to kill him this guy is tough better be careful Nick, Sylvie or spider could be next on his list anyway the guy he attack is going to be ok now it time to nail him Nick figures out what is they finally got him nice move to set up bad guy he try to get away but Nick got him after that he look crazy but your done buddy.

Episode ends with Nick running off with doctor lady did Nick find right woman probably not next episode he will be with Another one episode ends with spider joking about his new women.

Not a bad episode here this guy was smart but too smart out smart the crew in the end he got busted never did say what happen to him oh well on to the next episode which be next week but I will be back tomorrow for more reviews unit then see you then. 

Note. last week virus hit me hard so still getting better but need more time to get better so will again have to put reviews on hold unit next week hopefully will see when they start pop up again that when you know so unit then be safe this virus is still out there hopefully all this blow over fast so I can get back to reviewing that for sure.

Tropical heat : S3 -E16 rating 6/10

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Quantum Leap S1: Ep3 - Star - crossed (1989) episode review

Starring ……………. Scott Bakula , Dean Stockwell and Teri Hatcher

Director…………… Mark Sobel


At a small Ohio College, Sam Beckett Is a literature professor who must discourage the amorous advances of a student and finds women who left him at the altar. Sam hopes that resolving her conflicts with her father will prevent her from deserting him.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Episode 3 now of this classic series and the year and date Sam leap into June 15, 1972 where he meets his old girlfriend again and trying to change the past between them which didn’t end but it will be tough since same is another person body and his girlfriend will not know it him that will be a tough one also he has to figure out what went wrong to turn it into a right to leap to next mission as which is hard to figure what he has to change or who life’s he changed this is why episodes of this show is great because they make you wonder what next for Sam as well he is a good character but again I am huge fan of Al he was funny guy who is also a ladies man he the one guy I like to have by my side going though time if I was stuck he does help some as well along with Ziggy so Sam is not all alone on his trip though time.

So what did I think of this well it was alright episode funny how same does this character with all ladies after him only problem the one he leap into was old not young though and he gets to know more about girl who he dated and also try to patch things up between her and her father while trying to get other 2 together so I was wonder which one was his mission the ending will prove that too me so it end in happy moment between his girlfriend and father and May of change his father Al and him talk at end and then he leaped after being a couple together so that what he was there it was confusing plot but was a good episode so episode ended with him leaping into a boxer and saying oh boy.

Final thoughts again a not bad episode not my favorite episode of series but good acting too me Dean as Al was funny I like Al style he was comedy in this which I like as well so not a bad episode. Sorry about week delay but did get behind last week was busy so back on track this week with episodes so get ready and have a good rest of your Sunday night.

episode rating : 6/10

Friday, September 13, 2024

Silk Stalkings : S2 : EP15- Dead Weight (1993) episode review

Starring……….. Mitzi Kapture , Rob Estes and John Laughlin

Directed by ……………… Andrew Stevens


An investment advisors murder implicates his wife, a mistress and his personal trainer, Chris lusts after a hot car.

Spoilers ahead warning

My review

Back to review this one been a while so here we go episode starts off with just like in a hot moment well not too hot just 2 people working out then they get in a small fight I am sure a murder is coming look like husband is jealous maybe no murder yet before intro but this show many times does after intro goes right to murder scene with Rita and Chris well does go Rita and Chris not where I think it is but at lunch with each but after some talking someone murder the wife husband so now we got a case murder by weights workout not a good way to die by being choked out.

So now there 2 women in the guy who died so is one of them killers or not is question 2 me I think so but this tough one can’t wait to see who is behind it maybe it is both of them but too me only 1 of them killed him or hired someone to kill the guy that way I think it is going could be personal trainer or wife.

Later it heat up as someone try to kill a gun and Chris with a trap lucky Chris save him before gun went off so they must be getting close be turns out the guy who was almost kill was talking to killers so that part of plan maybe he was killer after all he try to pull a fast one on Chris and Rita but someone did a a drive bye and shot him turn out it was Julia but another guy he trying to away Chris and Rita better hurry and get him as he taking off right now they maybe too late Chris is going after airplane with car he crazy but Chris will doing anything to stop with bad guys it ends with a shot out as Rita kills bad guy she look sad after it so wonder if he was someone close to Rita or not is or maybe she just get that way sometime after killing not sure anyway case is now close.

So how does episode ends well ending with Chris and Rita talking to a guy name cotton nice character name as well it ended in a fight between him and Chris as Rita laughs funny way to end episode sort of. Alright was this a good episode or not it was not too bad but not best one though but it was interesting with the whole 2 women jealous thing which I thought one of them was killer because I see this before many times turn out I was wrong sometimes they throw one heck of twist at the end crime shows episodes also should they bring back crime time after primetime shows here how I would do it put it on Pluto tv maybe give them late night slots and added shows that once aired on CBS I would watch them again if they do that or give them a network on site as well like others I doubt this will happen though but I do keep checking to see if does or not I do know silk Stalkings do air on there sometime so that is a good start though not up too me but would work on that anyway I think write a lot there time to end this and will have Saturday night lineup of reviews so have a good rest of your night.

Silk stockings : S2 : Episode 15 rating 6/10

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Flash : S3: Ep15 - The wrath of Savitar (2017) episode review

Starring…… Candice Patton, Grant Gustin and Danielle Panabaker

Director ……….. Alexandra Le Roche


While training with Barry, Wally starts to have visions of Savitar, which he hides from team. A dangerous secret threatens Barry and Iris”s happiness.

Spoilers ahead warning

My review

The flash reviews return I am ready to get back to reviewing and get though season 3 once and for all so here is the review of episode 15 of season 3 of the flash.

Episode starts off with a few highlights then starts off with 3 speeders and Wally is now fast but memory serves me right wasn’t Wally kidnap bye Savitar at end of episode 14 kidnap what the heck is going on here maybe this Savitar game playing with Wally not sure would be silly if writers forget about no they did not after being attacked by him Savitar is now messing with Wally head and this could be dangerous as well.

Because he may now know what team flash plan so they talk though Julia to Savitar who says he create himself and he try to scare team flash he did some he is good at playing mind games then Barry goes to find people worshipping Savitar wtf indeed brainwashed they are.

For some reason Nash and Wally want to go to future to see if they find more info on Iris death it was too much for Wally to see well did find a out a huge secret that Iris was not wearing ring so that she and Barry problems grow now later Joe try to go talk to her but does not help much after that again the gang talks to Savitar same way as before they are sure going down this way they do find some info.

Then later whole talking to Jesse Wally see his mom telling him to stop you know this has to be Savitar here and it was so now he going after him along better get Barry help but in a bit as he iron out his problems with Iris first he did but now bad news is Wally has stone and if he gives Savitar that part of stone he will be free from speed force well some how Savitar got Wally trapped to speed force and bad news it is Wally bad news now Savitar is free so we get a little fight at the end barry gets stab by Savitar and almost dies but bad news they lost Wally for now tough way to end episode very good acting though.

Not a bad episode ending was tough to watch with Wally being trapped in speed force they will now have to find a way to get him out next episode look like it could that way so next week will be reviewing episode 16 of the flash season 3 so for now have a good rest of your night.

The flash S3: Ep15 rating 7/10

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Xena warrior Princess S1: Ep15 - Warrior…Princess (1996) Episode review…

Starring……….. Lucy Lawless , Renee O Connor and Iain Rea

Director…………… Michael Levine


Someone is trying to kill Princess Diana, so Xena has to protect her. Since Xena and Diana are physically identical, they exchange their roles so Xena discover who’s the killer.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

Where we left off at episode 15 here we go episode starts off with xena riding her horse she goes to see the king who needs her help some guy try to attack her and gets burned then a twist shows up as king daughter look like xena oh boy this Lucy playing both parts the king daughter and Xena should be a good one.

After intro it goes back where xena meets Diana this should help xena she can have her be the bait to get ones trying to kill her so if everything goes well she has the advantage in this one either way she play as Diana so just as thought xena plan is have Diana here be her and xena will be Diana xena sends off to meet Gabrielle with a message should be a interesting moment when they meet.

After bad guys get a butt kicking they show Gabrielle reading a note then a guy try to beat her up then Diana comes and Gabrielle thinks that xena but read the note and she goes oh boy come on so Diana is save for now.

Back at the castle xena is trying to get used Diana move and trying to figure out who trying to kill her when she does trust me they will get one heck of a butt whiping so Gabrielle will have to keep a eye on Diana here if someone figure out plan going on they maybe in big trouble can of look like Lucy had fun playing duel characters in this one it is very good acting by Lucy.

Diana and Gabrielle meet a homeless man looking for food as Gabrielle who is kind give him some and soon as they meet his family Diana felt sorry for them.

Back in castle they find who behind the attacks but they found him dead so now what someone is behind this someone close to her in my view.

So 34 in and I have a feeling it going to get worst and soon a big fight will break I was right bad guys see them talking and now plan to kill xena good luck she knows every move they make they made it look like xena has left and it just Diana so guy go gets xena she still could fool them they did fool me again turn out that xena was there and never left it was Diana was on xena see told you xena is one ahead of bad guys all time and they got a nice ass kicking in the end so pretty much another happy ending as Diana got married as episode with Gabrielle and xena grab something to eat look good then she grab the whole plate must be hungry funny way to end it.

A funny and great action episode as Lucy play 2 roles as Diana and xena so it was like trying to catch a bad guy by fooling she sure did at the ending not greatest episode but will say good that all for tonight review see you tomorrow as the flash reviews return for now have a good rest of your night.

Xena Warrior princess S1: EP15 rating 7/10

Monday, September 9, 2024

Tropical heat : S3 Ep15- May Divorce Be with You (1993) episode review

Starring…………….. Rob Stewart , Carolyn Dunn and Ian Tracey

Director………. Clay Borris


A couple filing for divorce hires Nick and Sylvie separately the husband hires Sylvie to prove his wife’s infidelity, while the wife hires Nick to prove her husband’s Infidelity.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Back to tropical heat reviews of season 3 almost to end not close so let ‘t get to S3 Ep 15 which will be below.

Episode starts off with Nick and spider talking then sylive shows up with short hair now and so them 2 made a bet this should be interesting here then a lady comes up and beat up Nick can of odd moment but he must of had a bad history between them in the past then it goes to 2 people fighting it was heated fight and then off to the intro bet is between Nick and sylive is who solve the case do that that yeah yeah just worried about solve the case well sylive try to get 1 a ahead of Nick but he was allready there where she was oh boy it is heated up between both of them now.

What interesting is both are working on sides he working for the wife sylive working with husband turns out the wife is cheating with another guy and spider got it on film hopefully he did not miss up sylive though almost got into trouble there with a dog lucky she jump out there fast she hurt her butt though I bet she did a little funny so bet still on spider almost quit but sylive offer him to pay him more and he stay on case.

Nice comes back to office and finds out his deck was taken but did sylive had something to do with it or not is question there is a bet going on who wins it as it Nick vs sylive and boy are they throwing blow by blow at each other again I think it is silly just team up again and solve the case and iron out this problem between them because they solve many cases though the seasons of this show I will say it is sort of funny though.

Maybe spider can help them out since he friends whole looking for clues they find a dead body the guy who was in hot moment with blonde girl is dead Nick try to go after him on top of a car but could not get him he fall off spider acts odd around sylive more think he maybe falling her never know we may get spider and sylive as a couple then Nick and Sylvie.

Well then later Nick abd Sylvie are fighting over the case I mean come on you two someone was murder and you two are fighting.

Nick goes to investigate a place and gets knock out and almost killed lucky he dive in pool with a way naked women nice move Nick you should get her number lol not even fire can stop Nick here. Him and sylive are well still fighting.

Later Nick finds out he was right as husband was the one murder him sylive hopefully finds out and she won’t be happy hopefully she does show up and help Nick here she does but Nick get shot but Sylive runs bad guy over with jeep lucky they her and spider show up in time so how does the episode ends he whisper something in her ear as she runs out and he said got you wonder what he said too what ever it was sure had her running well least they end the bet as a tie that for sure as episode ends.

Well it great to be back reviewing this show still lots of episodes before it ends it was good episode Nick and Sylvie fighting was something hopefully they will team up more now and solve cases again now he was lucky she show up and help him though otherwise not a bad episode not sure about spider Sylvie thing could go that way but unsure that for sure but will say there still a lot of episodes of this final season so never know.

Anyway that it for tonight so have a good rest of night and a good night.

Tropical heat S3: EP15 rating 7/10

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Forever knight : S2 :Ep15- Be my Valentine (1995) episode review

 Starring………….. Geraint Wyn Davies , catherine Disher and Nigel Bennett

Director………. Stefan Scaini


Valentine’s Day brings love and murder to the precinct, as Nick Divulges his feelings for Natalie

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

Return back to forever knight episodes review can’t wait to start watching this again and reviewing it so here is review of ep 15 right where we left off last year.

Episode starts off hot with a women in well under wear and a guy playing who is boyfriend to her but then they go to a gun then shows guy dead did he kill himself then after go right intro damn I miss that intro and after that Nick and his friend talk to girlfriend she said she had nothing to do it but she was angry with him at start so it is possible she behind it as well after what Nick friend said Nick has a flashback that could lead to clues they have been though series.

For some reason Nick friend show up early with pizza and beer he said he dump his wife and now will move in with Nick this not very good news for Nick here what if he finds out his secret but Nick goes with it and let him stay when his friend say freedom another flashback Goes down another interesting one.

And then Nick friend makes food thinking Nick will eat it yeah not good idea there after that Natalie calls with info look like they got a lead on the case which lead to a party could killer be there is the ? They did not find killer there but question a few that may of had some clues .

Then Nick and his friend getting a fight boy this could be end of friendship don’t think just a little fight sure they iron it out later. Then they go again question women didn’t find much and after that fight between Nick and Schanke getting into a huge fight and May of not be partners turns out he went to Janet bar as she called Nick and tells him he there Nick said keep a eye on him Janet try’s to tell him to go home but she has a interesting talk between them she listen to him and give him funny and weird reactions I hope he does get back to wife but he may of solve the case it was women the whole time Nick better get there fast or else Schanke he should of got a hold of Nick but anyway turns out he did not need Nick after all Schanke solve the case after that turns out he made up with his wife after that Nick goes to see Janet turns out it was painting from flashback as they end up kissing to end episode.

First of all title and Synopis maybe out of place for episode the episode I watch on dvd was partners of the month not title I put in got from IMDb site so Must be out of order did look at google says this was episode very odd they got title wrong anyway don’t matter because I review .

Now as for episode it was good fight between Nick and Schanke was something but no hard feelings Nick help him solve the case bye arrest the one who killed the guy at start of episode so interesting episode this was thought the ending was good as well so are them two back together or not sure guess I see later on still a lot more episodes to come which I am looking forward to see how this show does play out so for now have a good rest of your weekend.

Forever knight ep15 S2 rating 7/10

Quantum leap S1: Ep 1 - Genesis : Part 1 (1989) review

 Starring …………….Scott Bakula , Dean Stockwell and Jennifer Runyon

Director ……………… David Hemmings


Although the Project Quantum leap isn’t ready yet. Sam Beckett doesn’t listen to supercomputer Ziggy. Hops into the about to attempt a dangererous flight.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

A start of new Saturday night lineup as it will be 1 episode each review of quantum leap and forever knight figure I go back to doing 1 episode review per episode it is lot easy so this will indeed go for shows I am reviewing because I still got movie reviews to write as well so let’s kick this new lineup off with quantum leap episode 1 review

The show Main story is Sam create a Time Machine called quantum leap where it is possible to time travel anywhere any year or day so that why I am looking forward to writing reviews on this amazing series back in the day so here is my review of first episode of quantum leap.

Episode starts off with a nice shot of stars and al driving down the road that will be part of intro as well for a bit so nice intro there and nice way to start so Al driving down the street and see a hot lady car broken down she sounds Ziggy who is a computer in the series could she be the voice of Ziggy not sure anyway Al get a call from a friend saying it going down right now Sam has step into machine even though Ziggy computer says no well there no way to stop Sam so they show a shot of Sam In machine then after quantum leap logo comes up after that a shot of sky my guess this is Sam leaping though the air nice shot and then goes fast and then Sam wakes up but not as him but a guy name Tom with a very pregnant wife as well so when he takes a look in mirror and see well tom who he leaped into who is a air pilot flyer I am sure Sam will be scared of that later on.

So how does Sam get back home well trying to fix what went wrong and fix it later on Al shows up and because of Sam memory lost due to effect of leaping he has no clue who Al Is though.

He better though without Al help he may not able to fly plane here because Sam never took flying lessons with the way it look here in first and there was moments where he almost did not make it very close he was lucky so whole dancing after a close call he see Al again and try not to pay attention bye the Al is a hologram from the future who Sam can only see and hear as well so that what make this show interesting it is off to a tough start between Sam and Al now.

Then later on Sam try to tell his wife that he not Tom did not go well though whole sleeping shot from start goes backwards but then forward my guess this was them trying to get Sam back look like failed then after that Sam try to call his father who died in year 1974 this was time he was alive Sam try to call him but he forgot his number after that Al and Sam talk while he fishing with Tom son and Al could not tell him anything Sam did get some info but not much though as it on Ziggy no list also it was told that Tom leaped into Sam as well I’m waiting room and he has memory loss as well which is a little interesting Sam must of been a genius making this so how did he make it .

Al says for some reason god or faith something was waiting to grab Sam and when time travel god or something did that so now his only way out is fixed what wrong intro a right and maybe leap home or on too next mission so what his mission right to to break the record of air pilot Al has agree to help him but has not show up yet wonder if he will I am sure he will just a little late.

They do a good job making you think he will not sure but he did a help out Sam he is a teacher but look like something happen sam got out there lucky he got out in time as plane blow up well he succeed on his mission why hasn’t he leap well Tom wife goes into labor early putting the baby in danger but Sam as doctor remember how to stop and he does so everyone is I think it time to leap and after kid throw the baseball he does now he a baseball player.

So this next half as Sam went from air flyer to now baseball player name fox Al tells Sam tom is ok and they had a baby girl so now his mission to help a ball player you have to feel sorry for him he made this Time Machine and sounds like a genius and can’t even remember a way to get back home and gets more heartbreaking as he got to talk his father again then they showed his father and younger Sam walking out door that was tough to watch but pretty amazing.

So Sam as foxx is up too bat now he can help fox out here with a big hit that should cause him to leap to the next one he needs to get here or else maybe be stuck there if he fails well he doesn’t get his big hit but ball bunch out of glove of catcher and so many errors that I see and something how Sam made it around the whole plate and scared on a strike out I guess that was ok could of give him a hit but after that he did leap and turn blue first look at what Sam look like when he leaps so he goes from baseball to look like a teacher as episode ends.

A very good start to series do I think Sam should of waiting and all problems would not happen yes and no what they should of done is plan more on how to get him back though in now they are stuck with Sam mind chessy each time he leaps though it will be hard to get him back I did like Sam first mission as air Pliot and they did a good job with Sam not knowing Al so they are building up there friendship there so mission number 1 was good as he saved 2 life’s there 2nd mission wasn’t much but moment him and dad talk was good as well but ending was a little weak could of give him a home run then strike out and ball bouncing out though it was funny but could of been better though anyway Sam leaps on too next one which will be reviewing next week episode 3 or 2 next week this is just a start and looking foward to reviewing next episode of quantum leap.

Quantum leap episode 1 rating 7.5 out of 10

Monday, January 1, 2024

Dukes of hazard S1: Ep1 - One Armed Bandits (1979) Episode review

 Starring…………Tom Wopat , John Schneider and Catherine Bach

Director…………. Rod Amateu


In this series pilot episode, cousins bo and Luke Duke intercept County sheriff Rosco. P Coltrane illegal shipment of slot machines.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Saving the best for last one of favorite tv show back in the days as a kid here is first episode review of dukes of hazzard.

Episode starts off with a look of what ahead for the first episode of the dukes of hazzard so let’s go after that they go intro so takes about 2 mins or a min before full episode starts and it starts off with a cop chase but turns out it is there friend who steal the cop car better be careful if caught he get jail time indeed.

We get a nice introduced to characters of the show like who is boss Hogg and sheriff Roscoe who hates the dukes by the way and also tells us who other characters are you don’t see much of that now in tv shows that for sure.

Then we get a first look at there hot cousin Daisy duke and she is very tough as well don’t mess with her that for sure. Bo and Luke steal the gambling machines because they are illegal as well Roscoe finds out it was them and goes after Daisy trying get her arrest she does have a nice chase but then she got caught she now in jail thanks to bo and Luke so how do they get her out is the ? That for sure.

Only the first episode seem like they are making trouble but they also have plans to get out of it as well and that how they got Daisy out by dressing her up as cop and put a dummy in jail it did work and she got out safe.

So only 10 mins left of first episode of dukes of hazzard Will they get out of trouble or be put in jail to start series. Well turns out this was set up leading up to orphan being saved and they think it was him that give him money wow what a way to get out trouble great way to end episode as well.

This is show I grow up watching as a kid enjoying watching it then and still do today first episode was great start to series boss Hogg was not happy oh well I got the whole series on dvd and plan on doing more episodes in the future that for sure.

This ends a long long day of reviews think next time I cut it short because there lots of good episodes to review out there but will only be doing this around new years for now unit next time have a great new year and hope 2024 is a good one.

Dukes of hazzard S1: Ep1 rating 7/10

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Roseanne : S6: E11- The Driver’s Seat (1993) episode Review

 Starring…………Roseanne Barr, John Goodman anc Laurie Metcalf

Director……….. Philip Charles Mackenzie


Leon manipulates Nancy and Jackie into voting to serve breakfast at the diner.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

Episode starts off with Leon saying he does not smell Roseanne around her restaurant today to Nancy funny I never did like character but he is funny so he comes up with a idea to make meat into a breakfast idea this is Leon trying to take over restaurant so now it will open wonder how Roseanne will reaction well.

This stress her out and gets worst car is missing look like someone steal it. Whole that going on Roseanne was not happy with the way things are going in fact look like everyone is tired Jackie as well can’t believe she vote for it open early Roseanne making fun of new rules and Leon walk in was funny the feud between us indeed of funny comedy of all time in my view.

Then turns out to be more stress when DJ was the one that stole the car and it end up in ditch you can tell Roseanne was stress when she spanked Dj hard she felt so bad too this where great acting comes from Roseanne here it so good felt real she nail this character emotions though in that few mins of the show.

There even a moment where she say had a nice talk with DJ again felt real hopefully she was not hit in real life anyway good acting in this episode.

So she said she needs to spend more time with DJ so that what happen they put him to work as Roseanne going to get back at Leon bye working more as it ended with him getting humiliated bye her then it goes to funny bloopers very funny laugh so hard at that one.

Fun episode too watch some of best comedy acting as well it was written very good for the feud between Leon and Roseanne as he was trying to get rid of her nice try there lol I did indeed enjoyed this one is of my top favorite Roseanne episodes as welll.

Well this is the last review of 2023 we got 1 more review left it will be released on first hour of 2024 see you then and happy new year.

Roseanne S6: Ep11 rating 7/10

Xena warrior Princess S2: Ep3 - The giant killer (1996) episode review

 Starring………………. Lucy Lawless , Renee o Connor and Todd Rippin

Director………….. Gary jones


Retelling of David and Goliath story in which Goliath is a friend of xena’s who fallen into evils ways from grief after losing his family.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

Getting near to new year but let’s keep going with Xena S2 Ep3 the giant killer review which will start right below this.

Episode starts off with Xens telling a story and this where she meeting her friend character name is Goliath like from movies so very interesting this will probably be like movies for story.

Well xena friend is also with some bad bad people this will be tough on her though as he only doing this to try to get to the guy who murder his family she try to talk too him but it is too late guess hate can cause you do bad things so xena later on saves Gabrielle from getting her head cut lucky it was very close Gabrielle and then fight breaks out between her and bad guys pretty good fight xena did get out though.

Her friend she will not hurt her but bad guy said he tell him where to find the guy that killed his family and that where he turn evil for good now and he now wants to kill her some friend he is now huh well then he goes after her good luck she is tough then you but he is also one tough Xena try everything but could not talk him out of it so now them 2 are going to be different sides Shame they could of been a powerful team but he choice xena could not take out the giant so better to take him out David that right there also a name here David and he does out Goliath just like story and movies xena did get a chance to say goodbye to her it was sad but they had a good ending with xena getting 1 more messsge to her friend in heaven that a good way to end it.

Well a great episode with character name being David and Goliath who was xena friend who turn bad it was indeed very tough on her but he was on the wrong side and she was not it too bad she could save but in the end it cost him life and xena losing a friend tough episode to watch it but it was good as well.

Xena warrior Princess S2: Ep3 rating 7/10

Tropical heat S3 : EP16 - feedback (1993) episode review

Starring…………. Rob Stewart, Carolyn Dunn and Ian Tracey Director…………….. Clay Borris Synopsis A women who’s cheating on her husband with a you...